First and foremost I am a local lad, having grown up in Shaw and still living in the heart of the town – something which cannot be said for some of my opponents.
I and my colleagues work hard all year to get the views of local residents.
I listen to what people have to say and make sure these views are taken account of.
I can be contacted at; via email; phone; my address in Shaw and, at my regular advice centres.
I’ve fought hard for the things people tell me they want to see for themselves and their families, such as a new health centre, improvements to the roads and to tackle anti social behaviour.
There have been some successes recently with highway works completed on Grains Road and Beal Lane and alley- gates have been installed in a number of locations.
I have also been heavily involved with the successful bid to attract £1m of investment into Dunwood Park and in the recent improvements to Crompton Moor/Brushes Clough.
But I know there’s more to do.
I am the only candidate campaigning to save Shaw Baths from closure because I believe that the people of Shaw need this amenity in the local area rather than having to travel to Royton.
I’m also working hard for local people fighting the effects of the closure of Beal Hey Tip, and the increased litter and fly tipping being experienced as a result.
No wonder all some candidates in this election want to talk about is national politics.
This is a local election about local issues and about who is best placed to represent Shaw on Oldham Council.
I do hope I can count on YOUR support on Thursday 3rd May.
Best wishes and many thanks for reading this post.