A Few Words re Former Mayor Joe Farquhar – Oldham Council 28 March

Mr Mayor, I rise to say a few words of tribute to former Mayor and Conservative Councillor Joe Farquhar who recently passed away.

Joe was larger than life.  He was always a man with a presence – you always knew when he was in the Chamber – and when he made a speech you could not help but listen.

Joe served the people of Royton South for two terms from 1984 to 1988 and from 1992 to 1996, sitting as a member on six committees during this time.  He was also elected for a four year term to the former Greater Manchester County Council, playing a vital role in advocating the Oldham case at the city region level.

In his final year in office, Joe became Mayor of this Borough, and his service became a family affair with his mother – Sarah – serving alongside him as Mayoress.

Joe was an active member of the United Reformed Church, and along with his mother Sarah he was a regular at the Union Street Church, and before that at Heyside.  His faith was important part of his life and that of his mum.

Joe also played a prominent role in other areas of civic life within the Borough – he was a Magistrate and a JP, and, for over 20 years, he was President of the Oldham Branch of the Royal British Legion, being an ex-Lancashire Fusilier himself.

Although I may have had differences of outlook and opinion with him, this did not mean that I did not respect him and I felt that he was always a ward councillor who took a great interest in the affairs of Royton, and was an effective and independent voice and advocate for his constituents in this Chamber.

He will be sadly missed and my personal and the Liberal Democrats condolences to his family.

2 thoughts on “A Few Words re Former Mayor Joe Farquhar – Oldham Council 28 March

  1. Katie stelfox says:

    I was saddened to hear about the death of Joe I’m katie I attended foxdenton special school in in Oldham in roughly 1995 joe came to visit he was a great mayor Joe farquer her helped he us buried a time capsule In a park but he was so nice please give my condolences to to family x

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