Temporary traffic signals on Beal Lane, Shaw from 6 August for 2 weeks

temporary-traffic-lightsExcalon Ltd will be laying a new electric cable along Beal Lane between Duke Street and Britannia Avenue commencing Monday 6 August for two weeks. The signals will be manually operated throughout the working day to manage queue lengths.

Works Supervisor and contact number: Julian Cuciorva – 07551 171228. 

Emergency Contact & Telephone Number in the Event of Traffic Signal Failure: 08081 685644.  

See links for more details: beal 2   beal 3




Tim Farron MP visits Shaw

Tim Farron visits Shaw

Former Liberal Democrat Party President and candidate in the Liberal Democrat Leadership election Rt Hon Tim Farron MP took time out from his busy schedule for a private members meeting at the United Reformed Church in Shaw last Friday (10 July).

The MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale answered questions about Welfare Reform, the EU and Immigration, the Living wage and the recent General Election results and the Lib Dem #Fightback.

Oldham Lib Dems Campaign for End to Water Poverty


The Oldham Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council wants to see an end to water poverty. At next Wednesday’s (15th July) Council meeting, the Shadow Cabinet Member for Housing, Planning, and Highways, Cllr Dave Murphy will propose a motion outlining a plan of action to help see off water poverty in the borough.

Cllr Murphy said: “For customers on low incomes, water bills can represent a real headache. Studies have shown that where customers are expected to pay more than three percent of their household income on meeting water bills they often get into arrears.

“Many people in Oldham have been hard hit by welfare reform or are in low-paid jobs so they can be in this situation. Social landlords no longer collect water charges alongside the rent and some social tenants have fallen into arrears as a result.

“Oldham also has the highest number of Universal Credit claimants in the UK. This benefit is paid monthly in arrears and some claimants struggle with monthly budgeting. This can lead to claimants falling into debt with utility providers.

“Regional water provider United Utilities has three million customers with around 300,000 in arrears at any one time. Our motion seeks to identify how Oldham Council can help them to get back on track with their bills by promoting the support that is already available from United Utilities and the Government for those who are struggling to pay”.

The motion is seconded by Cllr Murphy’s Crompton ward colleague, Shadow Cabinet member for Neighbourhoods and Co-operatives, Cllr Diane Williamson.

Cllr Williamson added: “Now that we have a new Tory Government no longer fettered by more moderate coalition partners, welfare benefit cuts are going to bite even deeper and we need to make sure that everyone is aware of the help that is available to them if they are struggling with water bills.

“United Utilities already has several schemes to support customers struggling to pay a bill or settle arrears and the Government has schemes that allow direct bill payments from benefits and that cap bills for customers with larger families or certain medical conditions.

“The Liberal Democrats want Oldham Council to work with United Utilities to actively publicise these schemes in Oldham and for all front-line advisors who are working with vulnerable or poor customers to receive training so they know what help is available for their clients. There is also a pot of money available that the Council can bid for from the company’s charitable trust that would pay for specialist advice and help to be provided for customers at risk of water poverty.”

“We also want to support the efforts of United Utilities to gain more public support for the idea of a social tariff, where a small levy of all customers is used to subsidise water charges for the less fortunate”.

Cllr Murphy continued: “But this is not just about taking action locally. We want the Government to establish a new legal definition of water poverty – like they have with fuel poverty and like we have recently called for in relation to food poverty – so that it can be measured to identify the full extent of the problem.

“But it is even more important for us to together work to eliminate it; that is why the Oldham Liberal Democrats is calling on Government to establish an ambitious national plan to eliminate water poverty in the lifetime of this Parliament.”

 Notice of Opposition Business – Water Poverty

This Council notes that:

For customers on low incomes, water bills can represent a real financial challenge.

The water industry, water regulator, consumer groups, academics and government deem that paying for water consumption becomes problematic for households is when they spend more than 3 per cent of their household income on water costs. This threshold is taken as a measure of ‘water poverty’.

Studies have found that households who spend at least 3 to 5 per cent of household income on water consumption often struggle to pay their bill.

However, Council further notes that:

Regional water provider United Utilities has several schemes to support customers struggling to pay a bill or settle arrears. These include a trust fund, a debt matching and write-off scheme, and a new social tariff. Government also endorses schemes to promote direct payment from benefits and provide a capped bill for larger families or customers with certain medical conditions.

