Former Very Site on Linney Lane.
Finally got to the bottom of the noise and late night/early hours of the morning noises from the site. This is the reply I have had:
“the site has gone through demolition and remediation exposing a number of trees that were previously sheltered adjacent to the Metrolink. We had started works to construct a retaining wall along this boundary and it was noted that a number of trees had started to lean towards the Metrolink causing a safety issue. After speaking with Metrolink on Monday, an urgent isolation order on the track was agreed for the Wednesday night (outside of operational hours for the Metrolink) to remove the trees as they were deemed unsafe. Unfortunately, this did not give us enough time to notify the council or residents. This was a one time event and no further works of this nature will be required.”
I hope this explains the particular situation experienced on Wednesday night / early hours of Thursday morning 5/6 June.