Britannia Avenue Residents Permit Scheme – Renewal of Residents Pass

Despite chasing this matter for more than six weeks the Council failed to issue letters/new passes to residents before the current ones expired.

This has caused much unnecessary stress on residents, especially the elderly.

Below is the copy of the text of a letter that I have been promised will be delivered to residents this week.

It also informs you when our promised review meeting will be of the scheme.

Dear Sir / Madam
Re: Britannia Avenue Residents Permit Scheme
Renewal of Residents Pass

I refer to a previous letter from Miss Pauline Phillips (Parking Manager) which was sent to you in November 2013 regarding the implementation of the above residents permit scheme. You will be aware; your permit for the Britannia Avenue resident’s scheme expired on 31st March 2013.

In order to evaluate the success of the scheme you are invited to a further meeting which has been arranged with Councillor Sykes and relevant staff from the Council on 29th May 2013 at Crompton Library, Westway, Shaw commencing at 7pm.

In the interim period, please find enclosed permits for your address, which have been renewed for a further three months, until 30th June 2013.

This will allow an analysis of the feedback from the above meeting to be assessed and any further agreed changes to the current scheme can then be implemented.

We would like to take this opportunity to apologise for any inconvenience and distress caused by the delay in issuing new permits but please be assured that any Fixed Penalty Notices issued during the period to permit holders from the expiry date to your receipt of the new permit will be quashed.

We look forward to seeing you on the 29th May and should you have any queries about this letter, please contact: The Parking Shop, on 0845 680 4274 or by email at

Yours sincerely

Angela Lees
Parking Shop
0161 770 3638


Councillors Rod Blyth, Mark Alcock and Howard Sykes.

Also Parish Councillors Aspinall, Eckersley, Farrell, Hall, Stephens, Dodd, Robinson, Murphy and Wood will also attend.

7.30pm – 8.30pm, Lifelong Learning Centre, High Street, Shaw, OL2 8TB.

Thursday: April 18th.


Please note that Cllr Mark Alcock has moved and his new address is as follows:

549 Shaw Road

Temp traffic signals Shaw area

Carillion DDK are carrying out work on behalf of BT Openreach to re-set damaged / rocking manhole covers as detailed below:

1. 2 no. covers on Milnrow Road, in the vicinity of the railway bridge near to Wrens Nest, south of Bridge Street. Commencing today for 2 days.

2. Outside 144 Milnrow Road commencing 3 April for 2 days.

3. Outside 342 Milnrow Road commencing 3 April for 2 days

In each case the temporary signals will be off-peak only, 9.30am – 3.30pm and will be manually operated as and when required.

Also, items 2 and 3 will not be commenced until item 1 is complete and only one location can be worked on at any time.

In the case of an emergency the contact for these works is Stefan Clyne who can be telephoned on 07714 178 802

Shaw Youth Centre closure – 6-8 weeks from 25th March

Shaw Youth Centre will be CLOSED from Monday 25th March 2013 for approximately 6 -8 weeks.

This is to allow for essential building work to be completed.

There will be no access to the centre.

The youth club will continue at the usual times at the following venues:

Monday: George St playing fields building at 6.30-9.00pm
Tuesday: Dunwood Park community room at 6:30-9.00pm
Wednesday: Junior Youth Club-Compton Library at 3.30-5:00pm
Thursday: Higher Crompton Park Bowling Green hut at 6:30-9.00pm

Any queries, concerns or further information please contact Jeanette or Lynda on 0161 770 8648/8649

E-mail: or

Shaw and Crompton St Georges Day Celebration Sunday 14 April

Shaw Memorial Gardens, West Way.

We have managed to secure the Market which will include food stalls, the car boot sale, Rochdale Hedgehog Rescue, Circus acts.

The Lifelong Learning Centre will be used for indoor activities and workshops including an English afternoon tea, face painting, aromatherapy sessions, circus skills workshop and more to be confirmed.

