Community Hubs: progress report

This information is 24 hours old.

More than 100 people called the helpline number (0161 770 7007) in the last two days. In total 404 people have called since it launched last Friday. In total 244 people have been referred to the five distribution hubs to receive food. The five distribution hubs are being manned by volunteers as well as redeployed council staff.

Residents are encouraged to phone the number if they are vulnerable and need help 0161 770 7007. Please note that the most vulnerable people should ring the hotline direct -rather than referrals bring made on their behalf.

People are encouraged to take part in responsible mutual aid where trusted people can help people who need it. . This will help ease pressure on the hotline.

You can also volunteer to become an emergency volunteer

Business grants 

Oldham businesses can now take advantage of cash grants to support them during the coronavirus pandemic after the scheme went live today.  

Oldham Council is distributing the Small Business Grant Fund and Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant Fund locally.  

A form for businesses to submit their information has now been launched at  

Completing the form will help the council to issue grants as quickly as possible. 

In addition to the grants, the council is also currently rolling out a 12-month business rates holiday for all retail, hospitality, leisure and nursery businesses in Oldham.

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