TV Crew to film ‘COBRA’ a new drama on location in Shaw 11-12 -13 June


Dear Residents

New Pictures are currently in the process of filming a new television Drama, ‘Cobra’ and as mentioned in our previous letter, we would like to do some filming in your local area.

Below are the dates that we would like to dress and film on, though this is subject to change.  We will let you know if and when that happens.

Cobra is a six-part drama set around the event of a large solar flare knocking out the power in most of England. 

The show focuses on the fictional government and their emergency COBRA committee, attempting to organise and restore normality. 

With the flare resulting in a massive loss of in infrastructural capabilities, public services have all but stopped, resulting in large rubbish build ups on streets.  Communities are needed to come together to try and solve the issues of none existent public services. 

To try and emulate this disarray in towns and cities, we will adding prop bags of rubbish and other items onto the streets where we are filming.  These will be removed as soon as we finish filming. 

We intend to be doing dressing in the area across Buckley Street, Gordon Street, Duckworth Street, Greaves Street and  Crossley Street with a large set up in the park area between Duckworth Street and Gordon Street from Tuesday 11thth June to Wednesday12th June.  And begin filming on Thursday 13th June 0800-2000.

As we are still in the early planning stages of these days filming, there is potential for things to change.  We will update you as and when this happens, and I will try to speak to as many of you as possible whom filming may affect.

Please feel free to contact me with the details on the header of this letter should you have any questions or concerns regarding our filming.

Thanks – James Goodwin, Unit Manager ‘Cobra’