Voter ID – ensure you can vote

The Government has introduced new legislation which means photographic identification will be compulsory for anyone voting in person in this year’s elections.  

Voters attending the polls on Thursday 4 May will be refused a ballot if they do not show Government-approved photo ID.  Accepted ID includes:

  • passports
  • driving licences
  • concessionary bus passes
  • a PASS card (Proof of Age Standards Scheme)
  • Blue Badge
  • Voter Authority Certificate

Expired ID is also accepted as long as the photo is a true likeness. You can visit the Electoral Commission website for a full list of accepted forms of voter ID

If residents don’t have any of these forms of ID, they can apply for a free voter ID which is also called a Voter Authority Certificate. A website has been set up to register for free voter ID  

People can also get help getting online at any library if they need some support, or the Elections Team is able to answer question and they can be contacted at 0161 770 4318 or  

You can also register to vote by post as normal, and postal votes will not require further ID. For more information, visit

Oldham Way being resurfaced

The resurfacing for Southlink Junction will be going ahead from Monday 23 January to Friday 27 January, with Oldham Way being closed for five nights.

The closure will be in place between 8pm and 5am. Signage will be in place to advise drivers of the closure. The late notice, which is due to the changing weather, and forecasts for next week means the work is able to go ahead.

Liberal Democrats slam voter ID “chaos” as postal voters are exempt from identity checks

Voters will have to produce photo ID before they will be allowed to vote in May’s local elections, but a loophole means that people who vote by post will not be subject to ID checks.  Liberal Democrat councillors in Oldham say the change will lead to “chaos” at polling stations. 

Liberal Democrat Leader councillor Howard Sykes MBE said, “The government is making it harder to vote by forcing people to bring photo ID with them to the polling station – something thousands of people in Oldham will not have.”

“It couldn’t be clearer that there isn’t the time to implement this before May and most importantly, there isn’t the time to tell people about it.  Regrettably, this will probably lead to voters being denied their right to vote and being turned away.  The government know this, yet they are pushing ahead anyway,” he added.

The Local Government Association has also raised serious concerns about the governments roll-out of voter ID.  They say that councils will need six months to implement proposals when, in reality, the government is barely giving them four. 

However, the government has proposed no changes to the rules for those voting by post, meaning that only people who turn up to vote in person will be required to prove their identity. 

Councillor Sykes said, “It’s a completely bizarre loophole.  The plans are unfair, badly thought out and they are going to lead to chaos on polling day.  This change is trying to solve a problem that does not exist, what it really is about is voter suppression.  Now reforming the rules for postal votes, where there are well documented issues, would be welcome but has been ducked!” 

A Liberal Democrat attempt to delay the introduction of voter ID was defeated in the House of Lords in December (13/12) after the Labour Party failed to support the motion, choosing instead to welcome the Conservative governments voter ID proposals. 

House of Lords division result (Fatal Motion – Voter Identification Bill, Baroness Pinnock)
Voter Identification Regulations 2022 – Lords’ votes in Parliament – UK Parliament

Dunwood Park Benches

We have been advised by the Parks Department of the following regarding the benches around the bowling green in Dunwood Park.

They are removing the benches around the bowling green at Dunwood Park for refurbishment and they will be returned in a few weeks.

They are putting in four temporary benches as a stop gap.

Any benches with plaques will be returned with them.

Renewed calls for scrutiny of Northern Care Alliance after “appalling” discharge figures and 12-hour A&E waits 

Oldham Council’s Liberal Democrat opposition have renewed their calls for greater scrutiny of the Northern Care Alliance (NCA), which runs NHS services in the Borough, after it emerged that only 4% of those who were fit enough to be discharged were actually leaving hospital in early January.

Liberal Democrat Leader and Shaw representative, councillor Howard Sykes MBE said, “The added pressure these appalling discharge figures are placing on our health service is coming at a time when our A&E services are failing.  Nearly 800 people waited more than 12 hours in hospital waiting rooms in December.  People can’t get an appointment with a GP.  It’s a terrifying time for a lot of people.”

