More than 60 pubs, restaurants and cafes in Oldham at risk of closure as government slashes business support

Shocking figures revealed by the Liberal Democrats show that more than 60 pubs, restaurants and cafes are at risk of closure across Oldham borough following cuts to business support announced by the government.  

Leader of Oldham Liberal Democrats councillor Howard Sykes MBE said, “The Conservative government promised to ‘level up’ Oldham.  But now we see they’re just trying to level us.”

“It’s not enough for the Conservatives that they have wrecked the economy and forced thousands to choose between heating and eating.  Now they are pulling the rug out from beneath the pubs, cafes and restaurants.  These are businesses that are struggling because of decisions made by Conservative politicians.” 

The Liberal Democrat analysis of Business Support cuts predicts that more than 2,100 hospitality businesses could close across the North West.

Councillor Sykes said, “The Conservatives say they back small businesses.  But the reality is one in four small businesses in our country are considering closing or downsizing.  The Conservatives are killing our high street.”

Data here – taken from NOMIS, an ONS Service tracking  labour market statistics

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