2 thoughts on “Oldham Roadworks Bulletin – w/c 2 October 2017

  1. S Boyd says:

    Why has dogford Road in Royton been closed without any warnings and causing absolute chaos?. The weekly bulletin states off peak multi signals! It’s the things like this that cause people to loathe the council and its service or lack of it!

    • howardsykes says:

      Could not agree more, below is the reply I have now received.

      Morning Councillor,

      I have spoken with my colleagues in the Highways Permit Team who have confirmed the following:

      When last week’s road works bulletin was generated the works were located on Rochdale Lane and the whole junction was under multi way signals. As of Monday 02nd October the Dogford Road closure started therefore in this week’s road works bulletin it will state road closure. The closure is in operation until Friday 6th October.

      I have attached a copy of the TTRO closure and plan. Originally this was planned for October 16 but was brought forward at the last minute which is why it missed the deadline for last week’s bulletin.

      If you have any questions regarding the work these should be directed to Nigel Molden at nigel.molden@unitypartnership.com

      Dean Goodwin
      Traffic Engineer, Traffic and Network Management

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