Liberal Democrats call for End to Last Post


The Leader of the Opposition and Shaw Liberal Democrat Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, is proposing a motion to the next meeting of full Council (7 September) demanding the replacement of five post boxes that have disappeared from various locations in Shaw and Crompton over the last nine months.

Councillor Sykes roundly condemned the unresponsiveness and inactivity of the senior management of Royal Mail over this period. He said:

“Over this period I have written numerous letters asking then demanding action to Royal Mail senior managers, including the Chief Executive.  At least I have been able to find a local letter box in which to post these, but many of my constituents, a lot of whom are elderly, infirm or disabled, cannot and so they encounter great difficulty in sending mail.  Those most inconvenienced are the residents of Dunwood Park Courts who found themselves without a post box since last November.”

“It is simply unacceptable that Royal Mail, which by law is meant to maintain a universal postal service and be a customer-facing business, has failed to replace these letter boxes over the time.  How much longer are customers expected to wait?  At this rate, and with the Royal Mail’s attitude that replacement will happen sometime in the future at an undisclosed date, my constituents might not even be unable to post Christmas cards for a second year running.”

Councillor Sykes’ motion calls on the Council to write corporately to the Chief Executive and Chairman of Royal Mail demanding immediate action.  Councillor Sykes also wants to see a new statutory right for local authorities and local people to be consulted by Royal Mail before a post box is lost or is not immediately replaced.

Liberal Democrat Crompton Councillor Diane Williamson, who is backing the motion, added:

“This is no requirement in law for the Royal Mail to carry out a consultation before taking action and removing a post box, or after a short period of time if they fail to replace one that is stolen or damaged.  Shaw and Crompton Councillors do not believe that this is acceptable.”

We are therefore asking the Council to write to the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sports asking for one to be created in law as clearly the voluntary arrangements have totally failed my own, and Councillor Sykes’s constituents who have been massively inconvenienced over many months.”

The motion reads: Missing Post Boxes

Council believes that it is a disgrace and a scandal that over the last nine months five Royal Mail post boxes have disappeared in Shaw and Crompton.

Council recognises that this has caused great inconvenience to residents; most particularly to those living on Dunwood Park Courts, who have been without a local post box since November 2015, and to the many elderly, infirm or disabled residents living adjacent to these five locations, who struggle, or simply find it impossible, to walk to the next available post box.

Furthermore, Council is deeply disappointed by the:

  • lack of urgency in the response from the Chief Executive of Royal Mail to representations made on this matter by local Councillors
  • vague promises made to reinstate these post boxes at some unspecified future date
  • apparent lack of a statutory requirement for Royal Mail to consult with any local authority, and local residents, before a post box is removed from a public location

Council resolves to request that the Chief Executive writes to:

  • The Chief Executive and Chairman of Royal Mail Plc conveying this Council’s robust view on this matter and demanding the early reinstatement of these post boxes as a matter of urgency
  • The Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport asking the Government to establish a statutory requirement for Royal Mail to consult any District or Unitary Council, and local residents, prior to the removal (or non-replacement for a period of more than one calendar month) of any public post box from their area

Oldham Liberal Democrats say Veterans deserve Recognition in Census  

Lib Dem Cllrs Diane Williamson and Howard Sykes back the Count me in campaign by the Royal British Legion

The Leader of the Opposition and of the Liberal Democrat Group, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, is proposing a motion to the next meeting of full Council (7 September) backing  a national campaign by the Royal British Legion that the 2021 Census should count current and former service personnel in by asking specific questions about their circumstances.

Commenting, Councillor Sykes said: “Current and former service personnel have served and fought for their country. Some have been killed, more wounded, and all have been changed by this experience.”

“As a Council we have recognised their exceptional contribution to our community by signing up to the Armed Forces Community Covenant, yet we, and our public sector partners, are hampered in our efforts to provide for their needs, and those of their family members, by the lack of information we have available about their circumstances.”

“From our last Census, we know how many people in our borough claim to be Jedi knights, yet we know very little about the real-life warriors who live in our midst.”

The motion is being supported by Liberal Democrat Councillor, Diane Williamson, Shadow Spokesperson for Neighbourhoods and Co-operatives. She added:

“As a Council we want to support service personnel and their families, yet we are hampered by the lack of information available to us from official sources. Changing the Census to ensure that we capture the right information will make this become an invaluable tool to enable us to better meet their needs. We are calling on our local MPs and Secretary of State for Defence to back our veterans and back this campaign.”

The nine Councillors of the Oldham Liberal Democrat Group will all show their personal support for the campaign by signing individual pledges.

The motion reads:

Council 7th Sept. 2016 – Notice of Opposition Business –  Count Them In: Making the next census count for our Armed Forces community

This Council once more wishes to place on record its admiration for the courage, service and sacrifice of members of Her Majesty’s armed forces, past and present, during military conflicts, in countering terrorism and in carrying out peacekeeping and humanitarian duties.

