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Liberal Democrats to force no-overall-control Oldham Council to vote again on ‘Places for Everyone’

Liberal Democrats to force no-overall-control Oldham Council to vote again on ‘Places for Everyone’

Oldham Liberal Democrats will force a vote on whether Oldham Council should withdraw from the controversial Greater Manchester-wide housing scheme ‘Places for Everyone’ at the next Full Council meeting on July 10th

Oldham Liberal Democrat Leader councillor Howard Sykes MBE said, “Places for Everyone will not deliver the affordable housing we need in Oldham.  The scheme will destroy greenbelt sites and hand a blank cheque to developers.  All councillors should vote to begin the process of removing Oldham from this scheme on July 10th.”

‘Places for Everyone’ is the successor proposal to the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework which was put forward by Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham until Liberal Democrat controlled Stockport removed itself from the plans in 2020, forcing a rebrand. 

On Wednesday 10th July at a meeting of Oldham’s Full Council, the Liberal Democrat Leader will move a motion to withdraw Oldham borough from ‘Places for Everyone’, in the most significant challenge to the Mayor’s housing strategy since Stockport pulled out.   

For Oldham, the process of withdrawing from the Greater Manchester-wide scheme will have two parts.  Councillors will first vote to begin the process on July 10th with a final decision to be made at the next council meeting in December.     

Councillor Sykes said, “We need to deliver more affordable and social housing.  But we can do better than a plan that is spearheaded by Andy Burnham and drawn up in Manchester city centre.  Oldham Borough deserves a true local plan that protects green spaces and makes use of brownfield and ex-industrial heritage buildings.” 

“We promised before the local elections that removing Oldham from ‘Places for Everyone’ and protecting our greenbelt would be a top priority for the Liberal Democrats.  We aim to keep that promise by forcing the Council to vote again on the scheme at the earliest opportunity available to us.”

Motion to be moved by Councillor Sykes in full:

Removing Oldham Borough from Places for Everyone

Proposed by: Councillor Howard Sykes
Seconded by: Councillor Max Woodvine

This council recognises that:

  • Places for Everyone is based on ‘housing need’ calculations which are already the better part of a decade old.
  • Places for Everyone does not give guarantees with regards to the delivery of affordable and socially rented homes.
  • ‘Places for Everyone’ represents a developer-led approach.
  • It would see the irreparable loss of Green Belt sites and green spaces which is not necessary.
  • It uses Green Belt for the delivery of a housing strategy focused solely on developer profit.
  • It does not deliver the right mix of affordable housing types and tenures in the places people want to live. 
  • We also believe the Adoption Statement for the Plan presented at the last Full Council meeting in March 2024 was misleading by implying that all the main modifications had been consulted on.  This was not the case, as none of the main modifications related to HS2 have been consulted upon.

This council resolves to:

1) Request the new Secretary of State to revoke the Plan ‘Places for Everyone’ in the interest of all Oldham’s residents, businesses and other stake holders for the reasons stated above. 

2) In order for Council to consider this decision at its next meeting in September, the relevant council officers are requested to present a full report on the planning, legal, equalities and all other considerations of such a revocation. 

3) Should the request be approved Oldham Council’ withdraw engagement and support for the defence of the judicial review of ‘Places for Everyone’.

4) Should the Plan be revoked the Green Belt boundaries should be restored to their pre-adoption state.

5) If the Plan is revoked develop an Oldham-led housing strategy that prioritises brownfield and ex-industrial sites, while protecting greenbelt and green spaces for future generations.

Labour councillors vote down Liberal Democrat plan to remove Oldham from Places for Everyone Greenbelt development  

Labour councillors vote down Liberal Democrat plan to remove Oldham from Places for Everyone Greenbelt development  

Oldham Council’s ruling Labour Group has voted down a proposal from the Liberal Democrats that would have removed Oldham from the controversial ‘Places for Everyone’ housing strategy.

Places for Everyone – which contains controversial plans to build on Greenbelt sites in Oldham – was signed off by Labour councillors at a Full Council meeting on Wednesday (13 March). 

