£5 million cycle bridge branded ‘latest pet project’ as local community walking and cycle routes go neglected

Oldham Liberal Democrats have criticised Greater Manchester bosses for funding “large vanity projects” instead of local walking and cycling infrastructure after plans for a new £5M cycle bridge between Oldham and Ashton-under-Lyne were unveiled earlier this year.   

Oldham’s Liberal Democrat Leader councillor Howard Sykes MBE said, “This is yet another example of Labour leaders in Greater Manchester prioritising their latest pet projects and neglecting the very basics when it comes to walking and cycling investment.  I am sure the bridge will be welcome by some, but most would want the £5M spent elsewhere.”

“£5 million could be better spent bringing cycle provision across Oldham up to standard, making junctions safer and improving neglected pavements and footpaths. Many areas have zero safe cycle provision,” stated councillor Sykes.  “Only recently I have had requests for cycling and walking improvements in Shaw and Crompton reject yet we have £5M for this cycle bridge.”

“Ask any resident how cycling and walking improvements should be funded and they will say it needs to be tackled locally and on smaller projects that will make a real difference to local people. These are the things that residents want Oldham Council and GM bosses to act on.  Instead, we have them funnelling money into projects like this bridge which will be ‘nice and big and shiny’.” 

In their budget recommendations earlier this year, Liberal Democrat Opposition councillors set out a proposal for investment in Oldham’s pavements and footpaths alongside a plan for 20mph speed limits in residential areas to help make walking and cycling safer. The combined cost for the Liberal Democrat backed plans came in at £2.7 million but the ruling Labour group rejected the proposals.

Councillor Sykes said, “Liberal Democrats set out a fully costed plan that would have made a real difference to pedestrians and cyclists at the most local level in our communities, but the Labour group said no.  Now they are prepared to spend twice as much on long-term vanity projects.”

3D Virtual bridge design Tameside link bridge – YouTube

Oldham Council press release 25/07/22 Planning application submitted for proposed new £5m bridge | Oldham Council

Dunwood cafe re-opens on 29 October

At long last and after pushing and table thumping, we are pleased to report the Cafe at Dunwood will re-open at the end of this month.

Invite to the event is below. But please call in at any time.

The Grand Opening of The Woodlands Café at Dunwood Park in Shaw on 29th October between 10am and 4pm. 

They will be hosting a Halloween party to celebrate the opening of our new community café. 

There will be pumpkin carving and entertainment for the children, food for all and community groups such as Get up and Grow and Nordic Walking taster sessions.  

We hope this will be a wonderful event for the community and would love it if you were able to join us. 

WE CAN HELP HELPLINE 0161 770 7007 and other advice to help with the cost-of-living crises

There’s a range of support available if you’re struggling to meet day to day costs.

Use the following links or phone the We Can Help team on 0161 770 7007.

Breakthrough UK has set up a text service, 07860 022876, for people who cannot or prefer not to speak to the Helpline team over the phone.

For more advice follow the link below:


10 October is World Mental Health Day: Services are at breaking point say Oldham Liberal Democrats

Oldham’s Liberal Democrat Leader councillor Howard Sykes MBE has marked World Mental Health Day by calling for more support for struggling people across Oldham Borough.

Councillor Sykes said, “NHS Mental Health budgets are at breaking point.  Services are under huge pressure because of the backlog caused by the covid pandemic and the additional stress and pressure that so many of us are feeling because of the cost-of-living crisis.  Staffing levels are also at crisis point.  The Conservatives have done nothing to address this and now we have over a million people sitting on mental health waiting lists.” 

In a statement marking World Mental Health Day (Oct 10th), the mental health charity Mind revealed that two in five young people “don’t have the words” to describe their mental health symptoms.

Councillor Sykes said, “We know that children and young people are facing increasingly varied and complex mental health issues and we know they are also vulnerable to the impact of the cost-of-living crisis.  So many families in our borough were just about managing before the Conservatives lost control of the economy.  Now they are being plunged into fuel and food poverty and all that uncertainty takes its toll on a person’s health.” 

The Liberal Democrat Opposition Leader also called on Oldham Council to be more ambitious in offering “meaningful mental health support” to the people of Oldham. 

