Hopefully your POSTAL VOTE, if you have one, will land with you on on Thursday 18 April, or Saturday 20th April

Chris Gloster
Fullwood House, Lower Fullwood, Shaw, OL2 8QH
Email: Chris.Gloster@oldham.gov.uk Tel: 01706 847709

Dear Resident,

It has been an absolute privilege to represent the people of Shaw for the last four years.

I was born and bred in Shaw and have lived here all my life.  Before I became a councillor, I spent most of my career in Oldham becoming Shaw’s first community police inspector.

I became a councillor simply because I care deeply about Shaw and the people who live here. 

The service cuts unfairly inflicted upon Shaw residents, by Labour, such as the postponement of our new Health Centre and the theft of our baths and tip makes me angry!

Now, with support from the Conservatives, Labour want to grab our Green Belt for massive developments.

I work for Shaw, with my councillor colleagues Howard Sykes and Hazel Gloster all year round, not just at election time! 

Some of my opponents do not even live in Shaw and Crompton and have withheld their address from the ballot paper in the hope you do not notice!

Unlike anybody else in this election you can judge me on my actions and record. 

My key aims going forward are to ensure that St Paul’s isn’t left as a crumbling monument; work to combat the daily issues of dog fouling and fly tipping; challenge the ill thought out Labour land grab of our green space; and continue to hold Labour to account to ensure Shaw isn’t forgotten.

I do hope I can depend on YOUR support?

Thank you for reading this letter.

Best wishes,

Chris Gloster

Liberal Democrat Candidate

PS.  Elections in Shaw Ward are always a close fight between the Liberal Democrats and Oldham Labour.  Votes for anybody else just helps Labour sneak in!  Make sure YOUR vote counts.

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