Oldham Liberal Democrats welcome rail ticket office U-turn but warn of more cuts coming down the tracks  

Oldham Liberal Democrats welcome rail ticket office U-turn but warn of more cuts coming down the tracks  

Oldham Liberal Democrat Leader councillor Howard Sykes MBE has welcomed the recent reversal of plans to axe local rail ticket offices including at Greenfield Station in Oldham Borough. 

Councillor Sykes who is also the Liberal Democrat representative on Greater Manchester’s Transport Committee (The Bee Ctte) said, “This is good news for passengers, especially those who are elderly or disabled.  However, the devil will be in the detail.”

Local rail ticket offices were placed in the firing line earlier this year as rail operators looked for ways to cut operating costs.  But strong local opposition has forced a rethink.  

Councillor Sykes said, “Rail companies are under increasing pressure from the government to cut costs.  Liberal Democrats don’t want to see these pressures passed on to passengers.  People are struggling with the cost-of-living and we already have some of the most expensive ticket prices in Europe.”

“If the government was serious about fixing rail travel, they would commit to freezing ticket prices for the next five years.  And commit to ticket integration schemes across public transport as a whole so that there are more ways people can pick up a valid ticket.”


More from councillor Sykes on rail ticket offices
Rail ticket office closures – Howard Sykes (mycouncillor.org.uk)

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