Missing Royal Mail Boxes in Shaw and Crompton


Mr Steve Buckley, Chairman & Chief Executive Office, Royal Mail Plc, 100 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0HQ

Dear Mr Buckley,

Re: Disappearance of Royal Mail Post Box on Glebe Street/ Salts Street, Longley Street, Hillside Avenue and Milnrow Road, Long Rushes (High Crompton), Shaw, Oldham.

 Further to my letter sent to you on 24 May 2016, I have continuously been contacted by a number of my concerned constituents; that their local Royal Mail Post Box has disappeared/been removed without any notice.

To my knowledge, five Post Boxes have disappeared in the Shaw area in the last six months without prior notice.

The mail boxes in question are situated on Glebe Street/ Salts Street junction, Longley Street, Hillside Avenue and Milnrow Road, all located in Shaw, Oldham, of which I have written to you about them previously, and now a fifth one which has been brought to my attention located in Long Rushes in High Crompton.

I would welcome a dialog and some information about this matter regarding the re-installation or re-location of this particular Post Box.

In the past I have supported Royal Mail proposals to small re-locations so that the Post Box is still available to local residents and also ‘works’ for Royal Mail.

Hopefully you will be in a position to replace the Post Boxes as soon as possible to alleviate the inconvenience and distress it is causing for my constituents.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely

Howard Sykes

Missed bins – Shaw and Crompton Friday 3 June


I have been informed of a number of uncompleted waste collections from the Shaw & Crompton area today.  These include:

  • Food & Garden – Salt Street area (1 hour)
  • Food & Garden – Harewood Road area (30 mins)
  • Food & Garden – Moor Street, Princess Road area (1.5 hours)
  • Paper & Cardboard – Wood Street (1 hour)
  • Paper & Cardboard – Cliff Hill Road, Shore Ave area (30 mins)

This is a due to the high volume of recycling product put out and vehicle breakdowns faced this week/today.  There will be crews out from 7:30am tomorrow morning in these areas to clear the back log.

Shaw and Crompton Parish Council Chairman’s Civic Service and Procession – Sunday 5 June 2016

Shaw and Crompton logo colour
The Chairman of the Parish Council, Councillor Angie Farrell and her consort, Wayne Cheeseman, cordially invite you to join them for the Chairman’s Civic Service on Sunday, 5 June 2016 at The Salvation Army Citadel, Farrow Street, Shaw, OL2 8QY to commence at 10.00am.

It is planned to meet at 1 Kershaw Street East, Shaw, OL2 8AB at 9.00am before processing to the Citadel at 9.30am.  If you are unable to take part in the procession please make your way directly to the Citadel.

After the service light refreshments will be served at the Citadel.

ASDA have withdrawn their application for 24/7 deliveries in Shaw


Copy of my recent letter to the people who have wrote to me about this and my original email of objection.  This is good news and hopefully an outbreak of common sense by ASDA.

Re: Planning application 337933 to allow 24/7 deliveries at ASDA, Shaw

Further to my recent letter of 13 April regarding the planning application to allow 24/7 deliveries as ASDA in Shaw, this is just a quick note to update you on progress.

I have now received confirmation that ASDA have withdrawn their application for 24/7 deliveries in Shaw.

This is fantastic news and I am more than happy with the outcome as I hope you are too.

If I can be of any assistance in the future, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Best wishes – Howard Sykes

Copy of ASDA’s letter to local residents: Revised Asda Shaw letter

From: Howard Sykes
Sent: 02 February 2016 19:52
To: Martyn Leigh
Subject: Planning application 337933 ASDA in Shaw ref 2973

Dear Mr Leigh,

I formally wish the above application to be considered by the Planning Committee (upped) due to the fundamental nature of this most recent application and how it seeks to change the whole basis of how the store works and how it impacts upon its immediate neighbours (my constituents).

It seeks to allow deliveries via the front/customer entrance between the hours of 10pm and 6am i.e. through the night.

I have not objected to previous applications, all of which have relaxed the original conditions imposed on this development, in terms of delivery times and opening hours.

I now also formally object to what they propose now.

Since the development was conceived there has always been an entrance for the public/customer and a delivery entrance/yard.

Despite what local councillors wanted at the time the customer entrance was located on Greenfield Lane (a late change in the original application process).

The application this time means the customer entrance off Greenfield Lane actually gets used for commercial deliveries 24 hours a day, seven days a week including Bank Holidays.

The impact this will have on local residents will be massive – it terms of traffic, noise, light pollution and must be resisted.

I would be grateful if you would acknowledge receipt of this email.

Yours sincerely.

Councillor Howard Sykes MBE

Missed bins, Shaw and Crompton 20 May


I am informed that due to vehicle issues on Friday there are about 2.5 hours of paper and cardboard outstanding in the Shaw and Crompton area.  This area includes:

  • 1.5 hours on Marlfield Road, Wood Street, Thornham Road area
  • 1 hour on Edward Street, Netherhouse Road, Victoria Street area

Please note that there will be a vehicle out from 7:30 am on Saturday morning to complete this work.