Former St Paul’s Church, Shaw Town Centre

Local Shaw and Crompton councillors are aware of the works currently taking place at the former St Paul’s Methodist Church, on Rochdale Road, Shaw.  These works are part of the previously approved demolition consent granted in 2019 (PA/343832/19).

“As part of ensuring that these works are carried out in line with the planning consent, we have asked Oldham Council’s Planning Enforcement to monitor the works and ensure that they are taking place lawfully and appropriately,” stated councillor Chris Gloster.

Council enforcement officers visited the site last week and sought assistances from the owners that they were complying with the requirements of the planning consent and are monitoring the site clearance along with maintaining a visual record of works taking place.

“These are the facts of the matter as we know them,” added councillor Gloster.  “Lots of other things are being suggested which are just not true as some people try to make mischief in the community.”

13 thoughts on “Former St Paul’s Church, Shaw Town Centre

  1. John Roach says:

    There are a lot of rumours circulating about the building.
    In order to reassure people, as to the intended future use of the site, would it be possible to advise residents of Shaw and those of us with roots in the area accordingly. The former Church was at the gateway to Shaw in a prominent position having served the community well over the years. It would be a start to give details of the identity of the new owners of the site and fully advise people of what lies in store. There has been very little publicity and from reading comments finding details of a planning application look to have been very elusive.
    Perhaps you could make public the full details of the application.

  2. I am the Chair of the Oldham & District Family History Society. We have transcribed the burial registers for St Pauls in all that we are aware of. My question is “has any provision been made for the preservation of the old gravestones at the front of the Chapel and those down the passageway between the Chapel and what was the nursery”

  3. June &Malcolm Everton says:

    Hi Howard,
    On the accessions that. We have passed the site,we have witnessed perhaps 6 or 8 persons NOT wearing hard hats,whilst heavy equipment was being used.

  4. Shaw resident says:

    Isn’t it being converted into a mosque? As the owners are Mohammadia Masjid occuring to the FOI ? Their workers seem to like parking on double yellow lines and obstructing traffic

    • howardsykes says:

      Thanks for the comment. Do not understand by ‘occurring to the FOI’. Could you please clarify – thanks.

      The owners have told us community rooms, a prayer room and not a Mosque.

      Was not aware of the workers parking issue and will take that up.

  5. So the building is guaranteed not to be a mosque. I thought they already had a meeting hall & prayer room round the corner from the this site.

    • howardsykes says:

      As a former place of worship and a school and nursery it would not need planning permission for any change of use. It will have to conform with building regulation and listed building permissions. I understand the listed building issue is why has stopped.

      • Rob Francis says:

        It would now seem planning permission has been applied for. Could you please advise what is going to be built there. I don’t like listing to rumours. So I thought I would ask….

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