The Scrap Metal Dealers Act:
Metal theft has become an increasing problem with the rise in metal prices.
The Local Government Association has reported that 9 in 10 Councils have been affected by metal theft.
This has included manhole covers putting road users and pedestrians at risk of a serious of life threatening accidents.
Even more shockingly parts of war memorials and plaques installed in churches and the grounds of crematoria to remember loved ones have been removed.
In the past many of these crimes have gone unpunished as stolen metal was bought by unscrupulous scrap yards, and such activity was ineffectually regulated.
The Scrap Metal Dealers Act to regulate the industry has recently received Royal Assent. Local authorities will be given the power to refuse to grant a licence to ‘unsuitable’ persons, to revoke licences and to carry out on-site inspections with police officers.
I am sure that Council officers, the Police and the many responsible, law-abiding scrap dealers who operate in Oldham will welcome the legislation.
Will the Leader outline how this Council intends to use the powers of this Act to more effective regulate the scrap metal business in Oldham?