Metro works Jubilee crossing

Starting on Saturday 9th March, overnight works will be taking place at the Jubilee level crossing. These works will entail the trimming of trees overhanging the line or obscuring line of sight for Metrolink tram drivers approaching this level crossing.

Due to the proximity of the trees to the operational Metrolink extension, these works must be carried out at night when services are not running and the power to the overhead lines can be isolated. As such, these works are scheduled for 1am-5am, from Saturday 9th March until Sunday 17th March.

For further information:

Karen Aldcroft,
Public Liaison Officer, Metrolink Projects.
Transport for Greater Manchester,
2, Piccadilly Place, Manchester,M1 3BG.
Information Line: 0161 244 1555 Direct Line 0161 244 1417


Just a brief update on the above scheme

There is a short length to complete of approximately 20 metres on Linney Lane which it is proposed to finish over the weekend of 9 / 10 March.

At present work is on-going at the junction of Shaw Road / Blackshaw Lane. Work is complete on Shaw Road itself but is still on-going at the junction on Blackshaw Lane.

To accommodate the works it has been necessary initially to switch off the traffic signals and replace them with temporary 4 way signals. It is hoped that work will have progressed sufficiently up Blackshaw Lane by Thursday at the latest to allow the 59 bus service to safely make the turn in / out of the junction, in turn meaning that the temporary signals will become 3 way, thus allowing two way traffic along Shaw Road. These signals are being manually operated between 7.00am and 6.00pm, as are all temporary traffic signals in use along the route during a working day.

The grassed verges on Blackshaw Lane that the electric cable was laid in have been top soiled. The contactor has been instructed to remove any rubble in these areas and top up were required with additional top soil prior to seeding the areas.

There is a short length of open trench at the top of Blackshaw Lane near to its junction with Perth Street. There was a problem with a gas leak that required attention, however, the trench should be backfilled and surfaced shortly.

Work is still required at the junction of Edge Lane Street / Shaw Road. The contractor has been instructed that this must be carried out over a weekend but that until the permanent signals at Shaw Road / Blackshaw Lane have been switched back on work cannot be progressed. The contractor may carry out this work either the weekend of 9 / 10 March or 16 / 17 March.

Trial holes will be excavated on Oldham Road Friday 8 March, probably under stop / go boards rather than temporary signals as the work will be localised and traffic will be easier to manage.

The above trial holes are a prelude to work commencing on the final length of cable laying, from the entrance to the former Big Lamp Public House to the junction with Water Street and down Water Street to the junction with Perth Street. This phase of the work is programmed to commence Monday 11 March and will take between 4-6 weeks depending on site conditions.

The work will be undertaken under temporary signals in sections along the highway and the signals will be manually operated during the working day between 7.00am – 6.00pm. As you can appreciate Oldham Road is extremely busy and disruption is inevitable. Again, the contractor has been instructed that work cannot commence on Oldham Road unless the permanent signals at Shaw Road / Blackshaw Lane have been switched back on.

Enjoy Shaw & Crompton’s Green Spaces ….

Wildflower Planting – Sunday 10th March 2013 (1 – 3pm)

George Street Playing Field Pond, meet at the car park off Milnrow Road, opposite Bridge Street, Shaw, OL2 8BG

Come and help us plant wildflowers near the pond to encourage wildlife to the area. A variety of wildflowers will be planted in the wet meadow, including Ragged Robin. These will encourage bees, butterflies and other wildlife, increasing the biodiversity in the area. Take part, help to improve the local environment and learn about biodiversity.

Free event for all ages.

For more details contact Suzanne Walton: T: 0161 624 1444 or 07899 792 422


Salts Street at its Junction with Crompton Way – Saturday 2nd March and Sunday 3rd March

As part of the continuing operation to lay a high voltage electric cable along Crompton Way, it will be necessary to close Slats Street at the junction with Crompton Way, such that traffic will not be able to gain access to Crompton Way. At the same time, the temporary traffic signals will be in operation.
The closure is for the weekend of 2/3 March 2013.

During work in the vicinity of the zebra crossing on Crompton Way, near to the Salts Street / Linney Lane junction, the crossing facility will remain open for use at all times.


Milnrow Road at its Junction with Crompton Way – Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th Feb 2013

As part of the continuing operation to lay a high voltage electric cable along Crompton Way, it will be necessary to close Milnrow Road at the junction with Crompton Way, such that traffic will not be able to gain access to Crompton Way or to Milnrow Road towards Shaw. At the same time, the temporary traffic signals will be in operation.

The closure is for the weekend of 23 / 24 February 2013.

Once work has progressed past this junction and the junction is re-opened to traffic, it will be necessary to close Salts Street at its junction with Milnrow Road until the cable laying has progressed onto Linney Lane. This is necessary on safety grounds and to enable traffic flow along Milnrow Road at the junction to be more easily managed and reduce delay times. Details of this will follow in due close.

During work in the vicinity of the zebra crossing on Crompton Way, near to the Salts Street / Linney Lane junction, the crossing facility will remain open for use at all times.

Council meeting 6th Feb – Question to the Leader of the Council on Statues and Public Art

I am sure that the Leader will agree that public art in Oldham borough has had a chequered past?

Indeed I am proud that as Leader I got rid of the awful water feature in our town centre that had never worked and was a blight on our high street and an embarrassment to the Council and shoppers alike.

We will all welcome the sight of Metrolink trams running along Union Street, and we all want a good built environment, but at a time of austerity and cuts in services, isn’t it madness to spend up to half a million pounds on public art and statues?

Oldham’s Council Tax Payers, already hit in the pocket with a 3.5% rise from April, have different priorities for their hard-earned money and will simply see this as a wasteful indulgence and extravagance on the part of this Labour Administration that we can ill afford.

Howard Sykes
6th Feb 2013

Council meeting 6th Feb – Question to the Leader of the Council on the Acorn Business Centre

The Leader has made much of his recent trip to London at which prospective investors were assured that Oldham is ‘open for business’.

I was therefore very disturbed to hear that the licensees in the Acorn Business Centre in Derker have been given only a month’s notice by the Council to vacate their premises and relocate.

One businessman has told me that he feels badly let down by this Council – he describes what he considers to be (and I quote) “dirty goings on” and feels the situation is “a disgrace”.

In a heartfelt plea, his partner stated:

“We have no other property to locate to and run our company on such a tight shoe string that we would not be able to afford to relocate”.

In a press article yesterday, Cllr Hibbert said that the Acorn Business Centre is let by the Council from the owner, that it has been running at a ‘significant cost’ to the authority and requires investment.

Given this situation the Council must have decided many months ago that the lease would not be renewed, so why were the licensees not informed as soon as the decision was made and offered a package of assistance and support to successfully relocate?

By taking this course of action, this Administration has needlessly jeopardised small businesses and jobs – the very lifeblood of our local economy – and shown that it is in fact far from ‘open for business, which is a great shame.

Howard Sykes
6th Feb 2013