At a council meeting in December, councillor Sykes called for a ‘joint scrutiny panel’ to be created so that councillors could work with NHS leaders to address the crisis facing NHS services. 

Oldham Council Leader failed to commit her group to such a plan in December, but the Liberal Democrats have renewed calls for greater scrutiny after figures for hospital discharges revealed the worsening state of local services earlier in January.

Councillor Sykes said, “The Government has been completely derelict in its duty.  They have failed our NHS.  But Oldham Council cannot sit on its hands and wait for the Conservatives in London to fix things.  If we do that, we’ll be waiting a very long time!”

“Councillors have a responsibility to work with local NHS services and to ask the tough questions.  The Council’s leadership must now join the Liberal Democrats in calling for a proper scrutiny body for the Northern Care Alliance, because without one, people across Oldham will not have a voice when it comes to their health service.”         

Local Ambulance and A&E Wait Times
Ambulance and A&E Statistics – Dec ’22 – Local Release

Councillor Sykes raises scrutiny of Northern Care Alliance (Dec 14, 2022)
Q2 Leaders Question 14/12/22: Joint scrutiny of Northern Care Alliance

Madam Mayor, I now want to turn to our NHS services.

Tomorrow, members of the Royal College of Nursing will strike for the first time in their 100-year history.  Could there be a more damning indictment of this Conservative government Madam Mayor? 

The decision to strike will have been an agonising one for RCN members.  Nurses want to be at work – they care about their patients.

Nationally, the NHS is in free fall and it’s right that nurses are standing up for themselves and the future of our health service. 

They have OUR full support. 

By now it is all too clear that the Northern Care Alliance that runs our hospitals faces a myriad of complex and debilitating issues.

The pandemic has caused a huge backlog across the board, not helped by IT failures earlier this year.

In Oldham, we have some of the highest cancer waiting times in the country – with around 40% of patients not receiving an appointment within the two-week time frame.

I would like to welcome the announcement of the multi-million-pound extension to Oldham Royal Hospital.  I just hope they can find the doctors, nurses, and other health staff to populate it?

Last month, it was revealed that almost 80 million pounds is needed to meet Northern Care Alliances repair and maintenance budget.

Most frightening of all, is that potential heart attack and stroke patients in Oldham are waiting half an hour longer for an ambulance than they should be.

And throughout all this, Northern Care Alliance faces no direct scrutiny from elected members.  Which means our residents have no voice? 

Madam Mayor, if we simply sit on our hands and wait for the Conservatives to save our NHS, we’ll be waiting in vain. 

These are big problems but there is an onus on elected members to ask the tough questions. 

So, will the Leader join me in calling for a joint scrutiny panel which will work with the Northern Care Alliance to make improvements where possible and to lobby government where it is needed, together and with one voice?

Labour Oldham Council’s “dismal” redevelopment record slammed after Prince’s Gate plans are axed

Oldham Council’s long promised “game-changer” redevelopment of Prince’s Gate, Mumps in Oldham town centre has fallen through after more than eight years of delays. 

It promised to deliver a new hotel and “missing retail giants” to Oldham town centre.  Gone has the promised M&S store and in 2019, the council entered a contract with Lidl acting as the developer for the site and to deliver a budget hotel as well as the supermarket.

Liberal Democrat Opposition Leader councillor Howard Sykes MBE said, “Prince’s Gate was lauded as a game-changer for Oldham but more than eight years and four Labour Leaders later it’s gone out with a whimper.  Labour can add Prince’s Gate to long list of abortive regeneration projects they’ve championed over the years including so called plans for Hotel Futures.  We also still wait for the Egyptian Room in the old Town Hall to be brought into use, years after the rest of it was reopened.  It’s a dismal track record.” 

