There was traffic chaos in Shaw again today (23rd April) with the impact of the Mancheter Road roadworks (closure) being felt very keenly by rushhour communters.
Howard Sykes said, “The residents of Shaw have been dealt yet another blow by a Labour administration who has not consulted and adequately planned these roadworks. The impact has just not been thought through. If it had, the sequencing of the Blackshaw Lane/Bullcote Lane traffic lights would have been altered to cope with the increased volume of traffic, particularly at peak times.”
He continued, “I will be taking up this issue with Oldham Council to see if there is anything that can be done quickly to improve the situation for residents of Shaw and Crompton.
In the more medium term, I shall pursue again an answer to the question I put to the Labour Leader of the Council at last week’s full council meeting (18th April) concerning the opening of Metrolink, as this will take away some of this traffic volume along this stretch when the line opens.
However, I was told at the Council meeting last week by Cllr McMahon that he had no knowledge of when the Metrolink line was going to open, that it was not his concern and didn’t seem at all interested in the impact on the quality of life on the people of Shaw and Crompton of this and the roadwork projects being undertaken currently by Oldham Council.
But don’t just take my word for it. People can see it for themselves if they view the Council’s webcast of the meeting of full Council available via the Oldham Council website.”
Oldham Council’s website can be found via the quicklink on the menu to the left of this page.