Many low-income households are unaware of the support available to them.

Council believes that:

More action is needed from central Government to address ‘water poverty’.

More should be done in Oldham to promote awareness of, and access to, the support schemes available to customers facing ‘water poverty’.

Council therefore resolves to:

Promote the availability of these support schemes on-line, in our publications, in our public buildings, and at public events, as part of the ‘Make the Most of Your Money’ and ‘Warm Homes’ campaigns.

Work with United Utilities and the United Utilities Trust to offer training to elected members and front-line staff so they can actively promote them.

Offer this training to staff and volunteers from social landlords and other partners.

Support the research being undertaken by United Utilities to establish greater public acceptance for the social tariff and to identify the most effective ways to engage and support ‘harder-to-reach’ customers.

Support an application to the United Utilities Trust for funding to deliver, through partner agencies, money advice and financial literacy services targeted at ‘water poor’ customers.

Ask the Chief Executive to write to the Secretary of State for the Environment, The Rt, Hon. Liz Truss MP, requesting that:

‘Water poverty’ be defined in law and that it be measured.

The Government establish an action plan and make a definite commitment to eliminate ‘water poverty’ within the lifetime of this Parliament.


Sykes back Tim Farron MP in Lib Dem Leadership contest

JH_TF_1_6G0C6198_TIM_UPLOAD_ivoafi“Given the devastation of our local government base over the past five years, and the near annihilation of our Parliamentary Party on 7th May, the question we face at this election is quite simply this: who will lead us to re-capture that lost ground and make further gains?  When I look at Tim’s record as a campaigner, the formidable electoral team he has built, and his ability to connect with ordinary voters, whilst I greatly admire Norman, I believe that Tim is the man to lead us forward at this time.”


Oldham Lib Dems win National Award at Local Government Conference

Putting LD Values award pic with ROThe Leader of the Opposition and of the Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, was delighted to collect a national award from Cllr Gerald Vernon-Jackson Lib Dem Leader at the Local Government Association, at the Liberal Democrat Local Government Conference on Saturday, which was held in Manchester.

Party Leadership contender Tim Farron MP presented the award to the Oldham Liberal Democrat Group (see picture attached).

Examples were cited of the group’s work opposing food poverty and benefit sanctions, upholding local democracy, and working to make Oldham Council the first local authority to sign the European Union’s Pledge to Peace.

Cllr Sykes said: “This award for ‘Putting Liberal Values into Practice’ was totally unexpected so we were all pleased as punch to receive it. It represents national recognition of the hard work that local Councillors carry out in championing liberal causes, not only in the Council chamber and on the doorstep, but also by lobbying Government ministers.

“In Council, we seek to bring practical proposals for debate and adoption that can transform the lives of Oldham people for the better and in Parliament we seek to challenge injustice and change legislation.”

“This was just the boost that local Liberal Democrats needed to keep up the fight to ensure that our agenda is heard both in Council but also in the corridors of Westminster power”.


advice-signpost2Shaw and Crompton Advice Centres/Ward Surgeries

Shaw Ward Councillors Howard Sykes, Rod Blyth, Chris Gloster.  Parish Councillors Aspinall, Farrell, Hall, Hamblett, Stephens or Wood will also attend.

Crompton Ward Councillors Diane Williamson, Dave Murphy and Julia Turner.  Parish Councillors Blackburn, Dodd, Duffy, Tindall or Turner will also attend

7.30pm – 8.30 pm, Lifelong Learning Centre, High Street, Shaw, OL2 8TB 

  • June: 4, 11, 18, 25. 
  • July: 2, 9. 
  • September: 3, 10, 17, 24. 
  • October: 1, 8, 15, 22. 
  • November: 5, 12, 19, 26. 


John Dillon and Mark Alcock – tribute, who stood down from Oldham Council this May

thank-youSpeech on Councillor John Dillon and Mark Alcock who did are not seek re-election this May – from Oldham Council meeting 20 May 2015 by Councillor Howard Sykes

Mr Mayor,I would like to take this opportunity to say a few words in recognition of the many years of service given by Councillor John Dillon and Mark Alcock in this Chamber and to the Electors of Crompton and Shaw respectively and in recognition also of their friendship and camaraderie within the Liberal Democrat Group.

I would first like to pay tribute to John.

John joined the SDP (the Social Democratic Party) at its launch in 1981.

