I am pleased to report my colleagues on the Parish Council have backed my calls to oppose the sale of this green public open space in the heart of Shaw.
Below is a copy of their objection letter.
Oldham Council has now published its so called ‘public notice’ to let the people know about its plans to sell this land.
It was buried in the small print on page 25 of the Oldham Evening Chronicle, along with other disposals (called plot 3) on the 21st October 2013.
People have 28 days to object i.e. by NO LATER than the 18th November.
Objections need to be sent to:
Ref. Bernard Summers, Executive Director of Neighbourhoods Oldham Council, PDI Division, Level 6, Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham OL1 1UH
If YOU feel strongly about this issue please do object by the deadline, I need your help to save/protect this key green space in the heart of Shaw
Copy of Parish letter:
Chief Executive
Oldham MBC
Civic Centre
West Street
17 October 2013
Dear Sir/Madam
Site of the Former Matthias Pilling House and Adjoining Land at Milnrow Road/Siddall Street, Shaw
At a meeting held on 14 October 2013, the Parish Council discussed a report by your Council’s Executive Director, Commercial Services, dated 9 September 2013. The purpose of the report was stated to be to seek authority to advertise an intention to dispose of land comprising the site of the former Matthias Pilling House and adjoining land at Milnrow Road/Siddall Street, Shaw, which had been identified as Public Open Space. A copy of the report is attached for ease of reference.
The Parish Council resolved to express to your Council:
• its opposition to the disposal of the Public Open Space that is not, and never has been, part of the former Matthias Pilling House site (for clarity, the area on the site plan which is not hatched), and
• its view that sale of the land comprising the site of the former Matthias Pilling House be restricted to social landlords, preferably those providing for older people. Members pointed out that this end use had been agreed previously with the then Metropolitan Borough Councillors for Shaw Ward and Chairman of the Housing Committee.
I look forward to receiving your confirmation that the views of the Parish Council will be taken into account when reaching a decision about the future of these two pieces of land.
Yours faithfully
Dr Ray Hughes
Clerk to the Council
cc Oldham MBC Executive Director, Commercial Services,
Oldham MBC Councillors for Shaw Ward