Draft Greater Manchester Spatial Framework – Shaw and Crompton Public Drop-in Session: Monday 14th November 16


Draft Greater Manchester Spatial Framework

Public Drop-in Session: 5pm – 6.30pm, Monday 14th November, Shaw Lifelong learning Centre, High Street, Shaw

Public consultation on the draft Greater Manchester Spatial Framework

Consultation open: 31 October to 23 December 2016

Over the next twenty years there is a need to deliver continued sustainable economic growth, creating more jobs and new homes for the people of Greater Manchester.

The draft Greater Manchester Spatial Framework sets out:

  • How much housing and employment land is needed up to 2035;
  • A number of strategic sites across Greater Manchester to assist in meeting these requirements;
  • The importance of infrastructure such as, health, education, transport, green spaces and utilities to support neighbourhoods and employment; and
  • Ways to protect and improve the natural environment.

For further information on the consultation please visit www.greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk/GMSF or call the Greater Manchester Planning Team on 0161 237 4636

Paper copies of the draft Greater Manchester Spatial Framework may also be viewed at local libraries in Oldham and at the Oldham Civic Centre Planning Reception.

A paper copy of the Integrated Assessment may be viewed at the Civic Centre Planning Reception, West Street, Oldham, OL1 IUG (for Sat Navs use OL1 1NL).

Other ways to have your say:

PO Box 532, Town Hall, Manchester M60 2LA.

All comments must be received by 17:00 on 23rd December 2016.

If you would like to discuss one of the Oldham allocations in detail then please contact a member of the Strategic Planning and Information team on 0161 770 1672, 4163 and 4061 or email spi@oldham.gov.uk.

Please note all comments will be held by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and will be available to view publicly. Comments cannot be treated as confidential. Your personal information, such as your postal and e-mail address will not be published, but your name and organisation (if relevant) will.

The Greater Manchester Combined Authority maintains a database of consultees who wish to be kept informed about the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework. In responding to this consultation your contact details will automatically be added to the consultation database. If you do not want to be contacted about future Greater Manchester Spatial Framework consultations please state this in your response.

4 thoughts on “Draft Greater Manchester Spatial Framework – Shaw and Crompton Public Drop-in Session: Monday 14th November 16

  1. DIANE QUINN says:

    You had your second meeting regarding building 1,500 houses at the back of my home last evening. It is only today that we received notification by 1 sheet of information through our door. This seems a little unfair and undercover. When do you next intend to have a meeting, then all the neighbours can attend to find out exactly what the plans are to build on greenbelt land and ruin our rural lifestyle.

  2. Catriona Boulton says:

    When is the next meeting. This is a surprise to alot of the people on the local area. This hasn’t been well publicised.

    Signs only went up in Crompton park in the last couple of days. Twenty days after the start of the consultation. Not very good for public consultation. This should have gone out to each household in a letter or via the borough free paper they sent out recently.

    • howardsykes says:

      Along with other local councillors, who this was news too as well, we are pressing for another meeting ASAP. As of yet no date has been agreed.

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