Congratulating Her Majesty the Queen on becoming Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch


Oldham Council 9th Sept. 2015 – Notice of Opposition Business –

Motion 2 – Congratulating Her Majesty the Queen on becoming Britain’s Longest Serving Monarch

Council notes that:

  • Today (September 9th 2015) marks the date upon which Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second has become Britain’s longest serving Monarch. Her Majesty has so far reigned for 23,226 days.
  • A role model for her subjects and a steadfast rock for our country, our Queen has unfailingly honoured the promise she made at her Coronation to serve this Nation and the Commonwealth well, and, despite being 89 years of age, she still faithfully fulfils a very heavy diary of Royal commitments.
  • Her Majesty’s reign has been momentous in many ways – she has moved from being leader of an Empire to head of the Commonwealth; there have been tremendous advances in science and technology; our nation has become much more diverse and inclusive; and her reign has been increasingly illuminated by the media with her every move, every expression and every action flashed around the world in milliseconds.

This Council, wishing to mark this momentous occasion, requests that the Chief Executive write to Buckingham Palace offering our congratulations to Her Majesty and our best wishes that she may continue her long and remarkable reign for many years to come.

Proposed by: Cllr Derek Heffernan

Seconded: Cllr Howard Sykes MBE



Bullcote Lane works

Road-Closure-Icon1The works on Bullcote Lane are to improve the facilities for pedestrians at locations where the road is particularly narrow and at the bends around intake farm.

At this location the highway will be widened to allow the construction of a footway.  However along this section three pairs of speed cushions will be installed to counter higher vehicle speeds that may result in the wider section of road. In addition to this the area of footway will be illuminated with the erection of a couple of streetlights. 

A fuller description of the proposals is this link: BullcoteLaneHighwayWideningandSafetyScheme