John is one of the longest serving members in this Chamber with 29 years of service to his credit.

He contested Crompton Ward unsuccessfully for three years – in 1982, 1983 and 1984 – before being elected on his fourth attempt in 1986 with a majority of 134, becoming Oldham’s first SDP Councillor.

John served as the Mayor of the Borough in 2000.

Members will be aware of John’s abiding passion for transport issues so I am sure he found it gratifying to find himself opening Cheapside Bus Station and being invited to the opening ceremony of the M60 motorway through the Borough from Denton to Heaton Park.

I know given half a chance he would have also relished opening Metrolink, but regrettably that came 12 years later.

As Mayor, John also had the honour of welcoming Her Royal Highness Princess Anne to the Borough, but unfortunately Her Highness had to take a long detour from the airport as the planned route did not take into account the newly opened motorway.

In opposition, John has also served as Shadow Cabinet member for the Environment between 2003 and 2005, and also 15 years’ service on the Planning Committee.

I know that John is very proud of his eight years’ service representing Oldham Borough on first the Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Authority and then Transport for Greater Manchester.

He joined this Body in 2000, became the Oldham Council spokesperson in 2008, and also served as Vice Chair of the Rail and Metrolink sub-committee. One of his great achievements was in helping to bring Metrolink to the Borough of Oldham.

John is also passionate about the place and the people of Shaw and Crompton.

Alongside me, John became a member of the inaugural Shaw and Crompton Parish Council in 1987 and became its Chairman in 1990, hosting a series of events to mark 125 years of local government in Shaw and Crompton. He served on the Parish Council until 2003.

He has previously served as Chair and Vice Chair of the Royton, Shaw and Crompton District Partnership and became Chair of Shaw and Crompton District Partnership in 2012.

Outside of the Council and Parish Council, John has been a regular at many Liberal Democrat conferences, attending with his wife Philomena and the late dear Ann Wingate.

So I would like to end this tribute to John by saying thank you John from myself, your colleagues in the Liberal Democrat Group, past and present and from the Electors of Crompton for your hard work, your commitment to public service and your friendship and I do hope you will have a long, happy and prosperous retirement with Philomena by your side.

I would now like to speak about my Shaw Ward colleague and friend, Mark Alcock.

Mark has served with distinction as a Cabinet Member in a previous Liberal Democrat Administration.

Members will recall the appalling notoriety that Oldham once had as a destination for cheap binge drinking and late night violence.

To his credit, Mark took on board a challenging portfolio and tackled this issue head on, achieving much in making the night time economy again safe for visitors to Yorkshire Street.

Way before Generation Oldham, Mark was First Generation Oldham as he has a proud record of working to make our Council and our Borough greener.

He introduced greener vehicles for the Council workforce, replaced environmentally damaging mineral water on Council premises with water fountains served by mains supply, and oversaw improvements in the use of water, electricity and gas in all Council buildings.

These all made a major contribution to reducing our carbon footprint and the cost to rate payers.

At AGMA (the Association of Greater Manchester Authorities), he served as Chair of the Environment Commission bringing in significant additional Government money for electric charging points, research into insulating the thousands of solid walled homes that we have, introducing a fibre optic programme across the Greater Manchester authorities and a host of other green initiatives.

I know though, from first-hand experience of working alongside Mark on day to day issues, that the work of which he is most proud is that which transforms the lives of everyday people.

Over his sixteen years of service (eight in Oldham and eight in South Ribble), Mark has assisted many thousands of people with cases from homelessness, council tax issues, fly tipping, school places, trading standards and many, many other issues.

As a fellow Ward Councillor, Mark has always impressed me with his commitment to fighting Shaw’s corner – whether it be in opposing the closure of our municipal tip or our swimming baths, or in speaking up to retain our market on its historic site.

He was the first councillor on the ground at the site in the recent tragic Shaw gas blast.

Like John, Mark will be much missed by his Liberal Democrat colleagues and I have greatly valued having him alongside me and Rod on many occasions.

I know though that Mark is leaving office for the right reasons and in the right frame of mind. For he is newly married – in December of last year – and now wants – and I quote him here – to “do all the normal things in the evening and weekends” that other married couples do.

I think there will be many an Elected Member in this Chamber tonight that will appreciate that sentiment and aspiration.

So John and Mark I wish you both the very best.

Thank you both for your service.

You will be sorely missed.