‘Keep Clean Air Zone free’ say Oldham Liberal Democrats

Liberal Democrat Opposition Leader councillor Howard Sykes MBE has called for common sense as Andy Burnham’s war of words with the government over the Clean Air Zone (CAZ) continues.

The Greater Manchester Mayor is locked in a bitter stalemate with Conservative ministers after he rejected Government proposals to limit the Clean Air Zone to Manchester City Centre only.    

Councillor Sykes said, “It’s about time we had some common sense instead of bickering between Mayor Burnham and the Conservatives.  The Liberal Democrats want to see people’s jobs and income protected at a time when many are struggling.  Keeping CAZ free is the best way forward if we want to protect jobs during the cost-of-living crisis.”

“If the Conservative government force a charging zone on Greater Manchester then the area affected by CAZ should be kept as small as possible.  In that scenario, CAZ should be limited to the City Centre.”

Councillor Sykes has recently called for Andy Burnham to come clean about how much money he has spent on the Clean Air Zone, raising concerns about CAZ road signs which have all had to be updated as the Mayors plan was placed under review.

Councillor Sykes said, “The public have a right to know what Mayor Burnham is spending their money on.  He slaps Greater Manchester council taxpayers with his mayoral precept tax hikes every year, so he must answer questions about wasteful spending.  The CAZ road sign fiasco is still ongoing.  He spent money to put them up.  He spent money correcting the signs telling us CAZ was under review.  Soon he might be spending money to take them down in areas outside the City Centre.  My question is how much will this now cost?” 

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