Crompton Way / Milnrow Road / Linney Lane / Salts Street junction

Latest update from Highway engineers:

The Crompton Way / Linney Lane junction improvement project is now nearing completion. A significant amount of work has been carried out in a short timeframe; the contractors have worked several weekends to ensure the improvements are delivered as quickly as possible and to keep disruption to a minimum.

It is now evident on site how the new junction will look, with a large proportion of works completed. Installation of the new traffic signal will be completed this week with the existing road markings on the junction being removed and replaced with new road markings this weekend, weather dependant. Once these are in place the advance detector loops in the road will be installed and we are aiming for the traffic signals to be operational by the end of next week.

There may be some works to complete after this time in the area of the car park in front of the shops but these will be minor and will not disrupt traffic flows through the junction.

Lib Dem Opposition Leader receives Confirmation Parishes have Legal Powers to go Green


In July, the Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council, Cllr Howard Sykes MBE wrote to Lord Wallace, co-sponsor of the Deregulation Bill and Liberal Democrat Leader in the House of Lords.

In his letter, Cllr Sykes asked Lord Wallace to ensure that the new legislation: “contains the necessary clauses to permit Parish and Town Councils to be able to sell electricity that they produce through investment in renewable sources”. It was generally understood that parish councils did not already have the necessary powers to do this.

Both the National Association of Local Councils and the All Party Parliamentary Group on Local Democracy were in support of Cllr Sykes’ position.

In an initial response, Lord Wallace invited Cllr Sykes to play his part in drafting the necessary amendment to the legislation, but on 1st September, after making further enquiries of fellow ministers, Lord Wallace wrote back to Cllr Sykes telling him that:

“The Government considers that Parish and Town Councils already have access to powers that allow them to sell electricity…As such, the concessions that you refer to are not necessary”.

Lord Wallace urges Cllr Sykes to: “use this correspondence to encourage all councils to use the general power of competence”. This will allow them to invest in renewable energy projects.

Cllr Sykes said: “I am delighted that, following my intervention, my Liberal Democrat colleague Lord Wallace and other Government ministers have responded so positively in confirming that parish councils have the legal powers to go green. This will allow parish councils to play a full part in the renewable energy revolution, and join with 5,000 other community groups that have already invested in green technology”.

“I have now written to the Parish Clerks and Chairmen of both the Saddleworth and Shaw and Crompton Parish Councils and the Chief Executive of the National Association of Local Councils giving them the good news”.



Councillors Rod Blyth, Mark Alcock and Howard Sykes.

Also Parish Councillors Aspinall, Farrell, Duffy, Hall, Stephens, Dodd, Robinson, Murphy and Wood will also attend.

7.30pm – 8.30pm, Lifelong Learning Centre, High Street, Shaw, OL2 8TB.

Thursday: October: 2, 9, 16


Dogs on trams – formal consultation now agreed by TfGM

imageTransport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) has just agreed to formally consult with all interested parties re allowing dogs on Metrolink. Results due to be report back to meeting in January 2015 for consideration.

Further details from TfGM in due course.

I will also post information as and when I get any as I know many people have strong views on this issue.

Questions from Howard Sykes Lib Dem Leader and Leader of the Opposition to the Council Leader – Oldham Council 10 September 2014

Question 1 – Rotherham and child protection

My first question this evening concerns the tragic details revealed in a recent Independent Report commissioned by Rotherham Council about the failure of Children’s Services and other agencies in the Local Authority area to address child sexual exploitation over many years.

Professor Alexis Jay’s Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham covering the period 1997 to 2013 found there was a lack of scrutiny and challenge; a chronic failure of senior councillors, staff members and police officers to engage with the problem; and an inability of both councillors and the Local Safeguarding Board to monitor and challenge practices within the Council.

Whilst the Report focusses only on the failures of the agencies in Rotherham, previous cases show that these problems are not exclusive to one area and that every Local Authority needs to learn lessons from this report to ensure that its own services conform to best practice.

The Leader will recall that, immediately following the publication of Professor Jay’s Report, I wrote to both the Chief Executive and himself seeking reassurance that Oldham Council will be conducting its own review in light of the findings. I am pleased that the prompt response contained such an assurance.

This is not an issue from which to make political capital so I want now to state for the record that the Liberal Democrat Group will be fully supportive of such a Review.

But for the information of all Councillors in this Chamber, and concerned citizens who are listening or watching these proceedings tonight, I would like to ask the Leader when and how the Council will be conducting this Review, and when we might expect to receive the findings?

Question 2 – Community Health Champions

My second question concerns the health of our employees.

As a Local Authority and employer, we have statutory duties to promote public health and the health and safety of our employees.

This should extend to providing them with advice and support to adopt healthy lifestyle choices and to address behaviour that may damage their health.

I make here particular reference to smoking, an issue of great concern to Councillors of all Parties.

Smoking is the harbinger of death and chronic illness to many, but for a Local Authority it also leads to greater employee absenteeism and a loss of productivity, meaning serious financial costs for this Council.

It is therefore particularly in our self-interest to reduce the prevalence of smoking amongst its workforce.

The NHS Health Improvement Team is now recruiting Community Health Champions in workplaces to promote healthy lifestyle choices to co-workers and to address behaviour that can lead to ill-health, such as smoking.

The Council has established the Employee Supported Volunteering Scheme and I am convinced that this represents an excellent mechanism to recruit employees from all sections of this Council to train as Community Health Champions.

I believe the Council should establish a programme of work for these volunteers with measurable targets monitored by the team of the Director of Public Health covering initially the period to National No Tobacco Day 31st May 2015.

