I have just received the contractors expected programme for completion of the above works:
The joint bay currently open in the grass verge on Blackshaw Lane near to its junction with Balmoral Avenue has been backfilled and is awaiting top soil to be placed.
The joint bay at the top of Blackshaw Lane near to its junction with Perth Street will have the last joint completed today and should be backfilled today, with final reinstatement taking place Wednesday/Thursday.
The joint bay currently open on Oldham Road near to its junction with Otmoor Way should have the jointing complete Wednesday.
A second joint bay will be opened on Oldham Road in the vicinity of no. 152 this morning. All the cables should be pulled through to this bay by Wednesday evening and the jointing will then commence with a view to close this bay down by Thursday evening.
The last joint bay, which was previously opened on Oldham Road near to its junction with Longley Street but temporarily shut down, will be re-opened Friday to allow the final jointing work to be completed over the weekend, with the reinstatement being completed Sunday/Monday.
As explained by Electricity North West at the presentation given to the District Partnership on June 3rd, in order to carry out the operation of pulling through the cable and jointing, it will be necessary to have three joint bays open at any one time. The last run along Oldham Road, between Bullcote Lane and the Big Lamp roundabout, will undoubtedly be the most disruptive.
The temporary signals along Oldham Road will be manned during the working day between 07.00am and 18.00pm and the operatives will be in touch using two way radios. While every effort will be made to minimise disruptions, unfortunately some disruption will occur.