Labour lose majority on Oldham Council

Labour lose majority on Oldham Council

Labour – 27 Councillors

Liberal Democrats – 9 Councillors

Conservatives – 8 Councillors

Various so-called Independents – 16 Councillors

These have been tense and hard-fought local elections. This year, the Liberal Democrats suffered a setback at the ballot box (loss of 1 seat).  

Politics is a tough gig. I want to say thank you to Hazel Gloster (Lib Dem Shaw) who lost by just 50 votes, for her exemplary service to our Borough, Shaw and Crompton and our residents.  

Our councillors have worked hard and served our communities as only Liberal Democrat councillors can. 

I also want to thank everyone who put their trust in the Liberal Democrats at these elections across Oldham.  

We are the hardest working party in Oldham and we represent a fair deal for every corner of our Borough. We are still the largest group after Labour with nine and we will be back with more.

Sunday 5 May – Tour De Manc comes to town

Sunday 5 May – Tour De Manc comes to town.

Get ready for the Tour De Manc charity ride coming through Shaw & Crompton this Sunday 5th May 2024.

The Mad Manc route is one of 4 routes which over 1500 riders will cycle round Great Manchester Boroughs for more information

On Sunday 5th May, over 1500 riders will be taking part in the Tour de Manc! 🚴‍♂️

Expect increased cyclist activity from 7:00am to 5:45pm along roads in Chadderton, Royton, Shaw, Denshaw, Delph, Diggle, Dobcross, Uppermill and Greenfield. Here’s a map link showing the affected areas: Routes & Boroughs 2024 – Google My Maps

1,069 Oldham residents get £60 vouchers after councillor identifies payment problem

1,069 Oldham residents get £60 vouchers after councillor identifies payment problem

Over 1,000 residents in Oldham have been sent a voucher for £60 after Councillor Sam Al-Hamdani identified that they had been missed off for a household support fund payment over Christmas.

After a resident had contacted him because their mother had not received the voucher, he organised her payment, but also asked why the problem had happened and if it had affected anyone else.

After pursuing the issue for three months, it was identified that the Department of Work and Pensions had changed the way in which they provided the qualifying data to the Council, which hadn’t been picked up. Once it was, and the data was processed correctly, an extra 1,069 residents were identified who had not received the initial payment.

Liberal Democrat Councillor Sam Al-Hamdani said: “I was frankly taken aback when I saw the number of people that it had affected.

“Both the council officers and I wanted to make sure that the problem couldn’t happen again. They did all the hard work of tracking down how the data from the Department of Work and Pensions had changed, resulting in it not getting processed properly. I just kept asking the question ‘Why has this happened?’.”

The payments are made to carers, disabled residents and housing benefit claimants who are not in receipt of Council Tax reductions.

Sam continued: “As a councillor, you take care of the problems that people come to you with, regardless of the number of people it affects. In this case, I started off just fixing one payment for one person.

“It’s definitely not every day that you end up doing something that benefits over 1,000 people. But it’s the sort of thing that you can only do by doing this job, and it really makes it worthwhile.”

West Street and West Street Bus Station closed 13 – 19 May 24

West Street and West Street Bus Station closed 13 – 19 May 24.

This is a total closure, and no vehicles will be allowed on West Street. Most bus services have been relocated onto Cheapside Bus Station, except for the 409 Service which will continue on Rochdale Road both directions omitting the Bus Station.

Cheapside Bus Station will be extremely busy for the week, bus drivers have been asked to arrive as late as possible to their departure times as they may be asked to load and go in exceptional circumstances, or to circle around if the Stand is busy.