Will the Leader agree to take forward this proposal?

Question 3 – Honouring The Great War Heroes

My third question concerns our recognition of three local men who in the First World War won Britain’s highest military award, The Victoria Cross.

I am sure the Leader will recall the correspondence that he received last year from my colleague, the Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, Cllr John McCann, requesting that local streets be named after local heroes.

Local Communities Secretary Eric Pickles has commissioned commemorative paving stones to be laid as a mark of honour and remembrance in the locality of every Great War VC winner.

In announcing the initiative, Mr Pickles said: “It’s our duty to remember the British and Commonwealth troops who lost their lives fighting in the Great War and we are determined to make sure their bravery for King and Country is not forgotten.”

Sentiments that I am sure the Leader will endorse.

Three paving stones will be received for local heroes John Hogan, of Royton; Walter Mills, of Oldham; and Thomas Steele, of Springhead.
Lest we forget their heroic deeds, please allow me to give a brief summary.

Sergeant John Hogan, of the 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment, received his VC from King George V in 1915. He was awarded the VC for recapturing a trench near Festubert in October, 1914.

Private Walter Mills was awarded the VC posthumously after he was caught in a gas attack on the Western Front in December 1917. Despite being gassed, a truly horrible fate, he remained at his post alone, throwing grenades until the enemy retreated.

Private Thomas Steele served with the 1st Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders in Mesopotamia (now Iraq). He was awarded his VC for an action in January, 1917, when he helped a comrade carry a machine gun into position under heavy fire.

Can I ask the Leader if he and Councillor Ball will agree to work with me, Cllr McCann and ward members to identify new developments where these gallant men might have local streets named after them?

Howard Sykes
10 September 2014

Wonga to pay Compensation to 45,000 Lenders


Yet again a sub-prime lender has been exposed for dubious practices – justifying Oldham Council’s sustained efforts to send such lenders packing out of Oldham.

The Financial Conduct Authority ruled last month that pay day lender Wonga, known for its eye-watering 5,853% APR, sent out threatening letters from two fictional law firms to customers in arrears.

It even made some clients pay for sending them the fake letters.

Wonga has been ordered to pay compensation of £2.6m to the 45,000 people who received the letters.

If you received one of these look out for your repayments which commence at the start of September.

Shaw Baths campaign stepped up by Lib Dems

Liberal Democrats in Shaw and Crompton have handed in a 960 name petition to Oldham Council protesting against the decision to close the hundred year old baths.

The baths closed in May following a failure of the boiler and shortly after the local elections, the Labour administration in Oldham announced that the closure would be permanent.

The petition, gathered online and through street stalls from residents of Shaw and Crompton, calls on the council to re-open the pool immediately.

Lib Dem parliamentary spokesman for Oldham East and Saddleworth and Shaw resident Richard Marbrow said, “Shaw has had a swimming pool for well over a hundred years and Oldham Labour want to throw that history and a much loved community facility away.”

Crompton councillor Dave Murphy said, “Labour councillors made commitments to keep the pool open until a new pool at Royton was opened. They have completely broken that promise and we will hold their feet to the fire until they reverse course.”

The Lib Dem controlled district executive for Shaw and Crompton has offered money from district funds to Oldham council to re-open the pool but has received no response.

Richard Marbrow added, “We are now being told that the pool is too damaged to re-open, because the Labour administration did not take immediate action when the boiler broke down. If that is the case the Liberal Democrats will campaign for a new pool to be built.”

“Shaw and Crompton deserves decent leisure facilities and I will work alongside the borough and parish councillors for the area to get a pool re-opened in our town.”


pedestrians_safe-crossing-places_pixAs you will no doubt be aware, work is ongoing at the Crompton Way / Milnrow Road / Linney Lane / Salts Street junction to install traffic signals / pedestrian crossing facilities.

As part of this work, it will be necessary to close Milnrow Road at its junction with Crompton Way on Sunday 21 September in order to take out the existing traffic island / pedestrian refuge and construct a new one.

Well Hello there, do you want to make YOUR Big Bill into a Little Bill…?

ChasingTail_BillWell Hello there, do you want to make YOUR Big Bill into a Little Bill…?

Little Bill is working with your Local Council and the Greater Manchester Energy Advice service to help make your home more energy efficient. We have a package of help available ranging from solar panels, new boilers and financial support for insulation (including solid wall insulation).

You may live in a Green Deal Communities area where you can also apply for up to £7,000 towards home improvements such as new windows and doors, central heating systems, solar panels and insulation.

Visit our website to see if you fall within these areas – Funds are limited, so hurry before it runs out!

Visit to find out more or call 0800 009 3363 or 0161 234 5460 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm).

Fancy being a Little Bill Show Home…?
We are looking for households in our Green Deal Communities areas to become a show home and demonstrate innovative energy-saving improvements and share their experiences. In return, we will be offering selected households up to £12,000 towards the costs of these improvements.

30 households across Greater Manchester will be selected, according to criteria including location, house type and the range of energy improvements that could be installed. This offer is only available to households in Little Bill Communities areas – check the website to see if you qualify.

Residents on low incomes – For residents who are on specific eligible benefits we also have access to grants to assist with boiler replacement and free insulation.

Terms and conditions apply, see our website for further information.
Best wishes,
Little Bill

Follow me on Twitter @asklittlebill

NB: GMEA is the new name for Greater Manchester Energy Advice Services which helped thousands of households benefit from warmer homes thanks to the Get Me Toasty campaign which ran in partnership with local councils from 2011 to 2013.