Oldham Conservatives plan to strip cost-of-living fund by £1.29 million blasted by Liberal Democrats

Oldham’s Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader and Shadow member for Finance councillor Chris Gloster has blasted Conservative councillors after they brought forward plans to cut cost-of-living support in Oldham by £1.29 million. 

Councillor Gloster said, “The Conservative Group is bringing proposals to Council next month that would hammer any hope we have of offering meaningful cost-of-living support to the most vulnerable people in Oldham.  During the worst fall in living standards for decades, the Conservative’s plan is to cut cost-of-living support by £1.29 million is simply callous.”

Oldham Council’s Policy Overview and Scrutiny committee met the other week to consider Opposition budget amendments ahead of March 1st, when councillors will vote on the council’s budget plans for 2023/24.  Conservative proposals came under fire after it was revealed that their costings included an 86% cut to the council’s cost-of-living support fund.  By contrast, Liberal Democrat proposals set out by councillor Gloster were unanimously recommended by the committee.   

Councillor Gloster said, “As the only meaningful Opposition to Labour in Oldham, the Liberal Democrats have set out an alternative to the administration’s budget plans.”

“We have a plan that will make Oldham a greener, cleaner, and safer place to be and provide fairer futures for the next generation.  Our priorities are improving social care provision, tackling environmental crime, and investing in roads, footpaths and cycleways.”

“Those are the things people want to see the council prioritising.  It’s high time that Oldham Council started getting the basics right.”    

Liberal Democrats set out budget proposals for 2023/24

Liberal Democrats set out budget proposals for fair futures in a safe, clean, and green Oldham Borough | Howard Sykes (mycouncillor.org.uk)

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