Crompton Pool 1st July


After being fobbed off for weeks since it’s closure in early May the council finally get round to issuing a press release saying it will not re- open.

The people of Shaw deserve better than to be treated like this.

Just £50k could have kept the Pool open for the hundreds of users, the swimming club and schools plus others.

Most people would regard that as good value and if this was elsewhere in Oldham Borough the cash would have been spent and the facility kept open.

However this is Shaw and Crompton and our Labour Council (and that is who have made this decision in secret) appear to not give two hoots about Shaw and Crompton and have just proved that again.

International Day of Peace 21 September

Copy of a suggestion to the Chief Executive and Leader of Oldham Council

Later this week (28th June) will mark the 100th anniversary of the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the event that plunged the world into the First World War.

Soon we shall rightly begin our commemorations to mark the selfless sacrifice of so many Britons in this terrible war, but I am writing to you at this time because I also feel passionately that we should take whatever small steps we can to promote peace.

You may be aware that in 1981 the International Day of Peace was established by resolution of the United Nations General Assembly. Each year it is observed around the world on 21 September.

On this day, the UN General Assembly asks all combatants to cease hostilities, and invites all nations and peoples to hold commemorative activities and events to help strengthen the ideals of peace and raise public awareness of the day.

As a small step to promote peace, I would like to ask the Council to take a lead in helping to galvanise events across the borough to mark this year’s International Peace Day and to make this an annual effort.

My suggestions are that the Council looks to:

• Host, in conjunction with partners, an annual event in the town centre to which all communities, organisations, and residents be invited to commemorate the day

• Invite representatives from the United Nations Association (United Kingdom) and Peace One Day, a UK-based charity which has been instrumental in promoting the International Day of Peace. to attend this annual event

• Display the United Nations flag at the Civic Centre and on other public buildings to mark the International Day of Peace

• Ensure that information about the day and its significance appears on the Council’s website and in public libraries

• Ask youth club and religious leaders and the Head-teachers and Principals of all schools, academies and colleges in this borough to day in an assembly or event at their establishment on the most practical day that falls nearest to 21st September in each year

The Oldham Liberal Democrats will be very happy to co-operate with the Administration and with Council officers to make the programme a meaningful annual celebration of peace.

I shall look forward to your reply and am of course happy to discuss this further at Group Leaders etc.

Crompton Pool Latest 16 June

Crompton Pool Latest 16 June

My most recent correspondence on the matter, and extracts of just some of my earlier correspondence

Dear Ms McManus,

Can I formally request a copy of the papers/reports/email or any other information that has gone to the members of the CIPB about this matter, either under my right to know as a councillor or leader of the opposition or under a Freedom of information request.

Also under the above please inform me which councillors are on the Board and therefore making this decision/recommendation.

Also please confirm when the information was submitted to them for consideration.

I do hope the above will be supplied promptly, by return or within 24 hours at the very latest, and I will not have to chase this matter up as I have with every other email I have sent since the Pool closed on the 6th May.

I await your comments with interest as do thousands of residents in Shaw and Crompton and further afield who use Crompton Pool.

Councillor Howard Sykes MBE

Capital Investment Programme Board – CIPB is a Board of Cabinet members, which meets to coordinate /discuss all capital projects and programmes within the council. It is an advisory board, which assists either a delegated decision, or a decision which needs to go on to cabinet/ Council for approval.

I was promised some clarity on this issue on the 15th May – I am still waiting and on every occasion I have to chase the Council.

From: Heather McManus
Sent: 14 June 2014 12:31

The matter is still with CIPB for consideration. As soon as I hear from members I will let you know.

From: Howard Sykes
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2014 12:22 PM GMT Standard Time

Now the 13 June.

Hopefully you will now have some clarity about this matter over a week after your email 5 June.

Users, groups and the people of Shaw need and expect to be kept informed about this issue.

You must know what the problem is now and an idea of what it will cost to fix and who might do that work.

I cannot understand the delay.

