Council Leaders “running out of time to avoid photo ID election chaos” say Liberal Democrats  

The Leader of Oldham Liberal Democrats councillor Howard Sykes MBE has written to the Chief Executive of Oldham Council raising concerns about changes to the law which now require people to bring photo ID with them to polling stations at election time. 

Councillor Sykes said, “The government has introduced laws to make it harder for people to vote.  This May, for the first time, people will need to bring photo ID with them to the polling station.  Many thousands of people in Oldham do not have photo ID.”

In his letter to the Chief Executive, councillor Sykes questioned the council’s preparations for the new voting regulations. 

Councillor Sykes said, “the introduction of voter ID represents the most significant change to the way people vote in a generation.  We are deeply concerned that poor implementation and low awareness of the need for photo voter ID could see many eligible voters turned away from the polls in May and in the future.”

“What work is Oldham Council doing with the groups most affected by the introduction of photo voter ID – such as young people, older people, and people with disabilities – to raise awareness of this new requirement?”

The Chief Executive has indicated he will address the concerns raised by councillor Sykes at a later date. 

Councillor Sykes said, “The council is dragging its feet on this when what is needed is decisive action.  It would be a travesty if people end up being turned away from polling stations in Oldham.  However, if I was a cynic, I might say a reduced turnout  will suit some parties and people?”


Liberal Democrats slam voter ID “chaos”
Liberal Democrats slam voter ID “chaos” as postal voters are exempt from identity checks | Howard Sykes (

Councillor Sykes writes to Oldham’s Chief Executive

1 Feb 2023

Harry Catherall
Chief Executive
Oldham Council

Dear Mr Catherall,

I am writing in relation to the May local elections and the implications of the Elections Act 2022.  As you know, government changes to election law will mean that voters in Oldham will be required to present photo ID at polling stations before they are allowed to vote.

It’s the view of the Liberal Democrat Group that the passing of the governments Elections Act and the introduction of voter ID represent the most significant change to the way people vote in a generation.  We are also deeply concerned that poor implementation and low awareness of the need for photo voter ID could see many eligible voters turned away from the polls in May and in the future. 

So, I am writing to ask for an update on the implementation of these changes in Oldham.  I would be grateful if you could address the questions listed below.

1. What work is Oldham Council doing with the groups most affected by the introduction of photo voter ID – such as young people, older people, and people with disabilities – to raise awareness of this new requirement?

2. Has Oldham Council sent out a communication to all households alerting them to this new requirement?  And what is Oldham Council’s wider communication strategy on this issue – including use of social media and other avenues such as posters and leafleting.

3. How many applications have there been so far for the new Voter Authority Certificate (for people who don’t have an approved Photo ID)?

4. What progress is being made towards recruiting and training polling staff for May’s elections?  And how are the implications of the Elections Act 2022 being factored into that training. 

I look forward to your response.

Best wishes,

Councillor Howard Sykes MBE 

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