The Market will run between 10.00 – 13.30.

Further info to follow when confirmed.


Stop Loan Shark Launch Photograph web

Oldham Council has teamed up with a pioneering team to tackle illegal money lending in the Borough.

Trading Standards Officers are working with the Illegal Money Lending Team (IMLT) to tackle loan sharks and bring them to justice.

Loan sharking is an illegal activity which makes victims lives a misery.

Borrowers are trapped into spiralling debt by loan sharks who often resort to the most extreme methods such as violence, threats or intimidation to pressure them into paying loans back.

From March 18 to 28 the Borough will host a series of events and activities – supported by the District Partnerships – to raise awareness amongst residents about the dangers of loan sharks.

At each event representatives from the team, accompanied by mascot ‘Sid the Shark’ will be offering advice on how loan sharks can be avoided and reported, and recommending Oldham Credit Union as a safe and legal alternative.

Shaw Lib Dem councillor Howard Sykes said: “Loan sharks are criminals who prey on vulnerable people and blight communities. They fleece their victims and often use intimidation and violence.”

“I am pleased Oldham Council has said it will not allow this bullying and criminal behaviour and will work with our partners to target those who think they are above the law and can get away with it.”

“Instead of turning to loan sharks I would encourage residents to use Oldham Credit Union, which offers great saving and lending opportunities.”

Nationally there are an estimated 310,000 households borrowing from illegal money lenders. With a lack of paperwork, victims are kept in the dark about how much is owed and will charge exorbitant interest rates – in some cases in excess of 130,000 per cent APR.

More than 220 people have been prosecuted leading to more than 150 years worth of prison sentences being handed out by the courts.

Almost £40million worth of illegal debt has been written off and more than 19,000 victims have been helped.

Tony Quigley, Head of the England Illegal Money Lending Team, said: “Illegal lenders not only rip people off with extortionate rates of interest but resort to the most despicable methods to enforce their debts.”

“We are sending out a clear message that this will not be tolerated.”

If you have been the victim of a loan shark Call the 24 hour confidential hotline on 0300 555 2222;

Text ‘loan shark + your message’ to 60003;


or Private message on

To find out more about Oldham Credit Union call 0161 678 7245

or email

Alternatively you can log onto

To find out where Sid is during the campaign follow @stoploansharks on twitter or visit

88% increase in apprenticeships

2,710 people were on an apprenticeship last year in the Borough of Oldham thanks to the Liberal Democrats, final figures reveal. That is a huge increase of 88% compared to the last year of Labour’s government.

These figures are a big boost for apprenticeships and young people in Oldham which comes at the end of National Apprenticeship Week (11th – 15th March), which aimed to raise awareness and celebrate the successes of the apprenticeship scheme.

Commenting, Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, Councillor Howard Sykes said:

“Apprenticeships are a brilliant way for young people to learn the skills and get the experience necessary for a successful career.”

“Liberal Democrats in the Coalition Government have promoted and invested heavily in apprenticeships because they are one of the most effective ways of helping young people get jobs. Apprenticeships also allow us to build a stronger economy, with a highly-skilled and flexible workforce.”

“Apprenticeships rely on employers making opportunities available. That’s why I urge local employers to offer opportunities to our young people to become apprentices. For my part, I have just this week taken on a part share of an apprentice.

Family Fun Weekend Vehicle Rally 22 and 23 June

As you maybe aware, every year Shaw and Crompton Parish Council organises a Family Weekend & Vehicle Rally. This year the event will be held on Saturday and Sunday 22nd & 23rd June.

Following feedback, and to try to minimise disruption, the Fairground is being moved to Kershaw Street East car park. As a result, this car park will be closed to members of the public from Thursday evening until Sunday evening; the car parks on Westway (Market Ground) and the other town centre car parks will remain open.

Should you require any further information or would like to comment on the Weekend, please contact the Clerk of the Parish Council (01706 847590, and he will be happy to discuss any comments or issues.