It is well over a week since I last asked about this (3 June) as still no information for the public, swim club, schools, etc. etc.

When will we have a time frame for getting the pool open again?

Or is it as people suspect you want to keep it closed to save money?

I and thousands of people await your response with interest.

Howard Sykes

From: Neil Consterdine
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2014 11:01 AM

Consideration of the options will be considered this week via CIPB. We are hopeful to have a decision by the end of the week.

Neil Consterdine
Oldham Council
Head of Youth and Leisure

From: Howard Sykes
Sent: 29 May 2014 18:25

What is the timescale for the decision please?

I.e. tomorrow, next couple of days, next week, next month?

Many thanks in anticipation.


From: Neil Consterdine
Sent: 21 May 2014 16:24

The facility had to be closed because of damage to the hot water tank. This meant the pool water could not be kept at the correct temperature.

We are committed to keeping the pool open and are now assessing a repair option to ensure this happens. We will issue an update on this as soon as we possibly can to service users, partners and residents.

Neil Consterdine
Oldham Council
Head of Youth and Leisure

From: Howard Sykes
Sent: 20 May 2014 18:48

Dear Mr Consterdine,

So it is now a week on from your last email and considerably longer since the pool was closed (Tuesday 6th May).

No update or any additional information I am aware of.

Can you please let me and colleagues know the latest situation please and when the pool will re-open.

I await your comments with interest as do hundreds of my constituents, many of which have been in contact with me and colleagues.

Best wishes.
Councillor Howard Sykes



Councillors Rod Blyth, Mark Alcock and Howard Sykes.

Also Parish Councillors Aspinall, Farrell, Duffy, Hall, Stephens, Dodd, Robinson, Murphy and Wood will also attend.

7.30pm – 8.30pm, Lifelong Learning Centre, High Street, Shaw, OL2 8TB.

Thursday: June: 5, 12, 19.

Why bother on May 22 and what really matters?

Voting in these local elections will not change who runs Oldham Council, who runs the Government or whether Britain stays in Europe.

Instead these local elections are about electing councillors who, instead of posturing, will face the challenges in local government head on – delivering services you expect whilst squeezing better value from your Council Tax.

When the Liberal Democrats ran the council, we delivered award-winning local services whilst averting imminent financial disaster; in opposition, we have acted responsibly, challenging Labour where necessary and working with them whenever we can.

In contrast, what have the Conservatives done as an opposition party? The answer is simple: nothing – apart from voting with Labour!

We believe that the council must:

Get the basics right.

• Oldham people want clean streets, potholes filled and bins collected.

• Under the Liberal Democrats, Oldham officially had the cleanest streets in Greater Manchester – under Labour they are only getting dirtier.

• Under the Lib Dems, £10 million was found for highway improvements – under Labour only £2 million.

Save money on bureaucracy whilst protecting front-line services.

• In our last two alternative budgets, we found money to keep the Bulky Bob household collection service free, for more gully cleaning, and for better care for our elderly and looked-after children – ideas all dismissed by Labour and Conservatives.

Devolve real power and budgets to local communities

• Lib Dem councillors have always championed independent district partnerships. We also serve enthusiastically on two Parish Councils.

Find ways to generate new income.

• Liberal Democrats want council investment in renewable energy projects. This is good for our environment and the council’s finances too – bringing in sustainable income for at least the next quarter century.

Labour will no doubt blame the Liberal Democrats for ‘the cuts’.

They won’t tell you that cuts were only necessary because they left the country in financial ruin or that Oldham Liberal Democrats successfully lobbied minsters to stop further cuts in our finances.

Labour say they support the poor and make great play of their Council Tax freeze (paid for by Coalition Government money).

Labour last year hit everyone with a 3.7% Council Tax increase and forced our poorest citizens to pay Council Tax for the first time.

And they have only spent a third of the extra money given to them by this government to help the poor.

Liberal Democrats championed a plan to reduce the impact of welfare reform on the disabled and proposed a Council Tax hardship fund paid for by the airport dividend.

Labour say they support workers.