The Liberal Democrat Leader pressed council leader Amanda Chadderton on Prince’s Gate as recently as the November 2 council meeting in 2022, pointing out that it had taken less time to put a man on the moon than it had for Oldham Council to deliver the redevelopment of ‘The game changer Princess Gate’. 

She said that they were in constant dialogue with the developers and “they say it will be brought forward”.  But the Labour Leader has now confirmed that her administration will scrap the plans. 

“We have said for a long time they need to deliver and also need to put some effort into our district centres like Shaw, Chadderton, Lees and alike not just Oldham Town Centre,” added councillor Sykes.


Councillor Sykes presses council leader on Prince’s Gate (02/11/22)   

Q1 the impact of inflation and Princes Gate

Thank you, Madam Mayor,

In his budget amendment speech in February this year, my colleague councillor Gloster warned the Labour Administration that if this Council continues with its current approach to regeneration and transformation, then we are increasing the risk of becoming a financially failing Council due to the massive amount of increased borrowing that will be required to complete projects like Spindles, Tommyfield Market, the Eco Centre, the new Town Centre Park, Old Library and the Cultural Quarter, the new Theatre and new Archive Centre amongst others. 

This was before interest rates rocketed to more than 10%.

I want to focus on just one of those projects and that’s the long-promised Prince’s Gate, down at Mumps.

On September 12th, 1962, US President John F. Kennedy told the American people “We choose to go to the Moon”. 

It was an ambitious speech Madam Mayor… but it was also an inspiring one because just 2,504 days later, on July 20th, 1969, mankind witnessed the first lunar landing.

Madam Mayor, it’s more than 2900 days since Jim McMahon set out his vision of a £60million game changer redevelopment which would deliver 150,000 square feet of retail space to be populated by the UK’s retail giants, along with 800 homes and 700 parking spaces. 

That vision has been watered down over the years.  We started with talk of “missing retail giants” like Marks and Spencer.  Now it’s a Travelodge and a Lidl.

It’s been more than eight years Madam Mayor… … and Labour still haven’t delivered Jim McMahon’s game changer, but we do have some car parking spaces.

To put it bluntly it’s taken longer for Oldham Labour to deliver a budget hotel and a budget supermarket than it took to put Mankind on the moon.

Madam Mayor, can the Leader update the council on the impact of plus 10% inflation on Oldham’s regeneration projects… and when can the people of Oldham expect to welcome the long-promised Prince’s Gate redevelopment? 

Because to-date the progress has been far from interstellar.

A&E wait times through the roof with 797 waiting over 12 hours

New figures just released have revealed the extent of the NHS crisis in Oldham.

2,756 people covered by the Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust (which covers Oldham) waited over 4 hours to be seen in December. Even more alarmingly, 797 waited over 12 hours to be seen in December during the winter crisis.

Meanwhile, the average ambulance response time for the most urgent incidents in the North West was 9 minutes 58 seconds in December – well in excess of the NHS target of 7 minutes. 

Response times for urgent conditions such as heart attacks and strokes are even longer. Ambulance response times in the North West for these Category 2 emergencies are now 1 hour, 12 minutes, way above the 18-minute target.

The Liberal Democrats have set out a five-point plan to tackle the ambulance service crisis. The party is demanding the Government release the money they promised to help discharge patients from hospitals, as soon as possible. 

Liberal Democrat Councillor Sam Al-Hamdani said: “The Government’s failure to tackle the crisis in our NHS is letting down people in Oldham and putting patients’ lives at risk. How much more evidence do Ministers need? They either don’t care or just can’t grasp the scale of this problem.

“Unacceptable and heartbreaking delays mean the Government is falling far short even on its own targets.

“Far too many people in Oldham are having to wait far too long to get the treatment they need. In many cases, this is literally a matter of life or death. People in our area deserve far better.

“Our NHS isn’t just at breaking point – it’s splitting at its very seams. We need action from the Conservatives. Liberal Democrats are demanding the Government release the money they promised to help discharge patients from hospitals, and launch a campaign to recruit the extra paramedics and ambulance staff we need.”