Missed bins, Shaw and Crompton 20 May


I am informed that due to vehicle issues on Friday there are about 2.5 hours of paper and cardboard outstanding in the Shaw and Crompton area.  This area includes:

  • 1.5 hours on Marlfield Road, Wood Street, Thornham Road area
  • 1 hour on Edward Street, Netherhouse Road, Victoria Street area

Please note that there will be a vehicle out from 7:30 am on Saturday morning to complete this work.

Disappearance of Royal Mail Post Box Hillside Avenue, Shaw, Oldham, OL2 8TW


Sent a similar letter a couple of weeks ago about the box that is missing at the end of Longley Street/Oldham Road.  I am also aware the one at the entrance to Dunwood Park Courts has yet to be replaced.  This is clearly part of a wider problem if anybody knows of any other that have ‘disappeared’ in Shaw and Crompton please let me know.

Mr Mike Newnham, Chief Customer Officer, Royal Mail Plc, 100 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0HQ

Dear Mr Newnham,

Re: Disappearance of Royal Mail Post Box Hillside Avenue, Shaw, Oldham, OL2 8TW.

I have been contacted by a number of my concerned constituents that their local Royal Mail Post Box has disappeared/been removed without any notice.

The mail box in question was situated on the bus turnaround, Hillside Avenue, Shaw, Oldham.

This is the closest mail box for a considerable distance and the locality needed without suitable public transport options which many residents of this area of my Ward rely on to get around.

I would welcome a dialog and some information about this matter.

In the past I have supported Royal Mail proposals to small re-locations so that the Post Box is still available to local residents and also ‘works’ for Royal Mail.

Hopefully you will be in a position to replace the Post Box as soon as possible to alleviate the inconvenience and distress it is causing for my constituents.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely

Howard Sykes

Missed bins , Shaw and Crompton 13 May


I have been informed we have the following collections outstanding from the Crompton/Shaw area:

  • Comingled – 1 hour Kendall Drive area
  • Comingled – 1 hour Jordan Ave area
  • Comingled – 1 hour Salt St area
  • Food & Garden – 3 hours around High Street, Beal Lane, Milnrow Road area
  • Food & Garden – 1 hour around Netherhouse Road area

There are two crews out on Saturday from 8am so will hopefully it will be be cleared for lunch time.



Dear Neighbour,

Just a quick note to remind you that today Thursday 5 May 2016, is polling day for the local elections.

Polling stations are open 7.00am to 10.00pm.  You do not need your polling card to vote.

It has been great to speak to so many local people in the campaign so far and I wanted to take the opportunity to thank everyone for their support and encouragement – it really is appreciated.

As you may be aware I am the only local candidate in Thursday’s election, and live I the heart of Shaw.  The others on the ballot paper come from Uppermill, Higginshaw and Sholver!  Many people have said to me ‘what do they know about Shaw and Crompton’.

Everything points to this election being very close between myself and the Labour candidate from Sholver.  Last year just 220 voted separated Labour from the Liberal Democrats,   YOUR vote will really make a difference and YOUR support would be really appreciated.

If you need a lift to the polls tomorrow call us on 01706 840056.

Best Wishes,


Councillor Howard Sykes

Shaw Liberal Democrat FOCUS Team

PS – Please remember it will be really very close between Liberal Democrats and Labour tomorrow.  Voting for the Conservative from Uppermill will just risk Labour sneaking in!

A personal message for YOU from Howard Sykes


Dear Fellow Shaw Ward Resident,

Soon it will be the local elections and you’ll have the opportunity to vote for your councillor for Shaw Ward.  I wanted to write to you personally, to ask YOU for your support on Thursday May 5.

I’ve lived in Shaw and Crompton for more than 50 years; my family has been brought up here and we live and work here in the heart of Shaw.  I’ve worked hard to help local residents and the community, where I live, with the issues that affect us but there is much more to do.

I listen to your views and concerns – at my regular ward surgeries, on one of my many ward walks, at dozens of community events and even in the aisles of ASDA, on Market Street or even in the Shay Wake on occasion!

I have a proven track record of action and I keep residents up-to-date through our all-year-round Focus newsletters and also via my website, Facebook, Twitter and email newsletters.

Shaw and Crompton deserve better from the Labour run Oldham Council and with YOUR help I want to continue to fight to make sure our area gets its fair share and is not forgotten or overlooked.

 I will make sure your voice is heard at Oldham Civic Centre.  I will fight on your behalf for:

  • A new Health Centre for Shaw and Crompton.
  • To get our roads and footways repaired.
  • To keep our town and neighbourhoods clean and tidy.
  • To support Shaw’s thriving community and it’s voluntary organisations.
  • To provide a swimming and leisure facility for Shaw and Crompton.

Thank you for taking the time to read this message.

