Missed bins, Shaw and Crompton 20 May


I am informed that due to vehicle issues on Friday there are about 2.5 hours of paper and cardboard outstanding in the Shaw and Crompton area.  This area includes:

  • 1.5 hours on Marlfield Road, Wood Street, Thornham Road area
  • 1 hour on Edward Street, Netherhouse Road, Victoria Street area

Please note that there will be a vehicle out from 7:30 am on Saturday morning to complete this work.

2 thoughts on “Missed bins, Shaw and Crompton 20 May

  1. Edward Kramer says:

    The Rubbish Collection is a disgrace.They make mistakes very often and come back when they want.In the mean time the residents don’t get a reduction for the service they aren’t getting.It’s a well known saying,”The Council is a Law Unto Themselves”.And it’s true.

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