Liberal Democrat Leader councillor Howard Sykes MBE said, “Labour’s decision to plough ahead with this Greenbelt development is a betrayal of Oldham residents.”

“Expensive luxury housing is not going to help people onto the housing ladder.  All Labour are doing is handing a blank cheque to developers.”

The Liberal Democrats have long argued against Places for Everyone and so far, the only council to remove itself from the Greater Manchester-wide plan is Stockport, which is controlled by the Liberal Democrats. 

Councillor Sykes said, “Oldham needs a ‘brownfield first’ strategy that prioritises ex-industrial sites and the sites and former housing developments that have been demolished but never replaced – like in Derker.” 

“Liberal Democrats have always argued that Oldham should develop its own plan for housing development instead of being led by the rest of Greater Manchester.  But Labour have taken the easy way out and signed over Oldham’s greenbelt which will be lost in return for unaffordable housing.”

Liberal Democrat amendment to final Places for Everyone report:


This Council resolves to:

i. Reject the Places for Everyone Joint Development Plan 2022-2039 and remove Oldham Borough from Places for Everyone.

ii. Pursue the development of an ‘Oldham Local Housing Strategy’ which prioritises ‘Brownfield First’ development and truly affordable housing.

Places for Everyone – what was said when this was debated

Full Council 13/03/24

The Places for Everyone strategy will do nothing to tackle the housing crisis in Oldham. 

Expensive luxury housing on our Green Belt is not the answer for families and our young people struggling to get onto the housing ladder.

This strategy fails to deliver new infrastructure investment to support the homes it aims to build.

  • No new investment in roads. 
  • No proportionate contribution to new health care services. 
  • No new school places. 

Taking the right approach to development requires hard work to get the right redevelopments of our ex-industrial heritage buildings and to achieve the right mix of social rents as well as starter homes. 

But Labour is not prepared to do the hard work. 

Labour have tried to blame the Governments out of date housing targets – but the minister has now ruled those out some time ago – that is why near 50 councils have paused their local plans to take breath and have another look – something we asked for, but it was rejected.

Labour have taken the easy way out and they are handing a blank cheque to developers who will destroy our green spaces forever.

Just look at Derker – the subject of Housing Market Renewal nearly two decades ago.  Still there are vast tracks of former housing land that is just empty and an eye sore.  Why is that not being developed as we were promised?

I will tell you why because green land is cheaper and easier – it is just not good enough!

We should remove ourselves from Places for Everyone once and for all and do the hard but necessary work to create a local brownfield first housing strategy, truly affordable homes in the places people want to live and stop being Greater Manchester’s poodle on this matter!

Liberal Democrats slam Oldham Labour as crucial debate on Places for Everyone housing plan is quietly side lined

Liberal Democrats slam Oldham Labour as crucial debate on Places for Everyone housing plan is quietly side lined

Oldham’s Liberal Democrat Leader councillor Howard Sykes MBE has hit out at Oldham Council’s Labour leadership after the final debate on the controversial ‘Places for Everyone’ development scheme has been effectively side lined. 

Councillor Sykes said, “Places for Everyone is Labour’s flagship housing strategy.  But it contains unpopular plans to use Green Belt land for development and it has been criticised for prioritising expensive luxury housing over affordable and social homes.  It should really be called Palaces for Everyone.”

The Places for Everyone proposals – which have also been spearheaded by Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham – are now in their final stages and require one final vote of approval from each of Greater Manchester’s ten councils.

Oldham Council will make its decision this week on Wednesday 13th March.  But Places for Everyone comes in at item 16, last on a packed agenda, for which there is a 3.5 hour cut off for any debate.  The Liberal Democrats have accused the ruling Labour Group of trying to limit debate on an issue they know is controversial.

Councillor Sykes said, “The Labour Group are being extremely cynical by putting this crucial vote at the end of the meeting.  They are clearly hoping that we will run out of time, allowing Places for Everyone to pass under the radar.  Given that lots of the supposed benefits of this policy that Labour councillors have spent the last several years defending have now been whittled away and removed, it’s little wonder that they are trying to avoid defending Places for Everyone in public.”


