Linney Lane and Scarr Lane resurfacing starts 13 Feb and 20 Feb 2017

Linney Lane

I wanted to inform you of the latest information I have received from the Council regarding the road surface of both Linney Lane and Scarr Lane.

A number of you have been in contact with me regarding the pot holes and the general condition of the road surfaces on Linney Lane and Scarr Lane over the last couple of years or so.

As some of you will already be aware, my colleagues Rod Blyth, Chris Gloster and I, have been trying to get some action to remedy the poor quality of the road surfaces.  I have sent numerous communications to the Highways Department along with attending a significant number of meetings to try and progress this matter.

I can confirm that the work will definitely be going ahead.  Since receiving confirmation of the work I have been pursuing the Highways Department for a start date and this is the most up to date information I have received.

Highways have informed me they are planning this work on the following dates: Monday 13th February 2017 (Scarr Lane) 1 week, and 20th February 2017 (Linney Lane) for 2 weeks.

Please note that these dates are not set in stone as yet; these are the proposed dates which have been put into the tender documents to the contractors, so assuming they have availability on these dates, the work will hopefully start around the dates specified above to fit in with School Holidays.  If these dates change I will do my best to inform you of the new ones.

7 thoughts on “Linney Lane and Scarr Lane resurfacing starts 13 Feb and 20 Feb 2017

  1. Marian Herod says:

    Are you aware of any information relating to the car park at the bottom of Linney Lane? Will it be available for residents use? If so, what facilities would be in place to enter and exit?

    • howardsykes says:

      Access will be maintained, but will double check if I get answer that is different will let you know.

      • howardsykes says:

        Dear Cllr Sykes,

        For the duration of the works Linney Lane will be closed to through traffic, with access given when it is safe to do so to any residents of Linney Lane. However this may be with some delays if plant or machinery is in that specific location at the time access is needed.

        Outside of the working hours (09:30-15:30) Linney Lane will be made safe and re-opened each day to allow traffic to use it.

        As Linney Lane is the only access to the car park, access cannot be maintained during working hours, however will be opened up outside of these hours. For any cars remaining in the car park wanting to leave during our working hours, we will do our best to facilitate them as quickly as possible.

        With the works being phased to deliver the section of Linney Lane from Milnrow Road to Shop Direct Entrance in as short a time as possible, we hope that this section of the works will last only 5 days, weather dependant. The road closure on Linney Lane will then move from Shop Direct Entrance to George Street, which as a result will open up the car park once again.

        Best Regards,

        Matt McGreal
        Engineer | Highways & Engineering | Unity Partnership

        Unity Partnership I Henshaw House, Cheapside, Oldham, OL1 1NY
        T: 0161 770 1955 I M: 07837185056 I

  2. Tiffany says:

    Guessing access to the Yodel car park via Linney Lane will still be available.

    Please advise.

    • howardsykes says:

      Max access will be maintained I have told there will be time when there will be no access due to re-surfacing. I have sort an assurance that this will not happen at shift changes.

  3. Russian Crabtree says:

    What about some speed restriction measures?

    • howardsykes says:

      Bus and emergency services object to physical measures. I also have doubts they would deter the handful of idiots who belt up and down these roads.

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