Liberal Democrat Group Officers and Shadow Cabinet announced for 2019/20

The Leader of the Opposition and of the Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, has today announced the appointment of his Shadow Cabinet Team and appointments to boards and committees for 2019/20.  The Liberal Democrat Group has also elected its officers.

Councillor Howard Sykes said:  “I am looking forward to once more leading the Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council.  I am especially pleased that the Group is being joined by two new colleagues, Councillor Louie Hamblett representing Crompton and Councillor Sam Al-Hamdani representing Saddleworth West and Lees.  Louie and Sam are already experienced parish councillors and I know that they are both keen to make a difference.”

“Voters can rest assured that the Oldham Liberal Democrats will continue to oppose Labour’s waste, inefficiency and centralisation tendancies and we will always speak up for fair treatment for our citizens and for value-for-money services and common sense solutions.  As ever, the Liberal Democrats remain the only party holding Labour to account on Oldham Council, and we shall continue to take that responsibility seriously.”

Details of positions:

Name of Councillor Role
Councillor Howard Sykes Group Leader
Councillor Chris Gloster Deputy Group Leader
Councillor Diane Williamson Group Secretary
Councillor Hazel Gloster Group Treasurer
Councillor Garth Harkness Group Political Secretary
Name of Councillor Portfolio
Howard Sykes Economy and Enterprise (Opposition Leader)
Garth Harkness Education and Skills
Hazel Gloster Children’s Services
Louie Hamblett Health and Social Care
Dave Murphy Neighbourhood Services
Diane Williamson Policing and Communities
Sam Al-Hamdani Housing
Chris Gloster Finance and Corporate Resources
(Opposition Deputy Leader)
Name of Councillor Board / Committee
Chris GlosterAudit Committee
Garth HarknessOverview and Scrutiny Board
Diane WilliamsonPerformance and Value for Money Committee
Hazel GlosterPlanning Committee
Chris GlosterLicensing Committee
Diane WilliamsonStandards Committee
Dave MurphyPetitions and Traffic Regulation Orders
Name of Councillor District
Diane WilliamsonChair, Shaw and Crompton
Sam Al-HamdaniOfficial Spokesperson, Saddleworth and Lees



ALL WELCOME: Meeting of Friends of Crompton Moor – 13 May, 7:30pm, St Saviours Church, Buckstones Road –

Hi All,

Just to let you know that our next meeting will be on Monday the 13th of May 2019 BUT at a change of venue just for this one meeting.

The meeting will be at St. Saviours Church on Pingot Lane, off Buckstones road, Shaw.   7:30 pm until 9:00 pm.   (The Park Inn has a private booking on the 13th May)

A small charge of £1 for members and £2 for non-members will be requested at the door.

The Church are kindly letting us use their premises free of charge as the meeting is for the benefit of the community.

So any money made from entry or donations will be used also for the benefit of the community, by using it to take care of Crompton Moor.

This will be an open meeting for anyone to come along and find out more about the future of Crompton Moor.  

FCM will start the meeting with a general / overall talk about Crompton Moor; followed by Manchester City of Trees and Moors for the Future; who will each explain their involvement and also provide more information about themselves.

There will be films, slides, photographs and lots of information etc. 

Tea, Coffee, Fruit Juice, and of course cakes and biscuits will be provided for just a small donation of your own choice.

Could you all please let me know if you are coming, as it would be very helpful to know how many will be attending?

Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Monday the 13th of May at 7:30pm,


Marian Herod

Secretary – Friends of Crompton Moor

07792 156295

Outstanding paper/card (blue bin) collections in Shaw and Crompton 3 May


There are outstanding pockets of paper/ card collections which are affecting residents in Crompton and Shaw. The specific areas affected are :

  • 1.5 hours – Surrounding areas of Rushcroft Primary School
  • 1 hour – Junction of Beal Lane/Mark Lane leading up towards The Morning Star

Please can we advise any resident affected this will be collected first thing on Monday morning.

Shaw and Crompton election results 2 May 2019

Shaw Ward

Result: LIB DEM Hold

Turnout: 29.54%

Name Party Number of votes
Liberal Democrats 1121
Green Party 112
Labour and Co-operative
The Conservative Party
UK Independence Party

Councillor Chris Gloster said, “I am truly humbled to have been re-elected as the Liberal Democrat Councillor to serve Shaw and Crompton. With over 50% of the vote in a five horse race it is clear that the voting public recognise the hard work, done all year round, that the Liberal Democrat team do for our community. “

“It was particularly satisfying to see how well Oldham Liberal Democrats  did in Oldham Borough with two new councillors elected, Louie Hamblett in Crompton and Sam Al-Hamdani in Saddleworth West and Lees, sending a clear message to Oldham Council that the public do not believe their rhetoric about Greenbelt Land Grab, and are tired with them not listening to their views.”

Crompton Ward

Result: LIB DEM Hold

Turnout: 32.20%

Name Party Number of votes
The Conservative Party
Liberal Democrats 1233
Colin Francis
UK Independence Party
Labour Party 391