The full agenda for the next meeting of Oldham’s Full Council can be found here.

Urgent review of ‘Places for Everyone’ green belt use needed following government U-turn say Oldham Liberal Democrats 

Urgent review of ‘Places for Everyone’ green belt use needed following government U-turn say Oldham Liberal Democrats 

Oldham Liberal Democrats have called for an urgent review of all green belt sites which have been earmarked for development under Greater Manchester’s controversial ‘Places for Everyone’ housing strategy. 

Leader of Oldham Council’s Liberal Democrat Opposition Group councillor Howard Sykes MBE said, “Time after time, Oldham’s Labour leadership have told people that they had no choice but to build on our local green spaces.  That it was the government that was forcing councils like Oldham to do so.  Following the government’s U-turn, it is clear that an urgent review of the land used for ‘Places for Everyone’ is needed.” 

The government has stated that there will be a “relaxation of housing targets” for local councils in England.  Shortly, Housing ministers are expected to announce that the government will allow authorities to allocate less land to future development if local officials can argue that more development would damage the character of an area or require building on green belt land.

A public consultation on ‘Places for Everyone’ concluded on December 6th and final recommendations are expected to be put before Oldham Council later this year. 

Councillor Sykes said, “Developing our green spaces will do nothing to solve the housing crisis except hand a blank cheque to developers.  With no new investment in our roads, no new school places for our children and no new health facilities to support our communities, these proposals are not good enough for Oldham.”

“So far, the only Greater Manchester council to free itself from ‘Places for Everyone’ and protect its’ local green belt has been Liberal Democrat controlled Stockport Council.”

“We want to see Oldham follow that example and withdraw from this unwanted scheme.”

More from Oldham Liberal Democrats on Places for Everyone

Search Results for “Places for Everyone” – Howard Sykes (

Oldham Liberal Democrats slam green belt building plans as final ‘Places for Everyone’ consultation closes 

Oldham Liberal Democrats slam green belt building plans as final ‘Places for Everyone’ consultation closes 

Oldham Liberal Democrat Leader councillor Howard Sykes MBE has once more hit out at plans to build on green belt sites in Oldham.  The Greater Manchester housing masterplan – overseen by Mayor Andy Burnham and known as ‘Places for Everyone’ – has sparked years of controversy for its heavy use of green belt land. 

The proposals for ‘Places for Everyone’ went out for a final public consultation which closed on Wednesday December 6th

In his official response to the consultation councillor Sykes said, “Our green spaces are precious.  Once they are gone, they are gone for good.  The Liberal Democrats remain unconvinced that ‘Places for Everyone’ will serve the interests of Oldham.  It will deliver the wrong homes, in the wrong places, for the wrong reasons.”

In an Oldham Council meeting in November, councillor Sykes challenged the boroughs Labour Leader over ‘Places for Everyone’, stating, “Virtually every commitment on infrastructure development and community-building has been watered down or abandoned.” 

“Labour is asking the people of Oldham to surrender our green spaces in return for… No new investment in roads.  No proportionate contribution to new health care services.  No new school places.”

The Leader of Oldham Council admitted she did have some misgivings about ‘Places for Everyone’ but said her Labour Group remained committed to the plan. 

Councillor Sykes said, “With the public consultation now closed, we wait for the final plans to be brought before the council.  So far, the only Greater Manchester council to free itself from ‘Places for Everyone’ and protect its’ local green belt has been Liberal Democrat controlled Stockport Council.”

“We want to see Oldham follow that example and withdraw from this unwanted scheme.”

Copy of Liberal Democrat submission to the consultation.

My one allowed leaders questions at Council meeting 1 Nov – Places for Everyone

Places for Everyone

Thank you, Mr Mayor,  

Residents and other stake holders have the opportunity to share their views on Labour’s latest version of the plan to build on Green Belt until December 6.

Despite what we have heard from Labour Leaders before… and despite what we will no doubt hear again tonight… The Places for Everyone strategy will do nothing to tackle the housing crisis. 