This Council notes:

  • The obligations it owes to the Armed Forces community within the Borough of Oldham as enshrined in the Armed Forces Covenant; that the Armed Forces community should not face disadvantage in the provision of services and that special consideration is appropriate in some cases, especially for those who have given the most.
  • The absence of definitive and comprehensive statistics on the size or demographics of the Armed Forces community within the Borough of Oldham. This includes serving Regular and Reserve personnel, veterans, and their families.
  • That the availability of such data would greatly assist the council, local partner agencies, the voluntary sector, and national Government in the planning and provision of services to address the unique needs of the Armed Forces community within the Borough of Oldham.

This Council therefore resolves to:

  • Support and promote The Royal British Legion’s campaign ‘Count Me In’ to include a new topic in the 2021 census that concerns military service and membership of the Armed Forces community.
  • Urge elected members for this Borough to sign up as individual supporters to the ‘Count Me In’ campaign.
  • Ask the Cabinet Member with responsibility for the Community Covenant to write to the Secretary of State for Defence, The Rt. Hon Michael Fallon MP, setting out the Council’s position that we wish to see the UK Parliament approve a final census questionnaire in 2019, which includes questions concerning our Armed Forces community, for use in the 2021 Census.
  • Ask the Chief Executive to write to the Borough’s three Members of Parliament asking them to also make representations on this matter to the Secretary of State for Defence.

Lack of post box – entrance to Dunwood Park Courts, Milnrow Road, Shaw


Councillor Howard Sykes says Royal Mail fail to follow their own rules re the missing post box (nearly 10 months now) at the entrance to Dunwood Park Courts, Milnrow Road, Shaw, Oldham.

Copy of letter I have sent today – my 10th about this matter!

See my first and his response in January:

23 August 2016

Mr Steve Buckley, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Royal Mail Plc, 100 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0HQ

Dear Mr Buckley,

Re: Disappearance of Royal Mail Post Box, Dunwood Park Courts, Shaw, Oldham.

Thank you for your recent letter of 7 August to which I replied on 15 August.  Whilst I am grateful for your response, we are still no further forward and this is now my ninth communication with you about this matter.

This particular Post Box has been missing since November 2015 and it is a disgrace and a scandal that the residents of Dunwood Park Courts and surrounding area have been without a Post Box for nine whole months.  The majority of these residents are elderly, infirm or disabled and are having to travel to simply post a letter.

I must express my disappointment in the lack of urgency in your response; while you have given vague responses, you have as yet failed to supply a date to reinstate this Post Box.

Other Post Boxes have been replaced, why not this one?

Ofcom’s most recently published statement on regulatory protections for the provision of postboxes states that Royal Mail must ensure that:

  • there is a post box within 0.5 miles by straight line distance of at least 98% of delivery points (i.e. people’s houses) nationally; and
  • for the remaining 2% of delivery points, Royal Mail must provide sufficient access points or other means of access to the universal service (e.g. collection on delivery from very remote or isolated locations such as farmhouses) to meet the reasonable needs of users.

How does the failure to replace or relocate this post box comply with the above?

I have also attached a copy of Royal Mails own protocols for mail box removal and relocation.

I have highlighted a number of sections that appear to have not been followed with this postbox.  They are reproduced in full below.

When a box needs to be taken out of service, either temporarily sealed or permanently removed, a notice will be displayed to tell customers why and give details of the nearest 3 alternative posting facilities.

Not aware the above has been complied with.

Where it is possible to do so, we will provide a four week notification to consumers when we plan to remove or relocate a box. However, sometimes a four week period is not possible because a significant proportion of removals and relocations are due to events outside of our control – such as when a box is damaged or stolen.

Appreciate four weeks is not always possible but this is now nine months!

If we have to remove a posting box

 Before we take a decision to remove a postbox, a number of things are taken into consideration:

  • Whether the original issue can be overcome
  • Feasibility of repairing a box
  • Finding a suitable alternative site
  • The distance to and location of the next nearest 3 alternative boxes
  • That the needs of customer in the area will still be met if the box isn’t replaced
  • The number of delivery points which may now be further than half a mile from a box

Nine months on not aware any of the above has been done?

Therefore, and I take no pleasure in being so blunt and direct but the other eight approaches about this matter have not helped resolve matters for my constituents.

A detailed and considered response to the highlighted sections from your own protocols would be appreciated.

I would also expect a specific and detailed response and a date of if and when this Post Box will be replaced or relocated.

I would urge you to replace this particular one or relocate VERY nearby as the elderly residents are in need of a local Post Box.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely – Howard Sykes

Royal Mail protocol for postbox removal and relocation (off their web site)

 We are committed to retaining our ‘six days a week’ collection from all our 115,000 postboxes. In the
UK, we have one of the highest numbers and densities of postboxes in Europe and this hasn’t changed over the past decade.

