Last orders for many Oldham pubs

Oldham publicans will be able to summon up little festive cheer as they face a bleak mid-winter with the latest Christmas lockdown.  In a speech in Parliament last week, Health Secretary Matt Hancock MP announced that the Borough will be in Tier-3 once the national lockdown ends at midnight on December 2 meaning that for the foreseeable future no pubs will be able to open.  It is also unlikely to change when this is first reviewed in two weeks.

The Oldham Liberal Democrats are concerned that for many struggling pubs another lockdown over what should be for publicans the busiest trading period of the year will lead to permanent closure.  Liberal Democrat Group Leader, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, wants to see the government do more to help struggling pubs.  He also feels Oldham Council can play its part.

Commenting, Councillor Sykes said:  “Hundreds of thousands of people are employed in pubs across the UK.  Landlords have invested financially and emotionally in their businesses and yet time-after-time they are being kicked in the teeth as government financial support for the sector is insufficient.  Many owners are living without any income and fast depleting their savings.  Staff lay-offs are increasing, and, in my own ward, one pub has so far certainly closed for good.  I suspect it will be the first of many.”

Pubs have endured two national lockdowns, invested millions in their staff and facilities to make pubs Covid – safe for customers, and adapted to requirements to record Track and Trace details, to only serving alcohol with ‘substantial meals’, to serving customers at tables instead of at the bar, and closing at 10pm.   

From December 3, all but three areas of the UK will be in Tiers 2 and 3.  Oldham is in Tier-3 meaning that all pubs will remain closed.  Even if local conditions change sufficiently for the Borough to move into Tier-2, only pubs serving ‘substantial meals’ will be able to open.  Pubs can however continue to sell alcohol and food to customers through home deliveries, takeaways and drive-through purchases if items are pre-ordered.

Councillor Sykes believes it would be unlikely for Oldham to move into Tier-1 for many months, meaning ‘wet’ pubs will be at significant risk of closure.  He added:  “Smaller establishments which serve beer, but no food, will have no realistic prospect of opening for months, and for many such pubs in Oldham the latest lockdown could represent last orders.”

“I want to see the government providing pubs with a bespoke package of financial support that enables them to survive until they can reopen.  I would also like to see Oldham Council promote pubs which are selling products online to give them some income at this difficult time.”

HAPPY LANCASHIRE DAY – 27 November 2020

To the people of the city and county palatine of Lancaster


Know ye that this day, November 27th in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and twenty, the 69th year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Duke of Lancaster, is

Lancashire Day

Know ye also, and rejoice, that by virtue of Her Majesty’s County Palatine of Lancaster, the citizens of the Hundreds of Lonsdale, North and South of the Sands, Amounderness, Leyland, Blackburn, Salford and West Derby are forever entitled to style themselves Lancastrians.

Throughout the County Palatine, from the Furness Fells to the River Mersey, from the Irish Sea to the Pennines, this day shall ever mark the people’s pleasure in that excellent distinction – true Lancastrians, proud of the Red Rose and loyal to our Sovereign Duke.


Shaw Market – Thursday 26 November


Good afternoon,   I’m emailing to let you know that the Shaw Market traders permitted to trade under lockdown regulations have decided not to trade tomorrow. 
During the 2nd Lockdown, three traders have been in regular attendance – however they have informed the market team that the community are not attending to support them and therefore they’ve not traded well. 

They have therefore provided us with notice today that they will not be in attendance tomorrow for the last Market of this lockdown period.  They have all confirmed that they are happy to return next Thursday when hopefully more members of the community will attend to support their trade.   

Liberal Democrats welcome adjournment on Green Belt homes plan debate

The Oldham Council Liberal Democrat Group has welcomed tonight’s (25/11/20) decision at a full meeting of Oldham Council to postpone the decision on whether to approve the controversial plan to build housing on the Green Belt. 

The plan, backed by the Labour Mayor of Greater Manchester and Labour Leaders of the Greater Manchester local authorities, would if adopted in Oldham mean 11,817 new homes built in the borough by 2037.  Many hundreds of homes would be built on greenfield sites in Shaw and Crompton represented by Liberal Democrat Councillors.

Last week, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, wrote to the Leader of the Council asking for an adjournment after councillors in Salford and Stockport failed to reach their own decisions on the plan. 

