Northern rail services like the Stone Age compared to London services

The Leader of the Opposition and of the Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, has criticised Transport Secretary, Chris Grayling MP, for agreeing to find another £30 billion to back the Crossrail 2 scheme to improve commuter links from London to the Home Counties when only last week the Conservative Government shelved plans for rail projects in the north of England.

Councillor Sykes said: “The future electrification of the Trans-Pennine North rail line, which stops at Greenfield Station, is now in jeopardy.  Under the Coalition Government, the then Chancellor announced plans in 2011 to electrify the route which runs between Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds and York with a planned completion date of 2018.”

“Immediately after the 2015 General Election, then Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin announced that the plans were being suspended, but after campaigning by MPs, the media and local rail groups he announced that the project completion would be put back a year to 2019.”

“Then when the rail franchises came up for renewal, potential operators were told not to expect electrification during ‘the lifetime of the franchise’.  This meant no electrification until at least 2023.”

“This is par for the course with this Government as the Great Western and Midland Main Line electrification schemes are also behind schedule and way over budget.  It seems that when it comes to this Government anything rail that doesn’t start in London is being short-changed.  What else can you expect when the Prime Minister represents Maidenhead and the Transport Secretary Epsom, both in the Home Counties?”

“I have nothing against Crossrail 2 but we need to have Trans-Pennine 1 funded and built first,” stated Councillor Sykes.   “What we currently have in terms of rolling stock and journey times is a stone age railway.  We should have a fair share of cash and investment then we can drag this route into the 21st Century.”

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