From time to time, it may become necessary to remove or relocate a postbox. We don’t remove boxes due to under-utilisation. There are, however, various reasons why we might have to take a box out of service:

  • A risk to the safety of our postmen and postwomen
  • The security of the mail in a particular postbox may be compromised
  • Building works mean it’s not possible to access a postbox
  • Re-routing of traffic, making it dangerous for us to collect from a postbox
  • A request to remove a postbox from private land by the landowner
  • Damage to a box due to a road traffic accident

When a box needs to be taken out of service, either temporarily sealed or permanently removed, a notice will be displayed to tell customers why and give details of the nearest 3 alternative posting facilities.

Where it is possible to do so, we will provide a four week notification to consumers when we plan to remove or relocate a box. However, sometimes a four week period is not possible because a significant proportion of removals and relocations are due to events outside of our control – such as when a box is damaged or stolen.

If we have to remove a posting box

 Before we take a decision to remove a postbox, a number of things are taken into consideration:

  • Whether the original issue can be overcome
  • Feasibility of repairing a box
  • Finding a suitable alternative site
  • The distance to and location of the next nearest 3 alternative boxes
  • That the needs of customer in the area will still be met if the box isn’t replaced
  • The number of delivery points which may now be further than half a mile from a box

If a postbox has to be relocated

 Where we have to relocate a postbox we will always:

  • Inform customers of the reason why, via a notice on or near the box
  • Consult appropriate parties, such as local councils, land owners and engineering contractors;
  • Complete relocation/repair work within reasonable timescales, usually six months.

 What to do if you have a problem

  • If you would like to discuss the removal or relocation of a box in your area or you are experiencing a problem, please contact us using the help centre link to the right of this page.
  • To help us answer your query, please remember to note the location of the box and its individual identification number.

My latest letter to Royal Mail re missing post boxes

royalmail15 August 2016

Mr Steve Buckley, Chairman & Chief Executive Office, Royal Mail Plc, 100 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0HQ

Dear Mr Buckley,

Re: Disappearance of Royal Mail Post Box on Milnrow Road, Long Rushes (High Crompton), Shaw, Oldham.

Thank you for your recent letter of 7 August.  Whilst I am grateful for your response, I still have no further information to share with my constituents.

These Post Boxes have now been missing for almost seven months.  I have received numerous complaints from concerned constituents; the majority of which are elderly, who have to travel to simply post a letter.

I would welcome a dialog and some information about this matter as soon as possible.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely – Howard Sykes

Active Citizens’ Fund – cash up for grabs

On Monday 15 August my Active Citizens’ Fund reopens, and I am inviting community groups and organisations across Greater Manchester to apply for their share of £200,000.

Organisations can apply for grants of up to £5,000 for projects that help reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in their local area.

All the information about how to apply can be found here:

The deadline for applications is 4pm on Thursday 22nd September.

There will also be a series of events across Greater Manchester where people who are interested in applying can come along and find out more information.

Please note, places are limited and must be booked at

Oldham Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1UT,

30 August, 2pm to 4pm.

I would be grateful for your support promoting the fund, and please pass this information on through your networks to any groups or organisations you think would be interested.

Best wishes – Tony Lloyd, Mayor and Police and Crime Commissioner

Scarr Lane, Shaw resurfacing – good news!


I want to inform people of the latest information I have received from the Council regarding the road surface of Scarr Lane.

A number of you have been in contact with me regarding the pot holes and the general condition of the road surface on Scarr Lane over the last couple of years or so.  As some of you will already be aware, my colleagues (Councillors Blyth and Gloster) and I, have been trying to get some action to remedy the poor quality of the road surface.  I have sent numerous communications to the Highways Department along with a significant number of meetings to try and progress this matter.

Whilst it has been a long battle I finally have some good news to share!  I have received this following information from the Highways Department.

Thank you for your email, we can confirm the whole of Scarr Lane is programmed to be resurfaced, we can also confirm we will be using traditional Bitmac.

As I am sure you will agree this is a long overdue, the battle now is when as the above will happen as this commitment is for this financial year i.e. before the end of March 2017!

Whilst I have been chasing for a scheduled start date, unfortunately they do not appear to have set a date as yet.

With regards a start date for the carriageway surfacing works at Scarr Lane, I am afraid that I cannot provide this at present, the works will be completed on this year’s programme and as soon as I have a definite start date I will update you.  Kind regards – Nigel Molden, Senior Engineer, Highways & Engineering

I will continue to pursue this matter on a regular basis until I have a confirmed start date, however, as Mr Molden has confirmed above, the works will be completed on this year’s programme.  To clarify, ‘this year’s’ programme actually means by the end of March 2017 but rest assured I will be pressing for work to start in 2016.

The fight for similar action on other local roads like Linney Lane continues.

As soon as I have any further information regarding the start date I shall let people know.