Liberal Democrat Leader welcomes Dementia Awareness Week

The Leader of the Opposition and Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, has welcomed the start of Dementia Awareness Week (14-20 May).

Councillor Sykes, wants to raise public awareness of this important event:

“With most of the media focus on the uncertainty of Brexit and the outcome of the General Election, it might be easy to overlook this campaign launched yesterday as part of the Dementia Friends’ initiative by the Alzheimer’s Society, yet, with our aging society, dementia represents a massive health time bomb that we all need to know about and act upon.”

Councillor Sykes added:

“For the seven days, people across the nation of all political persuasions and none will be working to shine a spotlight on the devastating consequences of dementia.  More details about the week can be found on the Alzheimer’s Society website – the link is shown below.  Here you can find out more about what you can do to help combat this terrible disease.”

“In July last year, the Liberal Democrat Group brought forward a motion to Council identifying a programme of practical steps to help make Oldham Council and its public sector partners more dementia friendly, but we cannot do this alone – we want and need every one of our Borough’s residents to get involved so I would urge everyone to get involved to help make the awareness week a resounding success.”

Green waste collections ‘rural’ and hard to reach areas Shaw and Crompton

Please be aware that the organic country round vehicle suffered a major fault breakdown on Thursday 11th May.

This means that the council have a half a day’s work from Thursday (11th May) and all of Friday’s (12th May) food and garden collections outstanding.

Please be advised that they will be sending vehicles out on Saturday and hope to clear all outstanding work.

Please advise leave waste containers out for collection.

Closure of footpath Dunwood Park – from 15 May for 2 weeks

The temporary closure of footpath 55 Crompton which runs through part of Dunwood Park is required due to works to construct a culvert; this is the path that runs between the tennis courts and the Metrolink.

The path on the opposite side of the tennis court is also affected.  Works are scheduled to commence on the 15 May 2017 and proceed for 2 weeks.

Follow the link for details and diversion route: Closure of footpath at Dunwood park plan

Vote Jane Brophy for Mayor Thursday 4 May (polls open 7am – 10pm)

Jane Brophy works for the NHS. Currently based in Preston, her NHS work has seen her based in most of the Greater Manchester boroughs over the years. An experienced councillor, Jane was first elected to Trafford Council in 1994 and currently resides in and represents Timperley ward.

As Mayor of Greater Manchester, Jane will

  • Fight against a ruinous Hard Brexit that will cost jobs across Greater Manchester.
  • Scrap the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework and oppose over-development of the greenbelt.
  • Tackle the sharp rise in crime that’s hit people under Labour’s watch, with a focus on tackling crimes against people.
  • Build a health system that works for everyone in Greater Manchester, improving mental health treatment and integrating social care.

Flood prevention works at Pencil Brook, Duchess Street and Dunwood Park, Shaw starts 24 April

I am pleased to report that; after a long campaign; flood alleviation works will be taking place on Pencil Brook.

The works will be carried out in two phases, firstly installing a new box culvert within Dunwood Park underneath the existing tennis courts, with phase two seeing the installation of new linear drains, kerbs and carriageway resurfacing on the Woodend Industrial Estate Access Road of Duchess Street.

The works will be starting on Phase 1 on Monday 24th April 2017, with Phase 2 beginning on Monday 15th May 2017, and both phases being completed on Friday 9th June.

To safely carry out the works, the tennis courts and footpaths either side within Dunwood Park will need to be closed with a signed pedestrian diversion being in place for the duration of the works.

Works on the access road will be carried out under traffic management, with the resurfacing works needing a road closure for 5 days from Monday 5th June.

Access to business will be maintained during this closure, however some delays may be experienced.

The location plan for the works: Culvert Location Plan

Crompton Moor Volunteer Ranger Event 23 April 2017

Another volunteer ranger event is already upon us, this Sunday, 23 April 2017; a week earlier due to other commitments on the 30th – much to John’s delight!

Having successfully completed the fencing on Crow Knowl, and the rebuilding of dry stone walls that were in need of repair, we can now return to the maintenance of the Whitesides’ and or the car park fencing, dependent on the weather on the day. If we decide on Whitesides on the day, wellies would be in good order knowing the wetness of the terrain.

Given the time of the year and current weather forecast (not warm), please ensure you have the appropriate clothing, footwear and a packed lunch if you are up for the day but would again suggest a hot flask of your favourite drink for the morning and plenty of cold drink for the afternoon. I would however ask you to note that any time you can commit to is always gratefully appreciated.

Meantime, if you have any issues that you may wish to discuss prior to Sunday, please do not hesitate to mail or phone me on 07961107860.  Look forward to seeing you in the Crompton Moor Car Park ~ 10.30 on Sunday.

May I also ask that you let me know of your intentions so that I can plan the appropriate work load and material for the day  Thank you.

Kindest Regards

Edward John Fulton

Countryside Volunteer Ranger

(M) 07961 107860 [Calls may be recorded]

(F)  01706 661813


Shaw and Crompton branch of Royal Bank of Scotland miss the point somewhat to say the least!

Bolton Customer Service Centre, PO Box 2027. De Havilland Way, Horwich, Bolton BL6 4YU

07 April 2017

Dear Mr Gloster, Mr Blyth & Mr Sykes

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention and for being so patient while I have been investigating your complaint.  I understand that you have complained on behalf of the residents of Shaw in Oldham because the RBS branch in Shaw will no longer open on a Thursday in future.  You have mentioned that Thursday is the Market Day in Shaw and this will cause inconvenience for a lot of people.  You have also mentioned that this Is not in keeping with the commitment “adapting to meet customer needs” as stated by RBS in the Oldham Evening Chronicle.  You would like RBS to reconsider the proposal to close on a Thursday.

My Investigation
Here is a summary of what I have investigated:

  • RBS has made the business decision that the Shaw branch in Oldham will no longer open on a Thursday going forward
  • Customers who regularly use the Shaw branch will have been made aware of the change during one of their visits

My Response

Having taken all of the above information into consideration, I am sorry that I am unable to agree with your complaint about the future closure of the Shaw branch on a Thursday because this is a business decision that has been made. Although I cannot agree with your complaint, the decision has not been taken lightly and I completely understand that this will disappoint some customers.  I am genuinely sorry for the inconvenience that they will suffer.

With regards to the comment about adapting to customer needs, I can confirm that customers are increasingly using alternative ways of banking with us in the local area including by phone, in the post office, and through our mobile and online banking.  There are now more ways of banking with RBS than ever before.  As a result our customers are changing the way they bank with us and we have to respond to these changes.

I do hope that I have taken steps to rebuild your faith in us and trust I have been able to resolve matters satisfactorily for you.  If you are unhappy with my decision you have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS), free of charge, but you must do so within six months of the date of this letter.  If you do not refer your complaint in time, the Ombudsman will not have our permission to consider your complaint and so will only be able to do so in very limited circumstances.  For example, if the Ombudsman believes that they delay was as a result of exceptional circumstances.

I have enclosed a leaflet providing further details of the FOS.  You can also find further information at www.finacial-ombudsmand

If there is anything further that you would like to bring to my attention that has not already been considered, or if anything mentioned is incorrect, you can speak to me or a member of my team on 0800 161 5131 or  07432 791184 between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday.  Calls may be recorded

If you have a hearing or speech impairment you can call us on Minicom 0800 917 0527.  You must have Minicom facilities to use this service.

Yours sincerely, Rebecca Gregory, Complaint Specialist