Last night’s meeting of Oldham Council – tribute to Michael Meacher MP RIP – by Councillor Howard Sykes Lib Dem and opposition Leader


Mr Mayor, Michael Meacher served the people of Oldham faithfully as Member of Parliament for 45 years, since being first elected in June 1970.

Elected when he only 30, Michael served as a junior minister in industry, health and social security under Labour Prime Ministers Harold Wilson and James Callaghan, and later, after the return of a Labour Government, as environment minister under Tony Blair.

Michael was never afraid to speak out – sometimes as a minority voice in his party – about issues that he felt passionately about – the environment, housing, and nuclear weapons.

These were issues on which he had my complete support and admiration.

Always a man of great principle, Michael to his great credit was prepared to sacrifice his ministerial position in protest over the conduct of the Iraq War.  And we now know that he was right on this also.

One political issue for which Michael was particularly admired was his commitment to safeguarding our environment.

I have it on good authority from a personal friend who was working for a Non-Governmental Organisation that he regarded Michael as the best Environment Minister their organisation had ever had dealings with – now that is praise indeed!

Although he spoke out on national issues, Michael was never afraid to speak out for the people of Oldham on the issues that mattered to them, and in a period of increasing austerity and a north-south divide there was never more need for a dedicated advocate for this town in Westminster.

On a personal level, I enjoyed working with him when I was Leader of the Council. I always found Michael approachable and willing to work across party boundaries on issues of importance that affected the borough of Oldham and its people. I also enjoyed Michael’s company (and that of his partner) at the many social functions at which we met.

So it was a real privilege to be able to speak in support of the proposal that the Council award Michael the title of Honorary Freeman of the Borough of Oldham for his outstanding service and dedication in 2013.

Mr Mayor, with Michael’s passing I regret to say that Oldham has lost a great friend and a great advocate, and for whoever is about to follow him into Westminster, Michael’s will be very big shoes to fill.

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