A message from Howard

Dear friends,

Firstly can I apologise for the lack of updates since the beginning of the year.

In early January I was admitted to hospital with suspected renal colic, this turned out to be a perforated bowel requiring emergency surgery. This went well and the bowel is repaired. The difficult issue as a result of this condition was that I suffered from Sepsis and went into septic shock for which I have been receiving treatment in hospital for since.

My recovery is progressing well and as I get better I will be able to access my IT Equipment more frequently and return to my usual busy self dealing with the issues that affect us all on a regular basis.

in the interim, if you are not able to contact me immediately and have an issue that requires attention, my Ward Colleagues Cllr Chris Gloster and Cllr Hazel Gloster will be more than happy to help.

They can be contacted at:



or by telephone 01706 847709

Can I thank those of you who were aware of my illness for your best wishes, messages and cards which makes such a difference when you are unwell.

I will endeavour to restart my MyCouncillor updates from next week but they may be more ad-hoc for the next few weeks.

Thank you for your patience.