Commenting, Councillor Sykes said:  “The Greater Manchester Spatial Framework will deliver tens of thousands of new homes across the whole of the city region.  Each one of the ten authorities in Greater Manchester is expected to share the burden.  We need to know what will change in Salford and Stockport before we arrive at our decision as it could have an impact on the residents of this Borough.  More houses may come our way as a result as housing numbers may be displaced.”

Councillor Sykes welcomed the cross-party decision tonight adding:  “After the many delays, amounting to years, that have already occurred in making the final decision on the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework, an extra delay at this point of a few weeks to provide time for the situation in Salford and Stockport to become clearer represents common-sense.”

Retain Rail to Refuge to save women from abusive relationships, says Liberal Democrat Leader

In advance of the UN Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (25 November), the Oldham Liberal Democrats have written to government ministers asking for the Rail to Refuge scheme, which supplies free train tickets to enable women to flee domestic violence, to be made permanent.

The letter sent by the Leader of the Opposition, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, on behalf of his colleagues to the Secretary of State for Transport, Grant Shapps MP, and the Home Office Minister responsible for safeguarding women and children, Victoria Atkins MP, suggests that retaining the scheme is both a ‘necessary and logical thing’ to do.

Councillor Sykes has also twice written to the Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, seeking his support.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, domestic violence has hugely increased.  Tragically, two women are killed every week in the UK by abusive partners and ex-partners.  Often the only way they can escape a violent partner is to move to a place of safety across the country, but such women frequently do not have access to the money needed to pay for train tickets.  At present, the scheme is time-limited and is currently due to end in March 2021.

Councillor Howard Sykes said:  “Rail to Refuge is both brilliant and simple because it enables women to access free train tickets to allow them and their children to find a place of safety swiftly. The public money invested in this scheme will spare countless women and children from abuse or death, and it will enable them to transform their lives in a place of safety, so making this scheme permanent would be the only decent and humane choice to make.” 

Carers rights day – 26 November 2020

About Carers Rights Day

Whether you are a new carer or have been caring for someone for a while, we believe that it’s important that you understand your rights and are able to access the support that is available to you as soon as you need it. Each year, Carers Rights Day helps us:

  • ensure carers are aware of their rights
  • let carers know where to get help and support
  • raise awareness of the needs of carers.

The theme for Carers Rights Day 2020 is ‘Know Your Rights’

In a recent survey of nearly 6,000 carers, we found:

  • Four in five unpaid carers are providing more care for relatives
  • 78% reported that the needs of the person they care for have increased during the pandemic
  • Two thirds (67%) worried about how they will cope through further lockdowns or local restrictions.

Carers need to know their rights wherever they are in their caring journey: whether they are in the workplace, in a healthcare setting, when interacting with professionals or at home. This Carers Rights Day, we want to empower carers with information and support, so they can feel confident asking for what they need. We also want carers to know how to challenge things when their rights are not being met.

If you are caring for someone and want to know more about your rights, click here to read our Looking after someone guide.

Front line health workers, carers and relatives of care home residents must be top priority in mass testing, say Liberal Democrats

The Oldham Council Liberal Democrat Group wants to see front line health and care workers and the relatives of care home residents given top priority when mass COVID-19 testing is rolled out across Oldham.   

The Government has announced that Oldham will be one of 67 new areas to be targeted for mass testing because of the high number of new cases detected each week in the Borough.

Testing the front line health and care workers in our National Health Service and care homes who are leading the fight to save the lives and alleviate the suffering of others from this terrible disease must, for the Liberal Democrats, be an absolute priority, but Group Leader, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, makes a plea for a third category of our residents not be overlooked. 

According to a recent survey carried out by Age UK, seven out of ten people with a close relative in a care home have not seen them since the start of the pandemic in March.

Commenting Councillor Sykes said:  “In this pandemic, one of the greatest tragedies has been seeing the forced separation of the residents of our care homes from their loved ones.  For the residents of the care homes in our Borough who have waited many months to finally meet up with family this cannot come soon enough, and that is why we believe that the relatives of the residents of care homes should be prioritised and offered access to tests so they can arrange to visit.  Let’s hope this can happen in time for Christmas.”