Anti-social behavour High Crompton Park and near by streets

untitledInfo from the Police regarding the above.

Dear Councillor We understand the concerns of the local residents regards this increase in Anti Social behaviour within Crompton Park and surrounding streets.  There is a patrol plan in place and we are working closely with our partner agencies in order to tackle these issues.  Several youths have been identified and we are currently working with our partner agencies in order to kerb their behaviour.

In the last 7 days there has been a decrease in the number of reported incidents.  We urge anybody witnessing any anti social behaviour to report it either via 101 number or contact the Oldham Borough office on 0161 856 8825.

PC 12491 Fitzgerald Higher Crompton Neighbourhood Officer

Lib Dem Leader “disappointed” at recent Universal Credit Ruling

benefit-changes-logo-rgb-b_v_Variation_1The Leader of the Opposition and of the Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council, Cllr Howard Sykes MBE, has expressed his disappointment that the new Tory Government has just decided that new claimants receiving Universal Credit should wait seven days for their benefits, rather than three.

Cllr Sykes said: “Last October, I wrote to the Secretary of the Social Security Advisory Committee, an important parliamentary body that advises the Government on social security matters, in response to a public consultation on the proposed change to a seven day wait.”

“In my letter, I repeated the objections I made when a seven day wait period was proposed for claimants of job Seekers’ Allowance (JSA) and Employment Support Allowance (ESA). Unfortunately, despite most of the respondents to the latest consultation indicating that they too were opposed to the changes, the Secretary of State has just advised the Committee that he has still decided to go ahead anyway.”

Cllr Sykes said: “This latest proposal will have its greatest effect in Oldham.”

“Oldham was a pathfinder area for Universal Credit. We have almost 4,500 claimants, the largest number in the UK; and this figure is steadily increasing. New claimants will therefore continue to suffer financial loss as a result of these changes.”

“Many of these claimants are young adults under the age of 25. They are therefore unlikely to be entitled to redundancy payments if they are claiming after leaving employment. They may therefore have no immediate sources of ready cash to meet day to day needs and my primary concern is that these individuals will be forced to turn to ‘loan sharks’ to borrow money to survive or to food banks to eat.”

“These claimants will now have to wait seven days. The view of the Oldham Liberal Democrat Group is that if someone is unemployed they should be entitled to receive their benefits from day 1; no ifs, no buts.”

“It is also disappointing that whilst the Oldham Liberal Democrat Group raised objections to the proposal, the ruling Labour Administration did not.”

Gas main renewal – road closures, diversions and delays from 20 July for 3 weeks

439This is the second section in a series of works as the gas main is renewed.

Works have been programmed for the school holidays.

Shaw Road from its junction with Blackshaw Lane to the junction of Albion Gardens Close Royton – closed for three weeks from 20 July. (See map).  shaw road royton plan – 20 july 2015

Princess Road Junction of Manchester Road – closed for three weeks from 20 July. (See map).  princess road shaw – 20 july 2015

Oldham Borough Lib Dems act on Sanctions

smarter%20sanctions%20lightbox%20infographic%202-01The Leader of the Opposition and of the Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council, Cllr Howard Sykes MBE, has called for further action on sanctions.

The Liberal Democrats proposed an amendment to a Labour motion on sanctions at April’s Oldham Council meeting. This proposed a series of practical actions to reduce the number and impact of sanctions on Oldham residents receiving benefits.

Commenting Cllr Sykes said: “The Liberal Democrats are a practical party and wherever possible we seek to propose practical solutions to the problems facing the people of our Borough. In our amendment at the April Council we set out some ideas that would have mitigated the impact of sanctions in Oldham and established best practice for our area. However in the vote Labour chose not to support our commonsense proposals and the amendment was defeated.”

Despite this setback, Cllr Sykes has chosen to take independent action in writing to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Iain Duncan Smith MP, and to senior job centre managers.

