255 pubs, restaurants, and cafes in Oldham face cost of living cliff edge

255 hospitality businesses in Oldham are facing a combined energy bill increase of more than £1M (£1,091,860) once Government support is slashed in April, new analysis from the Liberal Democrats has revealed.

The analysis shows that the average bill increase for each business is likely to be £4,282.

Oldham’s Liberal Democrat Leader councillor Howard Sykes MBE said, “Our pubs, restaurants and cafes have endured so much already in recent years, so for them to have support withdrawn by the same Conservative government that has caused this cost-of-living crisis?  That will come as an insult to people who are working flat out just to stay afloat.  They are also a lifeline for those who use them in terms of their mental well-being amongst other things.”

The Government initially capped the cost of business energy, but from April they are replacing that scheme and will instead just pay a small proportion of businesses’ increased costs.  This means many pubs, cafes and restaurants will see a 90% cut in help from the government.  According to official statistics, in Oldham there are 255 pubs, restaurants and cafes at risk.

Councillor Sykes said, “This could rip the heart out of our communities in Oldham Borough.  Business owners are worried the cliff-edge they are facing if the government doesn’t change course.”

“The government must think again and ensure that meaningful support with energy bills stays in place for hospitality businesses,”  he added.

The Liberal Democrats are calling for the government to think again.  Businesses across the country are worried about the cliff edge they’re facing this year and Ministers need to listen to businesses about the risks they are facing before they withdraw support.


Data on the number of micro, small and medium sized pubs, bars, restaurants and cafes in the UK is available from the ONS via Nomis

Business Energy costs (without government support) are based on estimates for micro, small and medium-sized businesses by Energy Broker Bionic from January 3 to January 6, 2023 – Average Business Energy Consumption | Energy Bills | Bionic 

Details on the Government’s Existing cap on business costs can be found here –   Energy Bill Relief Scheme: help for businesses and other non-domestic customers – GOV.UK

Details for the Government’s New support for business costs can be found here – Energy Bills Discount Scheme – GOV.UK

We then compared Bionics’ figures with the two government schemes to calculate what the difference in support levels would be.

Levelling up: cash for Conservative heartlands “while the rest of us bid on the scraps”

Leader of Oldham Liberal Democrats councillor Howard Sykes has slammed the governments latest “levelling-up” offer, accusing the government of offering “handouts to Conservative councils in the south, while the rest of us bid on the scraps.”

The recently announced round of levelling up grants saw Oldham awarded £20m towards business and cycle infrastructure, but a bid to secure a further £20m towards the redevelopment of the Lyceum Theatre and the Old Library was unsuccessful. 

Councillor Sykes said, “The Conservatives have been promising to level up deprived parts of the country for years now.  Oldham is one of the most deprived towns in the country.  But when it comes to stumping up the cash, Oldham got less money than Rutland, one of the least deprived areas that submitted a bid.”

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak came under fire after his Richmond constituency was granted £19m in levelling up funding, despite being listed as one of the least deprived areas in the country.  

“Levelling up has just been an excuse for the Conservatives to give handouts to their already wealthy heartlands.  The rest of us are left to bid on the scraps.  This government has completely failed to deliver any meaningful change for Oldham.”

Breakdown of levelling up grants (DLUHC)
Levelling_Up_Fund_Round_2_successful_bids.ods (live.com)

Cartoonist’s exhibition goes on show at Gallery Oldham

Gallery Oldham’s latest exhibition celebrates the work of multi-award-winning cartoonist Tony Husband.

Tony’s work has appeared in national newspapers such as The Times, Daily Mail and Sunday Express as well as magazines ranging from Playboy through to Private Eye and The Spectator.

The exhibition brings together a selection of Tony’s most popular and favourite cartoons. Many of the works on display are also available to purchase.

From the world of Oink comic to his recent work with the dementia community, including here in Oldham, Tony’s illustrations have touched many lives.

The exhibition launches with a special event on Saturday 4 February, running from 1pm to 4pm, where visitors can come along to meet Tony and see him in action.

You can also join Tony for a guided tour of his exhibition and to hear some tales from his career on Wednesday 22 February. The exhibition runs until 13 May.

For more information on Gallery Oldham visit https://galleryoldham.org.uk/

Ctrl-alt-deliver: councillors get computers for Air Training Corps

The 2200 (Oldham) Squadron Air Training Corps and volunteers, with local councillors Alicia Marland, Sam Al-Hamdani and Mark Kenyon next to OC Joe Lord

A new suite of computers is being delivered for the 2200 (Oldham) Squadron Air Training Corps following a successful bid to Oldham’s Local Improvement Fund from the Grotton, Springhead and Lees councillors.

The computers will enable the volunteers at the Squadron to better deliver the vast range of training they give to the cadets, which includes the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme, leadership skills and radio communications.

Flight Lieutenant Joe Lord, the OC (Officer Commanding) for the squadron, said: “Getting this grant is amazing. We train cadets to succeed in many areas; providing them with skills to support our local community, and developing them both for the world of work and further education.

