Helping fellow residents this winter

Helping fellow residents this winter

If you know someone who is struggling, then let them know help is available this winter. 

A winter campaign is underway to help residents maximise their income through the coming months.  

It is estimated that £7.9 million is currently unclaimed in Oldham each year, with 3,288 pensioners eligible for the winter fuel allowance who are currently not claiming even though they are entitled to. 

The campaign will also be signposting pensioners and others who are struggling, including families on lower incomes, to the support we and our partners offer.  

How you can get involved 

If a resident has immediate needs and requires support now, they can call our helpline on 0161 770 7007 or visit From here, they can access information on how to heat their home, how to access help with bills, help from our welfare rights service, help in a crisis and much more. 

If you know someone who might not be claiming pension credits they’re entitled to, then please direct them online in the first instance – 

They can also call the council on the above number, and they will arrange for someone to talk them through the process. Even if they don’t get pension credits, they should still get in touch so they can be talked through other support they may be able to receive that they aren’t aware of. 

Please share the pension credit leaflet below. 

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