Best wishes,

Howard Sykes 

PS.  Your vote in the local elections on 5 May could make the difference. In Shaw it is always very close in the local elections between Labour and the Liberal Democrats.

The Conservative from Uppermill will come either a very poor third or fourth, so a vote for them just lets Labour sneak in.  Please consider lending me your vote to stop Labour’s candidate from Sholver getting in.

Kerrching Grants


What it is: Kerrching – Youth Opportunity Fund is a pot of money that is specifically for young people.  The fund aims to provide opportunities for young people in their leisure time that will improve their health and wellbeing and enable young people to lead healthy lifestyles

The fund is: For activities for all young people aged 11-19 (or up to age 25 if the young people have additional needs).  It is managed by young people from Oldham Youth Council who will be making decisions about the allocation of funds.

This year, we have the opportunity to award grants to youth and community groups within Oldham in the form of the Kerrching grants awards.  We are offering a maximum of £2,000 to groups in order to enhance their health and well being of young people.

We are inviting nominations from all types of groups who currently offer positive activities and opportunities for positive engagement to young people in Oldham.

Priority Outcomes for the funding: The theme of the funding is health and we will only fund applications for activities that clearly address at least one of the following priority outcomes:

  • Improving the emotional health and mental health of young people
  • Increase levels of physical activity
  • Improves Sexual health and positive relationships
  • Reduces substance misuse – including Alcohol, drugs, tobacco and legal highs.

Applications will be assessed by members of the Youth Council.  The deadline for applications is Monday 23rd May at 3pm   – We will not accept any applications received after this time.

Applications can be sent electronically via email to Pam.jennings@Oldham.gov.uk – or you can print out the form and complete by hand – returning it to us on the address below

If you have any queries or would like further information please contact: Jodie Barber, Senior Youth Work Manager, Integrated Youth Services – Central team, Room 222 – Youth Council Offices, Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham OL1 1UL.  0161 770 3117.  Jodie.barber@oldham.gov.uk

Missed bins, Shaw and Crompton 22 April


Please note that I have been informed there are two small pockets of food and garden waste (green bins) outstanding from today’s collections.

I have been told this is due to an unseasonal amount of garden waste being placed out for collection this week.

The two areas are:

  • Grains Road/Mark Lane area (approx. 2 hours)
  • Bedford/Surrey/Dorset Ave area (approx. 1 hour)

Please be aware that any outstanding collections will be undertaken first thing tomorrow morning starting from 7:30am.

New Health Centre for Shaw takes a massive step forward

HS Health Centre shirt web

£500K made available to progress business case for a new Health Centre for Shaw and Crompton.

Local Shaw and Crompton Liberal Democrat Councillors Howard Sykes and Diane Williamson have welcomed the news £500,000 has been released to the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to develop the final business case for a new health centre for Shaw and Crompton.

“We were really pleased to hear the fantastic news that £500,000 has been made available to carry out a feasibility study and business case for a new centre,” stated Councillor Sykes.  “Locally we are campaigning for the site vacated by the demolition of Crompton Pool and its car park to be used for a new Health Centre.”

“We have a new substation lying empty right near the former baths site that was built specially to power a new health centre so the CCG needs to build a case, and make a bid and get the centre built,” he added.

“Staff at Crompton Health Centre do an absolutely fantastic job in a building that is far from state of the art,” said Councillor Williamson.  “For too long now Shaw and Crompton residents have been forced to use a centre that is well past its prime to say the least.”

“Residents in Shaw and Crompton deserve excellent health facilities in their home town.  We need more services here, rather than always being expected to travel to Royton or further afield.  If you have a car, then it is relatively easy to get to Royton Health Centre, but you can’t park.  If you use public transport, then it can prove a hassle and timings are not great,” stated Councillor Sykes.

“A new facility for Shaw and Crompton would provide a range of quality primary care services for the locality, which will be more accessible to the frail and elderly and those with young children,” said Councillor Williamson.  “These services will also help ease pressure on other services within the NHS by reducing A & E attendances and hospital admissions, and a new centre could also help develop clinical excellence by supporting on-site training for our GPs and nursing staff.”

Backed by a local Liberal Democrat campaign team, Councillors Sykes and Williamson stand ready to support an early bid for funding, but they have a worry.

Cllr Sykes explained: “Greater Manchester has not made a single successful bid in recent years to fund the building of a new NHS facility.  It’s about time they did so.  We want them to take this opportunity to build now on this ideal site.  We stand ready to support the CCG and in doing so and we are asking local residents to sign an on-line petition to demonstrate the strength of feeling in our town and that the whole community is behind such a bid and that we all want to see a state of the art health facility for Shaw and Crompton in the very near future.”

The on-line petition can be found at: http://howardsykes.mycouncillor.org.uk/petition-a-new-health-centre-for-shaw-and-crompton/