Filming on Crompton Moor 11 – 16 April – CLASH OF KINGS


Filming for an advert for a video game called the Clash of Kings will take place on the above date.

The location is around the main quarry area on Crompton Moor.  Scene description: shooting of an epic medieval scene with the king rousing his troop for battle.  Size of crew: 50 crew plus 60 background artists.  Vehicle details: several technical vehicles, including kitchen, dining buses and wardrobe trucks.

All risk assessments have been completed and interested parties like Friends of Crompton Moor (FCM), Oldham Countryside Service, local councillors have been consulted and are well aware and fully informed.  A donation to FCM had been agreed.

The planned programme to date is: Technical day: Monday 11 April; Preparation day: Wednesday 13 April; Rehearsal day: Thursday 14 April; Shoot day: Friday 15 April; Strike day: Saturday 6 April

Permission to set up/film was granted subject to the following:

  • Blink Productions to contact First Response with regards to access and egress arrangements regarding the barrier.
  • Blink Productions to place laminated notices at opportune locations advising the public of filming times and dates and that Oldham Council and Friends of Crompton Moor have been involved throughout the consultation.
  • Blink Productions will provide security at the entrance off Buckstones Road (first barrier) to advise members of public that the only parking available are 3 disabled bays and to politely ask all others to park safely elsewhere.
  • Blink Productions to provide security to manage the public around the shoot site and to enforce a safe working/pedestrian zone.
  • Parking is prohibited on the grass verge on the LHS from Buckstones Road up to the quarry.
  • Vehicles to travel from Buckstones Road up to site at 5MPH with hazard warning lights on.
  • Blink Productions to ensure the site is left clean and tidy.
  • Marian Herod (Friends of Crompton Moor) to provide key to Blink Productions to access the quarry area.
  • Quads used to transport equipment around the site must keep to the paths and travel at no more than 5 MPH with hazard warning lights on.
  • Any damage caused must be paid for.
  • The pitching of tents only within the heather in the centre of the quarry as discussed.
  • No filming within the heather on the LHS of quarry due to nesting birds.
  • As agreed donations to be made to the Mayors Appeal and Friends of Crompton Moor.

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