Expensive luxury housing on our Green Belt – Palaces for Everyone – is not the answer for families and our young people struggling to get onto the housing ladder.

The latest round of modifications that have gone out for consultation make for damning reading. 

Virtually every commitment on infrastructure development and community building has been watered down or abandoned. 

Labour are asking the people of Oldham to surrender our green spaces in return for… No new investment in roads.  No proportionate contribution to new health care services.  No new school places. 

The Liberal Democrats have consistently called for a Brownfield First approach to housing development. 

It is a challenge… I make no bones about that.  It requires hard work to get the right redevelopments of our ex-industrial heritage buildings and to achieve the right mix of housing types.  We need more social rents as well as starter homes. 

So, I want to hear the Leaders answer tonight. 

If, after the next round of local elections if one of the nine councils were to remove itself from Places for Everyone, would that be curtains for this unwanted and misguided plan? 

Labour’s latest draft of controversial ‘Places for Everyone’ development plan slammed by Liberal Democrats

Labour’s latest draft of controversial ‘Places for Everyone’ development plan slammed by Liberal Democrats

The controversial Greater Manchester-wide housing strategy, Places for Everyone, has gone out to public consultation after a new round of modifications to the plan were drafted earlier this year. 

The scheme, which has been overseen by Greater Manchester’s Labour Mayor Andy Burnham, has drawn heavy criticism from councillors and the public over its heavy use of Green Belt land. 

Oldham Liberal Democrat Leader councillor Howard Sykes said, “The view of Oldham residents has been loud and clear since this plan was first put forward.  Building luxury housing on Green Belt land is not going to solve the housing crisis.”

Councillor Sykes blasted the latest proposals which he argued would “sell out communities in Oldham” and challenged Oldham Council’s ruling Labour Group to follow the example of Liberal Democrat controlled Stockport and withdraw from the scheme altogether. 

Councillor Sykes said, “The latest modifications the public now have the chance to consult on make for astounding reading.  All kinds of protections have been removed or watered down including on investment in our roads, public transport,  contributions to new local services and even flooding protections.”

“I strongly encourage residents across Oldham to make their voices heard in this consultation.” 

The public consultation on Places for Everyone runs from Wednesday 11th October until Wednesday 6th December.  After the consultation ends, elected councillors in Oldham will be asked to vote on whether or not Oldham will adopt the Places for Everyone proposals. 

Members of the public can share their views on the proposals by contacting:   

Places for Everyone proposed modifications in full
Modifications – Greater Manchester Combined Authority (

Example proposed modification from the Beal Valley site near Shaw, showing previous commitments on school places and health facilities which are highlighted for removal

Liberal Democrats to push for Oldham Council to withdraw from Places for Everyone in bid to save local green spaces 

Liberal Democrat Opposition councillors are set to force a vote calling for Oldham to withdraw from Places for Everyone, Greater Manchester’s regional housing strategy. 

At next week’s meeting of the Council (March 15), Liberal Democrat members will push for Oldham Council to withdraw from the controversial plan, which would large scale developments on a number of green spaces across Oldham.  

Liberal Democrat Leader councillor Howard Sykes MBE said, “Places for Everyone does not work in the best interest of Oldham Borough.  It will do nothing to clean up and repurpose brownfield and ex-industrial sites.  All of that is considered too difficult.  Instead, the priority is to use precious green spaces.  Once they are gone, they are gone forever.”

In December 2022, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities removed the mandatory housing targets that plans like Places for Everyone are based on. 

Councillor Sykes said, “The Labour ruling group in Oldham have always claimed that government housing targets were forcing them to build on green belt.  Well, those top down, mandatory targets no longer exist. 

“So, it is time to remove Oldham Borough from Places for Everyone as an immediate priority.  Liberal Democrats recognise that tackling the housing crisis is essential.  But we will not do that by allowing developers to stick mansions on all our green spaces.  A plan that works for all of Oldham Borough must include much more ambitious use of our brownfield and ex-industrial buildings. 

“Crucially, that plan should be drawn up here in Oldham, by Oldham Council in consultation with the people we represent.” 

