Item I would have raised if Labour had not ran the clock out at tonight’s Full Council meeting – about air quality

aqmrc_bannerGreater Manchester Combined Authority Minutes 27-11-2013 Page 91, Item 161/15 – Low Emissions Strategy and Air Quality Action Plan

Can I remind the Leader that I asked her predecessor a question in relation to the maintenance of air quality standards in Council in February 2014?

This remains a serious issue.

It is estimated that around 30,000 people die every year in the UK because of poor air quality and it has a serious impact on residents with respiratory and cardio-vascular illness.

Given the importance of this issue, can I seek the assurance from the Leader that this Council will be responding to the Greater Manchester Combined Authority’s consultation being held as part of a review of the proposed action plan?

Questions from the Leader of the Opposition to the Council Leader – Oldham Council 5th Feb. 2014,  Monitoring Air Quality:

As one of the foremost cotton towns, with a continued legacy amongst our citizens of poor respiratory and cardio-vascular health, we must all recognise the importance of clean air to the well-being of the residents and wildlife of this borough.

Certainly in Shaw and Crompton, ward members, being conscious of the ongoing impact of diesel fumes from the many HGVs that pass through our ward, en-route to and from local distribution centres, have campaigned long and hard for the installation of a station to monitor air quality.  This campaign was recently rewarded when such a station was installed on Crompton Way.

Councillors may be unaware that the Committee on Medical Effects of Air Pollutants estimates that up to 29.000 deaths in the UK per year are attributable to poor air quality and that the World Health Organisation has recently classified outdoor air pollution as carcinogenic to humans.

I was therefore recently concerned to hear of a suggestion by the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs that the legal obligation be removed from local authorities to monitor air quality.

I am sure that the Leader will want to join me in seeking to maintain our Council’s commitment to carrying out these checks, and to continue to participate in the work of the Greater Manchester Air Quality Network, so can I invite him to join me (and the other group leader on Oldham Council) in sending a joint letter to the Minister expressing our concern over this issue?

2 thoughts on “Item I would have raised if Labour had not ran the clock out at tonight’s Full Council meeting – about air quality

  1. Marian Herod says:

    This is an issue that greatly concerns me, as I regularly find black soot like particles on window sills and work surfaces in the house, and have recently developed idiopathic respiratory problems.

    • howardsykes says:

      Air quality is a key issue for all of us, as those with any form of respiratory problems will be aware.

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