Better buses campaign

Buses in Greater Manchester should be as good as buses in London. We need TfL style regulation in all our cities to make buses work for passengers not profit @BetterBusesGM #OurBuses Sign the petition now for better buses  

Very happy to support this campaign regulation is the key to better public transport across Greater Manchester and especially with buses.

Good enough for London why not us!


Please be aware that due to the knock on effect of two major vehicle breakdowns earlier this week we will not finish our food and garden collections today.

The Council will have pockets of uncollected bins across the Royton, Shaw and Crompton areas.

Residents please asked them to leave any bins/caddies out for collection.

Their intention is to hopefully finish collections on Saturday with any issues (i.e. no access etc) mopped up by end of play Monday.

THIS EVENT HAS NOW BEEN CANCELLED! Countryside Volunteer Rangers Crompton Moor – Sunday 28 April 19

Hope you can join me this Sunday, our tasks being subject to the availability of the ‘Landie’, and a short length of drainage pipe !

The weather forecast for Sunday is light rain and a moderate breeze, likely temperatures of 9º/11º and 11 mph winds (hardly a moderate breeze!) so ensure you have your favourite hot & or cold liquids, warm clothing, appropriate footwear and a packed lunch if you are up for the day – it may feel colder than it really is depending on where we are on the moor.

If you have any issues that you may wish to discuss prior to Sunday, please do not hesitate to email (on either address) or text / phone me on 07961107860.

For those of you that have not already done so, please could you let me know if you intend to join us on the day.  

I look forward to seeing you in the Crompton Moor Car Park from 10.30 onwards on Sunday. Thank you.

Kindest Regards – Edward John Fulton (aka Ed / Eddie). Countryside Volunteer Ranger, (Mob) 07961 107860 [Calls may be recorded], (Text) 07961 107860, (Fax)  01706 61813, (E) , (E)

Why vote Liberal Democrat in the Local Elections on May 2?

The Liberal Democrats are the only effective opposition to Labour. Oldham’s four Conservative Councillors say and do nothing’. The eight Liberal Democrats speak up on the issues that affect you, challenge Labour when their decisions hurt our borough’s residents, and seek improvements to Council services.

Oldham Council has lost £208 million a year from its budget because of Conservative Government cuts and services are under serious threat.

We believe that Oldham Council must get the basics right.  In our ‘alternate annual budgets’ we have found more money for:

  • street and gully cleaning;
  • tackling fly-tipping and dog-fouling;
  • resurfacing roads and fixing pot holes; and
  • youth services.

We would pay for this by cutting back on Civic Centre bureaucracy.

We would also reduce the number of councillors from 60 to 40.

We have made proposals to revitalise our town and district centres, improve our environment and public transport, and tackle the poverty that is still so prevalent in the Borough.

The Liberal Democrats also remain implacably opposed to the monstrous green land grab represented by the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework.

This Framework comes from the ten Labour Council Leaders and the Labour Mayor of Greater Manchester, following instructions from a Conservative Government which wants to build 50,000 more homes than are necessary.

The Liberal Democrats oppose any housing or industrial development on our irreplaceable green belt and open land.  There are enough brownfield sites and derelict or empty buildings to accommodate any new housing or businesses.

We believe that empty homes should be brought back into use, empty mills and shops converted into houses, and that more homes can be built in Oldham town centre where the amenities are located, rather than burden our outer districts where infrastructure is lacking.

In Saddleworth, smaller sites, some of them astoundingly unsuitable for development have been offered up by Labour for housing in the next phase of the project.  

In Springhead the green spaces of Thornley Brook and Ashbrook are under threat again, with developers currently appealing against the recent decision to reject their plans.  We will continue to campaign against the development which would turn vital green space into executive homes.

In Shaw and Crompton, Labour closed our swimming baths, our youth centre, and our municipal tip.  Labour has failed to address the shortage of local school places or replace our aging health centre.  We believe that a new larger health centre with more specialist services should also be built to serve the people of Saddleworth.

This year, please vote Liberal Democrat to elect Councillors who:

  • Are not afraid to face the challenges in local government head on – delivering on the basics like cleaner streets, fly-tipping, safer roads, and better schools while squeezing better value from your Council Tax.
  • Put people and communities first.
  • Are totally opposed to building on our green belt.

With the Liberal Democrats you will get Local Councillors who are on your side!

Conservative Government fails to publish plan to reform care for the FIFTH time!

Commenting on the news that the Government has missed its own deadline for a fifth time in failing to publish details of care system reforms for disabled adults and older people, the Leader of the Opposition and the Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, said:

“It is inexcusable that while people with social care needs are no longer receiving the care they need because of a lack of resources, causing distress to individuals and their families and putting additional strain on the NHS, the Conservative Government has yet again shown how uncaring it is by kicking the can down the road.”

“The Conservatives are so distracted with Brexit, that one of their key policy promises at the last election – to fix the problems in social care – is being completely ignored.  The Government said it was going to first publish the social care green paper in the summer of 2017, but it has been put back again and again. The Health Secretary Matt Hancock told Members of Parliament in January of this year that he would publish by April 2019 and now he has again reneged on that promise.”

Councillor Sykes added: “The delay has had a real impact on older people. Shockingly Age UK claims that 50,000 older people have died whilst waiting for the promised support.”

“The Liberal Democrats have repeatedly called on the Government to publish its Green Paper as a first step to tackling the crisis in social care, and we stand ready and willing to face the challenges in social care.  We would transform the care older people receive and reduce the inequality in provision, and we would put a penny in the pound on income tax to directly invest in social care as a first step to address the funding crisis.  Our older people deserve nothing less.  How we treat them speaks volumes about the type of society we wish to live in!”

Conservatives force Green Belt Land Grab in Shaw, Crompton, Royton, Saddleworth and elsewhere in Oldham Borough!

The Leader of the Opposition and the Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE. has roundly condemned the Conservative Government for unilaterally withdrawing a £68 million housing fund promised to Greater Manchester that would have mostly been used to make brownfield sites suitable for housing redevelopment.

The Outline Housing Package, agreed in 2017 between the Government and the ten local authorities in Greater Manchester, included £50m to help remediate brownfield land.

Councillor Sykes added: “Greater Manchester was the location of the first industrial revolution.  Oldham Borough was at the heart of the cotton industry.  Consequently, many of our brownfield sites suffer from significant contamination, which is the result of previous industrial use as cotton mills; chemical and coal gas plants; coal mines; and dye works.  It has been estimated that remediation costs on average at least £250,000 per acre and redevelopment is often unaffordable without this subsidy.”

Councillor Sykes said: “Put more bluntly this is effectively the Conservatives forcing local authorities to build on our precious green belt and this illustrates their complete hypocrisy when their own supposed policy is to encourage Councils to ‘maximise the contribution’ of brownfield sites in meeting housing need.  Locally Liberal Democrats remain opposed to whole sale green belt development and we always will be.”

Note:The reference to ‘maximising the contribution’ of brownfield sites comes from the Conservative Government’s own White Paper ‘Fixing our Broken Housing Market’.