Labour fails to Back Radical Measures to Reduce Benefit Sanctions

PTABsanctionsThe Leader of the Opposition and of the Liberal Democrat Group, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, expressed his disbelief that the majority Labour Group failed to back Liberal Democrat proposals to support local jobseekers faced with benefit sanctions at last night meeting of Oldham Council.

Cllr Sykes said: “This is unfortunately typical of the conduct of Labour on Oldham Council. They condemn the Coalition Government at every opportunity but when the Liberal Democrats propose practical measures to support the poorest households in our borough Labour does not back us.”

“Since the introduction of welfare reform, the Liberal Democrats have proposed a raft of common-sense proposals to help those coping with its impact. Put simply Labour cries crocodile tears over the plight of the poor, but actually does nothing to improve their situation.”

The Liberal Democrat proposals were contained in an amendment to a Labour motion on sanctions.

Cllr Sykes added: “Other than making a few minor changes to the wording of Labour’s motion to ensure its factual accuracy, the Lib Dems amendment was purely intended to strengthen the impact of the motion by outlining a series of actions that the Council could do to support residents faced with benefit sanctions. Even the Conservatives could see the merits of our proposals as they voted in favour of our amendment – yet Labour did not. On this occasion their hypocrisy was truly breath-taking”.

The Liberal Democrat proposals were that:

  • The Chief Executive write to the next Secretary of State for Work and Pensions asking the incoming Government to adopt the recommendations resulting from last year’s Oakley Review and those from a recent inquiry of the Work and Pensions Select Committee, and also establish a broad independent review of benefit sanctions as early as possible.
  • The Chief Executive also ask the new Government if Oldham can be considered as a location to pilot new proposals that the Select Committee identified – namely to develop a bespoke Vulnerability Guide with local partners to deliver enhanced services for vulnerable claimants and to issue written warnings and non-financial sanctions to claimants prior to imposing a financial penalty.
  • A special workshop be convened through the Overview and Scrutiny Board to bring together local partners and Job Centre staff to establish ‘best practice’ in the implementation of benefit sanctions to reduce the number of claimants facing a financial penalty.
  • The Council support local Job Centre staff in rolling out specialist training for advisors working with benefit claimants so they are better able to advise them so that they can avoid sanctions.
  • That Councillors and advisors across a range of organisations be issued with the excellent toolkit on benefit sanctions produced by the Salvation Army

Cllr Sykes said: “Local Labour MP Debbie Abrahams is a prominent member of the Work and Pensions Select Committee and even she has called for a broad independent review of benefit sanctions to be convened by the government as early as possible in the next Parliament. Labour members on Oldham Council voted against this proposal.”

“Labour Councillor Dave Houle speaking in the Chamber said ‘that over sanctions we need to be sure that Oldham Job Centre is doing the right thing’. Our proposal to convene a special workshop to establish ‘best practice’ would have ensured that they are doing this. A pity then that Labour members voted also against this proposal.”

“Our proposal that Oldham be a pilot area to develop a specialist Vulnerability Guide for the delivery of improved services for vulnerable claimants and for the use of written warnings (a so called Yellow Card scheme) would also help. Sadly Labour Councillors also voted against this proposal, so more local claimants will suffer a cut in benefits as a result.”


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