“These computers will help us to continue delivering this training at a high level. The skills developed through the RAF air cadet scheme provide young people with a reason to focus their energies into something productive and worthwhile.

The grant is one of three delivered to groups in the area by the three Liberal Democrat councillors for Saddleworth West and Lees – who also successfully applied for grants for classes at the Lees Ecohub, and an outdoor play space at the Springhead Community Centre.

Councillor Alicia Marland said: “I met Joe at the Remembrance service in November, where the cadets did themselves and our community proud.

“We recently got the opportunity to visit the squadron, and saw first hand what an amazing job the volunteers do for the cadets. I’m proud that we’ve been able to give a helping hand to make that job a little easier, and go a little further.

“So much of being a local councillor is about building our community, and this is a perfect example of how we can work together with local groups, and take pride in the fantastic people that live here.”

TODAY – 27 January – Holocaust Memorial Day: light a candle at 4pm

Today marks Holocaust Memorial Day, a day when we come together to remember the millions of people who were murdered by the Nazi regime and their collaborators during the Holocaust, and the devastating genocides which followed in countries such as Columbia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.

We held a local service at 9:30am today at Crompton War Memorial, led by local councillor Diane Williamson and attend by other councillors and the public.

You can take part in commemorating this annual event too, including the safe lighting of a candle in your window at 4pm today as part of a special ‘Light the Darkness’ moment to stand against prejudice and hatred. To learn more about Holocaust Memorial Day visit https://www.hmd.org.uk/

“Double on-the-spot fines for littering” say Oldham Liberal Democrats

Liberal Democrat Opposition Leader councillor Howard Sykes MBE, has called for ‘on-the-spot’ fines for littering to be doubled – taking the fine from £100 to £200 – to crack down on littering offences. 

Councillor Sykes said, “Littering is a huge problem across Oldham and it’s something the current Labour administration just doesn’t have a handle on – despite throwing thousands of pounds at campaigns like ‘Don’t Trash Oldham’.”

In a response to a Freedom of Information Request issued by the Liberal Democrats, Oldham Council confirmed that the number of fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) issued for littering offences has fallen each year from 636 in 2019 to just 53 in the first half of 2022.

Councillor Sykes said, “These are shocking figures that tell their own story.  This is about getting the basics right.  We need meaningful penalties and proper enforcement.  These numbers must be an embarrassment to the Labour run council.”

According to the Policy Exchange think-tank, who have released a report on tackling littering and other environmental crimes, the government also needs to combat the problem.  Policy recommendations include higher fines, tax breaks for companies who make biodegradable alternatives to commonly littered products like chewing gum; and published league tables to name and shame underperforming councils. 

The report also suggests the introduction of a ‘littering awareness course’ for offenders – similar to the speeding awareness courses handed out for dangerous driving.

Councillor Sykes said, “I welcome the Policy Exchange report because it points to practical solutions, but I


Policy Exchange report – Litterbugs 2.0
litterbugs.pdf (localgov.co.uk)

Response to FOI Request issued by councillor Sykes
Dear Cllr Sykes,

In response to your Freedom of Information request, we are happy to provide the following information.

Litter FPNs4866361948653
Prosecutions357949374 (up to end May )

Liberal Democrats call on Greater Manchester leaders to ‘think inside the box’ for new-born babies

Finland issues all expectant families with a baby box packed with all the essentials needed for the first weeks

Liberal Democrat Leader and Shaw representative councillor Howard Sykes MBE has called on Greater Manchester leaders to adopt a new support strategy for new-born babies across the city region. 

The ‘baby box’ was trialled in Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh Trust in 2018 but councillor Sykes says it should be put into place across the whole of Greater Manchester. 

Councillor Sykes said, “The early years are so crucial and new parents feel the stress of trying to provide the best possible start for their children.  We know that child poverty is on the rise in Britain, and it’s made worse by the cost-of-living crisis.”

Across England, one in every three babies are born into poverty.  However, in Oldham, rates of infant poverty are even higher – closer to four in ten babies.  

“We must give families the support they need at the start, so that children in Oldham can thrive.  Greater Manchester should follow Scotland and other European examples and introduce the ‘Baby Box’ for all new-borns.”

The Baby Box – popularised in Finland and now adopted as policy in Scotland – is a hamper that is provided to all expectant (your midwife fills in a form at 24 weeks, and you receive your baby box four weeks before your due date) mothers, free of charge.  It contains clothes, nappies, blankets and even an under-arm thermometer for taking temperatures.  The hamper itself can be quilted and used as a cot. 

Councillor Sykes said, “It’s no wonder that Finland has less child mortality and less children living in poverty than the UK.  Clearly Greater Manchester should follow Finland’s and the trials example and launch a similar scheme across our region.  A little effort in those early stages of life could make a world of difference for thousands of children.”

Information on Scottish ‘Baby Box’ scheme (NHS Scotland)

Scotland’s Baby Box | Ready Steady Baby! (nhsinform.scot)

Save the Children – Child Poverty Statistics

New poverty stats: One in three preschool children are living in poverty (savethechildren.org.uk)