Cllr Sykes explained: “I have asked the Secretary of State to establish an independent enquiry into the use of sanctions. Members of the Work and Pensions Select Committee have been calling for this for sometime and I am happy to endorse this.”

“The Committee also called for pilot projects to be established within the UK to trial the idea of using a Vulnerability Guide to support vulnerable claimants and to issue ‘yellow cards’, or non-financial penalties, rather than impose a sanction when a jobseeker first fails to meet the conditions for claiming benefit.”

“I have previously asked the Secretary of State to institute a ‘yellow card’ system, and I was pleased to see the Liberal Democrats adopt this as policy at their last party conference. Oldham has a particularly high level of sanctions so I have asked if the Borough can be the location for one of these pilots.”

“The Liberal Democrats are also particularly concerned about the impact of sanctions on disabled and vulnerable claimants, and I have also asked the Secretary of State to ensure that Oldham is the location for piloting the new guide. I know that there are many local partners who would be keen to work with officials from Job Centre Plus to establish an effective model to support disabled and vulnerable people in Oldham.”

“I cannot understand why the Labour Group did not support these proposals when we raised them at the April Council meeting. They represent the position of the Work and Pensions Select Committee, which includes local Labour MP Debbie Abrahams.”

Cllr Sykes has also written to senior managers at the local Job Centre.

He added: “The Oldham Liberal Democrats are keen to work with local officials at the Job Centre to establish best practice in the application of sanctions in Oldham. We want to see the use of sanctions markedly decline. They should be a last, rather than a first, resort. Instead we need to work together to ensure that claimants know, and do, what they need to do as jobseekers to meet ‘conditionality’ and so continue to receive benefits.”

Cllr Sykes is particularly keen to see the introduction of specialist training for paid advisors and volunteers who are working with jobseekers at risk of being sanctioned.

He said: “I believe that Job Centre Plus has developed a local bespoke course that would meet this requirement and I am keen to work with Job Centre staff to help provide the necessary Council facilities and promotion to ensure that this provision is well supported. Knowledge is power, and if advisors and volunteers working with jobseekers understand more about what is expected from them to avoid the imposition of a sanction then they will be better placed to support their clients.”

“I will also support improvements in communication between Job Centre Advisors / Coaches and their clients. Claimants complain that they do not know what is expected of them in seeking work, that they are sometimes unaware that a sanction has been applied, and do not know how to appeal.”

“I feel that it is beholden on Job Centre staff as public servants to make every effort to contact claimants before a sanction is applied so the claimant has the opportunity to change their job-seeking behaviour and that they should also be informed of their right to appeal and to make a claim for a hardship payment”.


Benefit Sanctions Letter to Secretary of State 11 06 15

Letter to JCP Manager 11 06 15

Slimmin’ Without Women

over_weight_measure_tape_waist_manStarting shortly – ‘Slimmin’ Without Women Programme’.

The group will be run by men for men aged 50+ who would never attend a mainstream slimming club or join a gym.

Any residents interested in the course can contact Dale Newton Age UK Health & Wellbeing Activity Co-ordinator on 07841 344 196 for more information.

All things green event 23 July, 11am – 2.30pm Shaw Lifelong Learning Centre, High St, Shaw

green_appleShaw Lifelong Learning Centre

23rd July, 11-2.30pm

A family friendly event raising awareness about what people can do to improve the environment, their lifestyle and health.

Activities include – an energy saving workshop giving simple tips on how to save energy & money, face painting, junk modelling for children, information on free or cheap things to do with children over the summer holidays, grow your own salad with Get Oldham Growing , the opportunity to meet community groups and more…

Visibility George St and Buckstones Road

ROA0042There is a proposal to extend the yellow lines on Buckstones Road to improve visibility for vehicles turning onto Buckstones Road from George Street. If you frequently encounter poor visibility of oncoming traffic down Buckstones Road due to parked cars at the junction of George Street, you can support (or object to) the proposal by emailing Cllr Howard Sykes at who is trying to get the lines extended to improve safety.  Please make sure you give your name and address in your email, thanks.