Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) Training – IAPT Plus (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies – OLDHAM)

Need to know more about Mental Health Services in Oldham but feel a bit dazzled by all the plethora of information out there?

Tameside, Oldham and Glossop Mind are delivering a 30 minute briefing session to provide a solid overview of the mental health offer in Oldham.

5.30pm on 14th March 2017, Royton Town Hall.

 Additionally, it will provide specific information about what Tameside, Oldham and Glossop Mind provide locally.

Including 1-1 guided support, Active Monitoring Sessions, Drop In Sessions and general mental health triage opportunities.

This training is provided for free as it’s commissioned by Oldham Clinical Commissioning Group.

To book a place, please contact Linda Cain on 0161 770 3850

Shaw ASDA proposal for a petrol filling station


Draft plan: asda-draft-pfs-proposal

Dear Neighbour,

Asda Shaw, proposals for a new petrol filling station (PFS)

I am writing regarding Asda’s proposals for a new 4 pump (8 position) PFS at the Shaw Supercentre on Greenfield Lane.

We are committed to keeping the stores neighbours informed as the proposals progress.  We will be holding two drop-in sessions at the store:

  • 5:30pm – 7:30pm on Thursday 23rd February for the stores immediate neighbours
  • 10am – 2pm on Friday 24th February for the wider community

These sessions are not formal public meetings, so please visit at a time that is convenient to you.  If visiting on Thursday 23rd, please ask an Asda Colleague at the Customer Services desk to direct you to the display.

Representatives from Asda will be present to explain more about the proposals and answer questions.  There will also be an opportunity to give feedback on the plans directly to local councillors on Thursday 23rd February from 5:30pm to 7pm.  No planning application has been submitted to Oldham Borough Council and these discussions form part of the pre-application consultation with the local community.

In these times of rising costs, only ASDA is committed to a national price cap on fuel, which, as noted by the Office of Fair Trading in its 2013 report, drives down local prices by up to 8p a litre, to the benefit of local families.  This, alongside our everyday low in-store prices, can make a real difference for local people.

If you would like to know more about the proposals, please contact Andrew Lester of HardHat. who are coordinating the sessions on: 0800 170 7270 or email

Yours faithfully,

Alan Jones

Senior Property Communciations Manager

Linney Lane and Scarr Lane resurfacing starts 13 Feb and 20 Feb 2017

Linney Lane

I wanted to inform you of the latest information I have received from the Council regarding the road surface of both Linney Lane and Scarr Lane.

A number of you have been in contact with me regarding the pot holes and the general condition of the road surfaces on Linney Lane and Scarr Lane over the last couple of years or so.

As some of you will already be aware, my colleagues Rod Blyth, Chris Gloster and I, have been trying to get some action to remedy the poor quality of the road surfaces.  I have sent numerous communications to the Highways Department along with attending a significant number of meetings to try and progress this matter.

I can confirm that the work will definitely be going ahead.  Since receiving confirmation of the work I have been pursuing the Highways Department for a start date and this is the most up to date information I have received.

Highways have informed me they are planning this work on the following dates: Monday 13th February 2017 (Scarr Lane) 1 week, and 20th February 2017 (Linney Lane) for 2 weeks.

Please note that these dates are not set in stone as yet; these are the proposed dates which have been put into the tender documents to the contractors, so assuming they have availability on these dates, the work will hopefully start around the dates specified above to fit in with School Holidays.  If these dates change I will do my best to inform you of the new ones.