Shaw Road/Manchester Road/Princess Road, Shaw, Big Lamp exit road closed 21 and 22 March


BT will be laying a new duct across Manchester Road, Shaw near to its junction with Princess Road over the weekend of 21 and 22 March, in two halves. During the course of the work, Shaw bound traffic along Shaw Road, Royton / Manchester Road, Shaw will not be affected.

However, it will be necessary to close the exit road from the Big Lamp roundabout to Manchester Road and divert all traffic along Oldham Road / Heyside / Salmon Fields. This is the preferred signed diversion route to accommodate HGV vehicles.

Please note that Blackshaw Lane is still open to traffic and bus services etc will still be allowed to use Blackshaw Lane. I believe the 59 and 182 services from Shaw to Oldham and Royton respectively will be affected.

Manchester Road will be re-opened to all traffic by 6.00am Monday morning.



Missed bins Shaw

3bins-200x150Due to two vehicle breakdowns late this afternoon there is a very small pocket of refuse outstanding in the Mark Lane area – this will be collected tomorrow and an area of green waste collections in central Shaw ( Oak Street area through to Sumner Street area) around 1 hours work – this will be collected first thing Monday.

Buckstones Road closed for another day, should be open tomorrow Friday 13 March

Road-Closure-Icon1Was sent this information earlier today, have only just picked it ip.

The resurfacing works currently being undertaken on Buckstones Road, have been delayed due to the inclement weather yesterday and will continue into an additional day.

The works affected are on the section nearest The Black Lad pub will be now be completed on Thursday 12th March 2015.

If you require any further information on this subject then don’t hesitate to contact me.

Richard Edwards

Principal Engineer, Highways & Engineering | Unity Partnership

Henshaw House, Cheapside, Oldham OL1 1NY 

T 0161 770 1692



UPDATE Tue 10 March re: Buckstones Road – road closed 9 – 11 March 15

Road-Closure-Icon1Following the concerns I have raised over Buckstones Road resurfacing and closure, this is the latest information I have been given less than an hour ago.

The contractor will now be making the following changes;

Closure 1 (171 Buckstones Rd – Crompton Hall)

“Access Only” and “No Through Road” signs at junction of Buckstones Road and Ripponden Road to be removed during this closure.

“Buckstones Road Closed – No Access to Milnrow Road” signs installed at Grains Road / Hillside Ave junction & Scarr Lane / Hillside Ave junction.

Closures 2 & 3 (Section after junction with Grains Road & Section on bend at Brun Chapel Farm)

Access Only & “No Through Road” signs at junction of Buckstones Road & Milnrow Road to be removed during this closure.

“Buckstones Road Closed – No Access to Ripponden Road” signs installed at Grains Road / Hillside Ave junction, Scarr Lane / Hillside Ave junction and also at Grains Road / Hannerton Road junction.

The diversion and traffic management will only be in place for tomorrow, after that the surfacing element of the works will be complete and the remaining work can be completed under temporary traffic signals.

For further information please contact: Matthew McGreal, Assistant Engineer , T 0161 770 1955 



Lamp Painting Joke a month early

Painting lights 1The Leader of the Opposition and of the Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, has attacked the Labour Administration for spending money on painting the top of the lampstands in the Civic Centre car park green whilst voting through spending cuts to other services.

An incredulous Cllr Sykes observed the painters working at height to complete the job and, not believing his eyes, took a photograph to prove it.

Cllr Sykes said: “This is like an April Fool’s Joke come a month early.”

“At a time when the Council has to make cuts of millions of pounds to front-line services I would say that this is not a good use of Council Tax Payers’ money. The lampstands were previously silver/black and perfectly fine. I can only assume that the pigeons and seagulls who perch there must be a powerful lobbying group because I didn’t hear many citizens asking for it to be done.”

“This is the latest example of public money wasted.”

“In the context of saving millions of pounds, we need as a Council to look at everything we propose to spend money on and ask is it worth it. I believe that these lampstands could have remained silver. Even if just the top had not been painted who would have noticed or complained apart from the birds? An expensive ‘cherry picker vehicle’ and two men would then not have been required and this cash could have been saved for front-line services.”

Buckstones Road (above Cliff Hill Road) – road closed 9 – 11 March 15


Closed for carriageway improvement works to enable Highways to safely carry out the resurfacing work on the required sections of Buckstones Road.

A signed diversion route will be in place for the duration of the closure, please see link below. The closure will be in full operation for the full duration of the works.

I have sort assurances that local residents living on or ‘just off’ this section of Buckstones Road will have access and I have been informed they will receive a letter. I have asked for a copy of which properties it will be sent to and asked that I been sent a copy of that letter as well.

If you require any further information then please contact:

Matthew McGreal

T 0161 770 1955

Henshaw House, Cheapside, Oldham OL1 1NY


See attached map: Blanket TTRO1 2015 No1 Buckstones Road