Nuisance fireworks – how to report them

Nuisance fireworks – how to report them

Fireworks are a traditional part of Bonfire Night but they can cause nuisance or serious accidents every year.

If you buy fireworks, make sure they are marked for ‘Indoor, Garden or Display’ use.

The Fireworks Regulations 2004 prohibits:

– Anyone under 18 years from possessing fireworks in a public place

– Anyone except professionals from possessing display fireworks

– Any fireworks that detonate at a higher level than 120 decibels

– The use of fireworks at night (11pm – 7am) in England and Wales. There are, however, extensions for the use of fireworks at night for: Bonfire Night – until midnight

If fireworks are being let off between 11pm and 7am and outside of specific occasions listed under the Fireworks Regulations Act 2004, please report this to GMP by calling 101, or calling Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111. You can also share information online at

If someone is persistently letting off fireworks on their property during the permitted times of 7am and 11pm, and a resident feels it is causing a nuisance, they can report this to Oldham Council’s Environmental Health team by emailing

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