Full council 15 March 2023 – Notice of Opposition Business (Liberal Democrats)

Motion: Removing Oldham Borough from Places for Everyone

Proposed by: councillor Sam Al-Hamdani

Seconded by: councillor Hazel Gloster

This council notes that:

In December 2022, the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities made a statement in the House of Commons in relation to an update on the Levelling up Bill.

This statement effectively represented a move away from top-down, mandatory housing targets.

The Secretary of State further added it will be up to Local Authorities, working with their communities, to determine how many homes can actually be built, taking into account what should be protected in each area, be that in our precious Green Belt or National Parks.

The Secretary of State further outlined how those local authorities with local plans at an advanced stage of preparation who will not benefit from these provisions can take advantage of transitional arrangements to produce plans that are compliant with the new guidance.

It has always been the position of Oldham Council that Places for Everyone (and the Green Belt development therein) was only necessary because of the top-down, mandatory housing targets that the government was imposing on local authorities.

This council believes that:

Although this Council is part of the Places for Everyone submission, we have no adopted local plan.

As such the housing need calculation made within Places for Everyone is now obsolete and not in line with national guidance.

Tackling the housing crisis is essential, in order to provide fairer futures for the next generation; and that a plan that works for all of Oldham Borough is best developed in Oldham Borough, by this Council and in consultation with the people we represent.

This council resolves to:

1. Withdraw Oldham Council from the Places for Everyone Plan as an immediate priority.

2. Develop a joint approach to calculating housing need though community consultation; with a reinforced brownfield first policy and a focus on ex-industrial clean up and repurposing of Oldham’s industrial legacy buildings.

3. Reaffirm our commitment to the preservation of Green Belt and the places of natural beauty that make Oldham Borough unique.

4. Failing the above the Council seeks an urgent review of housing allocations in Places for Everyone Plan, to ensure the numbers are reduced and are reduced specifically on green sites in Oldham.

5. Write to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to request a national brownfield first policy along with the funding to enable decisions to build the houses we need to be made, in the places we need with the infrastructure we need such as health services, schools and transport

Places for Everyone must not compromise Green Belt for anyone

The Oldham Liberal Democrats have submitted their response to the consultation being conducted by the Labour Mayor of Greater Manchester outlining their opposition to his latest Places for Everyone plan.

Group Leader Councillor Howard Sykes MBE summarised the position of Liberal Democrat Councillors to the Mayor’s proposals:

“We remain implacably opposed to any plan to build new homes on our open spaces; our view remains Places for Everyone must not compromise Green Belt for anyone.  We believe that the requirement for new homes can be met with our stated policy to build first and always on brownfield sites, to push for the completion of development on sites with existing planning permission for new housing, and to act with purpose to bring back into use our empty homes or to convert our redundant commercial, retail and leisure premises into residential properties.”

Councillor Sykes and his colleagues are especially concerned that Places for Everyone represents ‘a massive and inequitable land grab’ of Green Belt and open space in the two electoral wards of Shaw and Crompton, and that the local overburdened infrastructure already at breaking point (health, schools, and highways) by the plan to build thousands of new homes across the district.

“Of the 12,800 homes proposed to be built in the Oldham borough, 2,390 will be built just four sites in or around Shaw and Crompton: almost one fifth of the total in just two electoral wards.  The plans will result in the destruction of our Green Belt and other open spaces in Cowlishaw, the Beal Valley and Broadbent Moss, and there are additional plans to build on fields off Denbigh Drive and on the old Shop Direct site.”

“Shaw and Crompton’s primary schools are already bursting at the seams. Unlike neighbouring Royton, Labour has refused to invest in a modern, fit-for-purpose health centre, and took away our swimming baths, our municipal tip, and our youth centre.  Where then are all of these thousands of new residents going to access education for their children or health care for their families?  That is why the Liberal Democrats want a Local Plan which allocates new homes more fairly across the borough and particularly to the Oldham town centre which has the infrastructure.”

Attached: The Liberal Democrat response to the Places for Everyone consultation