Crompton Pool – latest

001456_Swimming-PoolAs people will be aware the Pool is currently closed.

The information I have managed to extract so far is as follows.This is what I have been told – these are NOT my words!

“The problem is the hot water boilers and the solution could take anything from 4-8 weeks depending on which option is chosen. The Council is not yet at a point where a solution has been agreed on so timescales on the repair are still unclear.

They have had contractors out on site via Unity to look at what is required, what the risks are and what the estimated cost would be. Following the identification of the leak we had hoped that the tank could have been repaired. If a repair would have been viable we would not have needed to close.

However it now appears that the tank cannot be repaired and requires a replacement. It is uncertain at this point what the solution will be to replace this – time, cost etc. Apologies if the information appears sketchy at this point but until we have the estimates on work required back from Unity it is unclear what will need to be done. I have chased the information yesterday and will do the same now. As soon as we have clarity I will let you know.

I can report that we have been mobilising alternative arrangements for school swimming (12 out of 13 school lessons have now been successfully relocated from 2nd June after the school holidays), and all children on Crompton Pool lessons have been offered alternative lessons at either Royton or Oldham in the interim (they are contacting parents on an individual basis).

Crompton Swim club – Royton have accommodated all their swimmers in the interim.”

Below is my latest correspondence on this matter:

20 May 2014

Dear Mr Consterdine,

So it is now a week on from your last email and considerably longer since the pool was closed (Tuesday 6th May).

No update or any additional information I am aware of.

Can you please let me and colleagues know the latest situation please and when the pool will re-open.

I await your comments with interest as do hundreds of my constituents, many of which have been in contact with me and colleagues.

Best wishes.

Councillor Howard Sykes

Why bother on May 22 and what really matters?

Voting in these local elections will not change who runs Oldham Council, who runs the Government or whether Britain stays in Europe.

Instead these local elections are about electing councillors who, instead of posturing, will face the challenges in local government head on – delivering services you expect whilst squeezing better value from your Council Tax.

When the Liberal Democrats ran the council, we delivered award-winning local services whilst averting imminent financial disaster; in opposition, we have acted responsibly, challenging Labour where necessary and working with them whenever we can.

In contrast, what have the Conservatives done as an opposition party? The answer is simple: nothing – apart from voting with Labour!

We believe that the council must:

Get the basics right.

• Oldham people want clean streets, potholes filled and bins collected.

• Under the Liberal Democrats, Oldham officially had the cleanest streets in Greater Manchester – under Labour they are only getting dirtier.

• Under the Lib Dems, £10 million was found for highway improvements – under Labour only £2 million.

Save money on bureaucracy whilst protecting front-line services.

• In our last two alternative budgets, we found money to keep the Bulky Bob household collection service free, for more gully cleaning, and for better care for our elderly and looked-after children – ideas all dismissed by Labour and Conservatives.

Devolve real power and budgets to local communities

• Lib Dem councillors have always championed independent district partnerships. We also serve enthusiastically on two Parish Councils.

Find ways to generate new income.

• Liberal Democrats want council investment in renewable energy projects. This is good for our environment and the council’s finances too – bringing in sustainable income for at least the next quarter century.

Labour will no doubt blame the Liberal Democrats for ‘the cuts’.

They won’t tell you that cuts were only necessary because they left the country in financial ruin or that Oldham Liberal Democrats successfully lobbied minsters to stop further cuts in our finances.

Labour say they support the poor and make great play of their Council Tax freeze (paid for by Coalition Government money).

Labour last year hit everyone with a 3.7% Council Tax increase and forced our poorest citizens to pay Council Tax for the first time.

And they have only spent a third of the extra money given to them by this government to help the poor.

Liberal Democrats championed a plan to reduce the impact of welfare reform on the disabled and proposed a Council Tax hardship fund paid for by the airport dividend.

Labour say they support workers.

Yet they imposed a three year pay freeze on lower-paid Council workers

Instead the Liberal Democrats demanded that council jobs went to local people and that the council should become a National Living Wage employer.

Voting Liberal Democrat means supporting sound finance and reliable public services, and a party putting people and communities first.

It means you will elect a local councillor who will champion your community and area, and be on your side!

Cllr Howard Sykes
Lib Dem Group Leader Oldham Council
16th May 2014

Are you based or working in the Oldham Borough for the benefit of Oldham Borough residents?

Are you a local voluntary, community, faith or not for profit group?
Do you have an idea for a project that would transform lifes in the borough by:
• Helping Oldham borough residents into work
• Promoting wellbeing amongst Oldham residents
• Promoting independence and resilience within communities or
• Get Oldham Growing
Could your group use between £10 and £10,000?
Apply now and start making a difference

Click Co-operative Oldham Fund for more details.

Would you like to take an active part in future events running in the Shaw & Crompton area?

The Shaw and Crompton District Executive are working hard to set up the Shaw and Crompton Events Committee.

The aim is to work together to plan and deliver local events to benefit the local community.

There is an informal meeting being held
Thursday 12th June 2014, Crompton Library, 5.30pm

If you are free to attend or would like to find out more please contact
Linda Cain 0161 770 3850 or Christine Wilson 0161 770 4344/8416

Brushes Clough Car Park on Crompton Moor – SUNDAY 11th May 2014 10:30 am

SUNDAY 11th May 2014 10:30 am
Brushes Clough Car Park on Crompton Moor

Nearest post code OL2 8LS
Grid reference: SD 95119 10031

Pingot Quarry, located on Crompton Moor.

We will be continuing with the regeneration of the Pingot quarry area.

There is still some wood chip to move and spread on the paths, and we need to carry on with the building of the ‘dead hedge’ at the base of the quarry.

If you can bring along a spade/rake/fork – it would be much appreciated, but not absolutely necessary. Please wear suitable footwear and clothing to match the weather.

If you enjoy spending time outdoors, and love wildlife, why not come along, and check us out. No prior knowledge necessary, just come along and learn new skills.

For further information Contact:
Marian Herod Tel: 07792156295
Secretary – Friends of Crompton Moor

Seven Days to help Save British Pubs


CAMRA (the Campaign for Real Ale) – Europe’s biggest consumer group with over 150,000 members – is calling on the Government to stick to its promise to introduce a Pubs Watchdog to prevent valued pubs from being placed at risk of closure due to unfair practices in the pub sector.

The Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council backed this call in the consultation carried out by the department of Business Secretary Dr. Vince Cable MP last year and 96% of those responding also did so. We continue to support this call today.

We need a Pubs Watchdog urgently to govern the behaviour of the large companies which own around a third of UK pubs and ensure publicans are treated fairly.

The Pubs Watchdog would ensure rents and wholesale prices are reasonable.

In a 2013 survey, 57% of publicans renting pubs from the large pub companies reported earning less than £10,000 a year.

Typically these publicans have to buy all their beer from their pub company at around 50p a pint more than if they were allowed to buy on the open market.

Publicans with the large pub companies should be given the option to buy one real ale on the open market – known as a guest beer right. They should also be given the option to choose a market rent only contract that would allow a publican to buy all of their beer on the open market from any brewer they choose.

In 2013 the Government recognised that a change in the law is needed. CAMRA is calling on the Government to stick to its clear promise by introducing a Parliamentary Bill in this year’s Queen’s Speech. A petition will be submitted to the Business Secretary on 14th May – 7 days from now.

Readers can go online to support the petition at