Councillor Sykes said, “The Liberal Democrats have set out our vision for a caring and proactive council which offers real and impactful support in every community of Oldham borough.  We think the council can and must do more to tackle loneliness and digital isolation, which can be major barriers for many people who need to access mental health services.”

MIND Statement


Oldham Council slammed after no dog fouling penalties were issued for three years 

Oldham Council has been accused of “failing to get even the most basic things right” after it emerged that the authority failed to issue a single fixed penalty notice (FPN) for dog-fouling for three years.  This shocking fact was supplied as a result of a freedom of information request.

Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, councillor Howard Sykes MBE said, “This is a shocking fact.  We’re talking about the basics here.  We hear all this talk from the Labour administration about how they’re getting tough on littering, fly-tipping, and dog-fouling yet the facts say something else.”

“The vast majority of dog owners are responsible, the few that are not spoil it for all.  This is one of the number one issues in my mailbox, and I know it is for many other councillors and the public.  In our Liberal Democrat budget proposals last year, we found the cash to for such basic matters that the public clearly want,”  he stated. 

“Council bosses are happy to throw thousands of pounds at so called campaigns like ‘Don’t Trash Oldham’ yet fail on the basics like fixed penalties for dog fouling.  The facts speak for themselves,” he concluded.

“Half-hearted and weak”: council’s warm bank scheme slammed by Oldham Liberal Democrats

Oldham’s Liberal Democrat Leader councillor Howard Sykes has hit out at Labour council bosses over their plans to provide warm banks this winter in the Borough.  It has emerged that all the council’s earmarked locations are in public libraries, and none are open on Sundays.

Councillor Sykes said, “This is simply not good enough.  It is unimaginative and half-hearted.  The cost-of-living crisis doesn’t take Sunday off.  We need warm spaces that are accessible to residents all the time.  The council has only utilised libraries.  What about community centres and other public buildings?  What about those buildings used by faith groups?  In a rich country like Britain, it’s shameful that we need to consider ideas like warm banks to begin with, but if we’re going to do this, we need to do it properly.  It could make a real difference for vulnerable residents.”

Warm banks were adopted by Oldham Council after councillor Sykes wrote to the council in early August and a Liberal Democrat motion calling for them was passed at The Council meeting in September. 

Councillor Sykes said, “We have dragged the council kicking and screaming on this.    Labour have tagged warm banks onto the end of their cost-of-living plans but clearly their hearts aren’t in it.  The rest of their plan is unambitious.  £1.2 million of the promised £3 million won’t even be spent this year.  It’s an outrage and it doesn’t hold up to what is being offered by other local authorities.”

Initial request for warm Banks:

Oldham Liberal Democrats urge council to set up ‘Warm Banks’ this winter | Howard Sykes (mycouncillor.org.uk)

Liberal Democrats say it is time to extend free school meals to all primary age children

Healthy school meal

Oldham’s Liberal Democrat councillors have backed a campaign calling for free school meals to be extended to all primary school children. 

The National Education Union has said that child hunger is an ‘epidemic’ in schools and has published an open letter to the prime minister which says that currently millions of children miss out on a free school meal, with some as young as seven.

Leader of the Liberal Democrats in Oldham councillor Howard Sykes MBE said, “Free school meal provision is one of the most effective policies when it comes to tackling child hunger and poverty as well as raising educational achievement.  It’s about a fair start in life and peace of mind for struggling families who know their children will be able to focus in class after a nutritious meal.”

“Free school meals for infants have been a great success.  Teachers and their unions are right to call for the policy to be extended to all primary age children and the Liberal Democrats are joining them.”

Earlier this year it emerged that the government had cut funding for free school meals in Oldham by more than £212,000.  Government failure to fund meal provision in line with inflation and the rising cost of food has left schools to plug the gap. 

Councillor Sykes said, “The government is giving uncapped bonuses to bankers but won’t properly fund meals for school kids.  The Conservatives have shown they have all the wrong priorities.  The cuts to free school meals must be reversed immediately so that school budgets aren’t hammered this winter.  We must then look to expand the scheme so that every child can benefit.”   

NEU open letter

Free School Meals for All: Sign the open letter

Real terms cuts for free school meals in Oldham

Funding for infant free school meals in Oldham slashed by more than £200,000 | Howard Sykes (mycouncillor.org.uk)