Yet they imposed a three year pay freeze on lower-paid Council workers

Instead the Liberal Democrats demanded that council jobs went to local people and that the council should become a National Living Wage employer.

Voting Liberal Democrat means supporting sound finance and reliable public services, and a party putting people and communities first.

It means you will elect a local councillor who will champion your community and area, and be on your side!

Cllr Howard Sykes
Lib Dem Group Leader Oldham Council
16th May 2014

Liberal Democrats get Buzzing in Support of Bee Action Plan


Liberal Democrats get Buzzing in Support of Bee Action Plan


Bees play a crucial role in our farms, gardens and countryside, and they’re essential to our food supply too.

Yet bees are facing an unprecedented crisis in the UK. Intensive farming, increased pesticide use, and continual habitat loss (they’ve lost 97% of their wildflower meadows in the past 60 years) all threaten their survival.

The Coalition Government has launched a consultation on how bees can be protected. Bees Minister Lord de Mauley urgently wants the views of the public on his plans.

Friends of the Earth has called upon the Government to institute a Bee Action Plan, which will include practical measures to support farmers to restore bee habitat to the countryside and cut back on using harmful pesticides.

To quote a leading Bee scientist, Professor Dave Goulson:

“The Bee Action Plan must include concrete action to support farmers to restore bee habitat to the countryside and cut back on using harmful pesticides – not just talk and good intentions. We need thousands of voices calling for a strong Bee Action Plan that will give nature a real boost.”

I have written on behalf of the Oldham Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council to the Minister supporting Friends of the Earth in their call for action, and readers can support the cause by signing their online petition at:


The time for action is now before Britain’s bees face terminal decline. Let’s be a nation that saves the bee.

Copy of the Letter to Lord de Mauley and FOE Bees report attached

The Rt. Hon. Lord de Mauley,
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State
for the Natural Environment and Science,
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs,
Nobel House,
17, Smith Square,

Dear Minister,

Your Consultation on Addressing the Decline in Britain’s Bees

Bees play a crucial role in our farms, gardens and countryside, and they’re essential to our food supply too.

Yet bees are facing an unprecedented crisis in the UK. Intensive farming, increased pesticide use, and continual habitat loss (they’ve lost 97% of their wildflower meadows in the past 60 years) all threaten their survival.

Minister, in response to your call for consultation as to how the Government can best protect Britain’s bees, I am writing to you as Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council to urge you to give serious and active consideration to the proposal by leading environmental charity, Friends of the Earth, to adopt a Bee Action Plan.

Friends of the Earth have helpfully published such a plan which I attach to this letter and I happily endorse it as a document that includes practical measures to support farmers to restore bee habitat to the countryside and cut back on using harmful pesticides.

In due course, I shall look forward to hearing more of the Coalition Government proposals to save the bee and, as a senior elected member in local government, am happy to advocate any part that local Councils can play in assisting their survival and propagation.

Minister, without action Britain’s bees face the prospect of terminal decline. I would urge both you and your ministerial aides to look to publish and implement a Bee Action Plan at the earliest opportunity as the time for action is now.

Yours sincerely

Howard Sykes


Crompton Way Zebra Crossing


Your Lib Dem Team for Shaw is pleased to report that at long last, after years of calls for action from your local councilors, Oldham Council has now promised to improve the Crompton Way Zebra crossing.

This follows the tragic death of Annalise Holt, 12, after a collision with a van on December 17. The investigation by Greater Manchester Police into this incident remains ongoing.

The lighting has already been upgraded with ‘halo’ LED lighting.

“We will continue working with Oldham Council, local residents and crossing campaigners like Danny Sheppard,” said Councillor Howard Sykes.

You can view the four different redesign proposals for the crossing on display boards at Crompton Library on Farrow Street East, and Asda on Greenfield Lane.

They can also be viewed online at

Comments and concerns can be provided on feedback forms at the sites where the boards are displayed.

Residents can also submit their views via email to:

“I would urge everybody to have a look at these proposals and make sure you have your say,” stated Councillor Howard Sykes. “All comments need submitting by the end of April.”

It is expected that the final design will be presented to the Shaw and Crompton District Executive on June 24 for final approval.

Cllr Sykes welcomes Creation of Institute to Recognise Turing

Cllr Sykes welcomes Creation of Institute to Recognise Turing

The Leader of the Opposition and the Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council, Councillor Howard Sykes, welcomed the recent announcement in the Budget 2014 that a new national Alan Turing Institute will be launched with a £42M fund to help make the UK a world leader in big data research.

Cllr Sykes recently wrote to the Minister of Justice, fellow Liberal Democrat Simon Hughes, supporting the Government’s recent decision to issue a posthumous pardon to the late Doctor Alan Turing, who was prosecuted for ‘gross indecency’ in 1952.

Cllr Sykes said: “This ‘offence’, now abolished, condemned homosexual men for being in consensual relationships and led Dr Turing being subjected to state-endorsed ‘chemical castration’, a disgusting punishment that represented a practice more akin to those of Nazi Germany, and that ultimately contributed to his suicide”.

“This was all the more shocking when you consider that Dr Turing was instrumental in helping Britain to withstand the onslaught of Nazi Germany by leading code-breaking efforts at Bletchley Park during the Second World War”.

“It is recognised that Dr Turing’s efforts in cracking the enemy’s Enigma code and other codes saved many thousands of British lives and those of our allies, and shortened the war by months, if not years. After the war, and before being persecuted for his sexuality, Dr Turing also contributed massively to the development of modern computing”.

“So it is only fitting that a new institute that will bring together expertise in tackling problems requiring huge computational power will be named after this renowned mathematician, code-breaker and computer pioneer”.

The Treasury has announced that the institute may be a brand-new facility or based within an existing university, and that its funding will come from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, which is headed up the Liberal Democrat Secretary of State Dr Vince Cable.

There is already a Turing Institute at Glasgow University, and an Alan Turing Institute in the Netherlands, as well as an Alan Turing building at the Manchester Institute for Mathematical Sciences.

A Valentine Day request – Pardons for Historic Convictions against Gay Men

Councillor Howard Sykes
5 Ballard Way

Please address all correspondence to:
Room 343, Level 3
Civic Centre
West Street
Twitter: @Howard_Sykes

The Rt. Hon. Simon Hughes MP
Minister of State for Justice
Ministry of Justice
102 Petty France

Date:​​14 February 2014

A Valentine Day request – Pardons for Historic Convictions against Gay Men

The Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council welcomes the recent granting of a posthumous royal pardon to renowned mathematician, computer pioneer and World War 2 code-breaker Alan Turing from a conviction for ‘gross indecency’ in 1952.

This ‘offence’, now abolished, condemned many homosexual men for being in consensual relationships and in Turing’s case led to state-endorsed ‘chemical castration’, a disgusting punishment based on the misapprehension that sexual preferences can be medically ‘treated’ and a practice more akin to those of Nazi Germany.

This pardon was granted on Christmas Eve last year under the Royal Prerogative of Mercy after a request from the Secretary of State for Justice who said that “Dr Alan Turing was an exceptional man with a brilliant mind”.

75,000 other gay men were just as unfairly persecuted, including acclaimed playwright Oscar Wilde. Some of these men are still alive and have consequently carried the stain of having a ‘criminal’ record as a sex offender.

In 2012 this Government passed the Protection of Freedoms Act, which allows those convicted of homosexual offences to apply to have their entire criminal records removed if their past conduct in fact no longer constitutes a ‘crime’.

The Liberal Democrat Group believes that all such individuals convicted, whether living or dead, should now be pardoned without the requirement for a personal application.

We therefore call upon you to announce in February – which is appropriately LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual and Trans-sexual) month – a commitment by this Government to introduce the necessary legislation to effect this change as soon as possible.

After all, such a commitment is only appropriate when as Liberal Democrats we have championed gay marriage and equal rights for same sex partners.

Yours sincerely

Howard Sykes